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"Look how pretty this is," I say as I run my fingers over the soft fabric of a throw pillow, the yellow material smooth and crinkling up as I pick the pillow up, turning to face David. He's looking down at his phone, humming out a quiet, uninterested response. "David," I say, putting down the pillow and crossing my arms. "This is your house, too. We're supposed to be furniture shopping together."

David's eyes flicker up to meet mine, an apologetic smile finding its' way across his lips. He turns his phone off and tucks it into his back pocket, reaching out to wrap an arm around my waist, pulling me in and nuzzling his face against my neck. "I'm sorry, petal. This is just really boring, that's all."

I scoff, swatting his chest lightly. David catches my hand with his, fingers interlocking and smile remaining on his pink lips. "I really don't care how the house looks, Lor. You're way better at this whole decorating thing." I roll my eyes but nevertheless return to aimlessly browsing the throw pillows, trying to think back to what exactly our new couch looks like. I select a few throw pillows and toss them into the shopping cart, keeping David's hand in mine as we continue to browse the store. "This is pretty," He says, pointing at a mirror as we walk by. He taps the tip of his finger against my face in the mirror, grin on his lips. "She's hot, yeah?"

"Shut up," I giggle, shoving him lightly. David cracks a smirk, leaning down to kiss the top of my head. "I love you, you dork." He shrugs his shoulders and squeezes my hip, murmuring the same words back.

"I can't believe we have a house together," David says as we walk out of the store together, him pushing the cart and me ambling close behind, my phone clasped in my hand. I'm replying to a few emails, thanking the moving company for doing such a good job and then setting a reminder to take my pills this evening.

I shrug my shoulders and smile, tucking my phone away as we reach the car. I help David unload the items, afterwards rounding the corner and climbing into the car, buckling up. David and I chatter back and forth quietly as he drives, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on my knee. "I love you a whole lot, you know that?" He asks, when the conversation dies down.

"Yeah," I say, tilting my head to look at him. He looks inexplicably pretty under the Los Angeles sunset, the window half-way rolled down as quiet music plays from the radio, only aiding in the pretty atmosphere. His eyes flicker over to look at me, catching my gaze. "I know. I love you a whole lot, too." His lips tilt up in a smile and he squeezes my knee.

"Can you believe we've been together for seven months?" He asks, glancing over at me as we slow down in typical evening traffic. "You know how much can happen in that much time?" I giggle and nod my head, reaching over to take his hand in mine. "A lot," David says, answering his own question. "I guess a lot has happened, huh?"

"Happy seven months," I say, leaning in to kiss his cheek. "There's no one I'd rather spend seven months with," I pause, biting my bottom lip. "Except, maybe, Nicki Minaj."

David chuckles and nods his head. "Can't blame you for that, petal."

I look down at the ring on my finger and twist it absentmindedly, smiling. "This all happened so fast," I say, tilting my chin up so that I'm looking at David again. "Like, seven months is a long time but also, it's kind of not, y'know?" I bring a hand up to tuck a strand of hair behind my ear, shrugging my shoulders as I continue. "I don't think anything will ever be long enough with you. I want forever, you know? I really, really do."

"I know," David says, his hand finding mine once more, squeezing softly. "Me, too." I know forever isn't definitive. We aren't promised a tomorrow, and much less an eternity together. It's scary to think about everything that could go wrong, that could tear David and I apart, so I try not to, and as I turn my head to the side and look out the window, a content sigh on my lips, I think that no matter what, I'll be okay. I have to be, after all, because what's the point if I'm not?



alright im rly sorry for this chapter it literally sucks i know but im just? i got like halfway through and gave up. i have a plan for the future of this story and im scared that u guys r gonna hate it lmao please dont be mad at me! i promise it'll get better,,,

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