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I've never been more nervous than I am now, sitting on the floor in David's bathroom, my head in my hands as I anxiously wait for the timer on my phone to sound. Waiting to see the results on this tiny pink stick seems to be the longest two minutes of my life. 

I'd felt nauseous every morning for a week before I'd begun to suspect anything. My craving for eggs had grown much more noticeable, that being the only thing I wanted to eat for breakfast nowadays despite my usual despisal for them. The thing that really confirmed the thought in the back of my mind was my period being late.

I managed to convince myself that I was just paranoid and pushed the thought to the back of my mind, telling myself that it was impossible, that I've been on birth control for two years straight, until I was eating a late brunch with Corinna on the first of December, the girl having just made a comment on the eggs that rested on the plate in front of me. "Geez, with how many eggs you're eating you just might be pregnant." 

That was the last straw. Corinna, after seeing how freaked out I was, drove me to the nearest drugstore to pick up a pack of pregnancy tests, and afterwards drove me to David's house--which was practically my own home at this point. 

After giving Astley a quick walk, Corinna sat down in David's bedroom while I sat on the bathroom floor, the closed door separating us. "If it's positive, what are you going to do?" Corinna asks as I bite on my bottom lip, too nervous to speak. 

I shake my head although she can't see me, squeezing my eyes shut. "I don't know," I answer, truthfully. I can't imagine being pregnant right now, not this early into David and I's relationship. My photography career has only just taken off, and having a baby wouldn't be ideal. "David--he can't have a kid right now. He just...he can't," I whisper, chewing on my bottom lip. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes already, my blood cold in my veins. 

The timer on my phone dings, indicating that time is up. I scramble to pick up my phone, turning the timer off. I slowly reach over, picking up the pregnancy test with a shaky hand, unable to look at it. I swallow, taking a deep breath before forcing my eyes to focus in on the small screen at the center of the stick. 

The tears that have welled up in my eyes now fall freely down my cheeks, soft sobs escaping my mouth as I bring my knees up to my chest, curling my arms around my legs, burying my head between my knees. My entire body is shaking, my arms weak and hands numb as the test in my hand clatters to the floor. "Lorelei?" Corinna's voice is soft, muffled by the door. "What's it say?" 

I can't bring myself to speak, so I don't. I raise myself up, shakily wiping away my tears as I walk to the door, the pregnancy test in hand. I open up the door and hold the test out for the girl to see, her face softening as a relieved expression crosses her face. "Thank God," She whispers, pulling me in for a hug. 

I nod my head, all too thankful for the single line on the test. Corinna releases me after a moment, kissing my forehead before I walk back into the bathroom, disposing of the pregnancy test. I swallow, taking a moment to fix my smudged makeup and look in the mirror, straightening out my shirt. I brush my bangs out of my eyes and turn to face Corinna once more, letting out a sigh of relief. "Thank you for being here," I whisper, pulling the woman back into a hug. She hugs me tightly, assuring me that she'll be here for me always.

Corinna ends up leaving an hour or two later, leaving me alone in the house with Astley playing in the backyard. Natalie is still in Vernon Hills spending time with her family, and David is out filming with Toddy and Scott. The house is quiet and empty, leaving me to curl up on the bed with a cup of hot chocolate and the television playing a Christmas movie. 

I'm halfway through my mug of hot chocolate when David walks in, flashing me a smile as soon s he sees me. He makes his way to the bed, bowing down to press a kiss on my lips, his fingers combing through my hair. "I missed you," David whispers, pulling my body up into his arms. 

I grin as he sits down on the bed, practically cradling me in his lap. "I missed you too, bub," I say, wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders. My fingers curls in his hair, tugging lightly at the soft strands. "Have a good day filming?" 

David nods, peppering light kisses all over my face and neck. "Yeah. I even got a little bit of editing done," He smiles, patting my thigh lightly. "Which means we can spend tonight doing whatever you want, princess. Just let me go use the bathroom quickly."

I smile at the prospect of spending the night with David with no responsibilities. Ideally we could spend the night watching movies and just being here with each other, Astley cuddled up between us. I'm petting the small dog, thinking about what movies to suggest watching when David walks out of the bathroom, his face carrying a serious expression. "Why was this in the trash?" He asks. 

My smile drops and I already know what he's asking about before my eyes drift to the familiar stick in his hand. I swallow thickly, my eyes meeting his. "I-" I cut myself off, my mouth suddenly very, very dry. 

"I thought you were on birth control?" David looks at me expectantly. 

"I am."

"You weren't planning on telling me that you thought you were pregnant?" When I don't answer, David throws his hands up in the air in exasperation. "What if you were pregnant? What then?"

I shake my head, sighing. "I'd get an abortion, I guess." David's eyes widen, his jaw practically dropping. "Don't look at me like that, David. I can't have a baby right now. You can't have a baby right now! We don't have time!" 

David sighs, looking away. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, David. I didn't even--I didn't want to think about the possibility of it being positive, okay? I don't know what I would've done. I just..I wanted to make sure that I was worrying for no reason, alright?"

He nods, running a hand through his hair. "I love you, and I obviously would have told you if it was positive, and we would have talked about it then. For now, let's just be glad that it wasn't positive." 

"But one day?" David's voice is small, his gaze insecure as he looks over at me. "I mean, one day we'll have kids together?" I bite my bottom lip, my eyes meeting his. "I know it's soon but I love you, Lorelei, and I want us to have a future together."

"And we will, David. Some day, alright? I love you." 

"I love you too." 

With that, David walks back into the bathroom. I can hear the sink running and then he exits, smiling at me as he crawls under the blankets beside me. "So? What are our plans for tonight?" I ask, my hand finding his.

"Movies and cuddles?" David suggests, his arms wrapping around my waist as the small dog asleep at the bottom of the bed lets out a little yip, his legs twitching. 

I smile, leaning into the man. "I'd love nothing more."


wooo three chapters in one day! look at me procrastinating writing a huuuge paper for class. but anyways i hope youre having a great day/night. xooxoosoxoxoxoxox

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