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"Does it hurt?"


"Do you need more medicine?"


I narrow my eyes as I glance down at where David lays on our bed, his body hidden under the layers of blankets I'd piled on top of the sheet-covered mattress for him. His head pokes out from under the covers, his voice muffled by the cotton shoved in his swollen cheeks, his eyes red and watery as he gazes up at me. Astley rests nestled between David's arms, the dog seemingly quite pleased with the results of David's wisdom teeth removal. 

"Davey, babe, I think it's been four hours. Isn't that when you need more medicine?" I cross my arms over my stomach, a feat that's become quite difficult since I've reached seven months along with our little peanut. 

He shakes his head and lets out a quiet noise, bringing his hands up to hover on his face. "Can you get me more ice?" He mumbles, his eyes flickering up to meet mine. I nod my head and lean down to press a kiss to his forehead, standing up and shuffling out of our bedroom. 

I've begun nesting, making sure that everything is in order for when our baby arrives. The nursery is almost completely decorated, although David and I had decided together that we didn't want to find out the gender until when the baby was born. We'd gone with a gender-neutral theme (yellows and browns with hints of greens and orange), the entire nursery decked out with stuffed animals and toys. Neither of us particularly wanted to have a baby shower, although we'd agreed on planning a small party for all of our friends and family for the following week. 

My lower back aches with pain as I walk down the stairs towards the kitchen, a quiet sigh falling from my lips. My body has continued to grow and change as my pregnancy progressed, leaving me with pale pink stretchmarks across my stomach and a consistent ache in my back and hips. I take an icepack out of the fridge and run it under warm water to get the frost that'd formed on it to go away, covering it with a cloth. 

David's surgery to remove his two remaining wisdom teeth had gone over well, although I hadn't felt well enough to go with him during the actual procedure. Carly and Erin took good enough care of him, however. I bite on the inside of my cheek as I reach for my phone, opening up Instagram. I've, surprisingly, not received a large amount of hate after we'd broke the news of my pregnancy. For the most part, David's supporters seemed happy about it. 

This has all happened very fast, I realize as I turn my phone off. Our anniversary was a few months ago, David and I spending the weekend in Hawaii to celebrate. I think back to the vacation, a smile tugging on my lips at the fond memory. We'd had the beach practically to ourselves as we sat together, David wearing yellow swim trunks and me in a floral bathing suit, his head resting on my chest and hands on my stomach as we both got tired, lounging together on chairs in the sun. 

I look down at the ring on my finger and smile, turning my attention towards walking upstairs. David has sat up by the time I get to our bedroom, Astley remaining in his lap. He reaches his arms out towards me and makes grabby hands, a smile on his lips. His eyes are red and bloodshot and his whole face is swollen, and yet he still looks as perfect to me as ever. "Here you go, bub," I say, sitting down beside him. David takes the icepack and brings it up to hold it on his left cheek, resting his forehead against my shoulder. "You think you can take some pain medicine for me in a few minutes, love?" I ask, running my fingers through his hair. 

David mumbles out an incoherent answer, although he nods his head slightly to confirm. "I love you," He manages, the icepack on his cheek dripping onto my shoulder as it begins to melt. "So much." His eyes flutter shut as I lean back, his head falling to rest on my chest. I'm not sure of how long we lay there, his head on my chest and my fingers combing through his hair, but eventually he falls asleep and leaves me falling even more in love. 



sorry i literally cant manage to write ANYTHING DECENT FOR THIS BOOK but i hope u like it anyway so ? part 100 next woot woot u guys excited or whaat

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