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"Lorelei," David's voice stirs me from my position on the couch, cuddled up with a soft throw blanket and Astley in my arms, a cup of tea cooling down on the coffee table as I gaze at the television. "Where are you, love?"

"Living room," I call, not bothering to get up. David appears around the corner, a smile on his lips when his eyes land on me. "Hey, you," I say, unable to stop myself from grinning as he makes his way over. 

"Hi," David murmurs, bowing down to plant a kiss on my lips. His hand grips the back of my neck, tangling in my hair and tugging softly as his mouth aligns with mine, tongue creeping past my lips. It's one of those kisses that steals all the breath away from my lungs and makes me want to never stop kissing him. "Let go of me," David mumbles against my mouth as my hand finds his shoulder, knitting in the fabric of his shirt. 

I let out a whine as he pulls away, his lips swollen and cheeks flushed. "I just want to kiss you," I grumble, crossing my arms over my chest. "What a bad boyfriend." 

David lifts a brow. "Astley was licking my chin," He says in defense. "Trust me, love, I always want to kiss you." Astley stands up, the small dog hopping off the couch. "Move over," David says, patting my leg. 

With a heavy, dramatic sigh I oblige, moving over a slight bit, watching as David lowers himself onto the couch. He's wearing a black pullover and a pair of grey sweatpants and looking unexplainably irresistible. "You know you're really hot, right?" I ask as David wraps his arms around my waist, pulling my body between his legs. 

I lean my head back against his chest, turning my attention to the television as David rests his hands on my hips. "Where was this energy last night?" David questions, his hands slipping under me to rest on my butt casually. 

"Mm," I say, laughing lightly. "What do you think you're doing exactly?" I ask, tilting my head up to look into his eyes. 

David smirks down at me, lips twisting up as his eyes meet mine. "Finally got 'round to opening up your present," He says, thumbs hooking in the waistband of my leggings. "You're the only hot one in this room, Lor." 

I roll my eyes, bringing a hand up to cup his jaw. "Shut up," I mutter as I press my mouth against his. "You're hot." David lets out a quiet noise as my fingers tug at his hair, nails scraping against his scalp. "Literally the hottest person ever," I mumble into the kiss, pulling away only to trail kisses down his neck, sucking and biting and leaving small marks everywhere I kiss. 

"That's all you," David says, his hand squeezing my ass lightly. I nudge my nose against his neck, taking a moment to inhale his cologne, sighing when I pull away to look at him. "So pretty," He murmurs, pressing a kiss to my lips. 

"Did you like your present?" I ask, my fingers threading through his hair. David hums out a gravelly noise from the back of his throat, his eyes fluttering shut as my lips suck against his jaw. I smile, biting my bottom lip as I pull away again. 

"Of course," David says, his hands kneading the flesh of my underside. "Loved it," He tells me. "Love you." I release a content sigh, leaning into his touch. His hands remain on my ass while his lips nip at my neck, his voice soft in my ear.

"I love you," I whisper in response, resting my head against his shoulder. I close my eyes when David tilts his head upwards, our lips meeting once more. I want to stay here with him forever, curled up in his arms as his tongue slips past my lips. He manages to pull a quiet moan past my lips before I move away, my face burying in his neck. "I love you," I repeat, as David squeezes my bum gently.

David kisses the top of my head, bringing one hand up to comb through my hair with his fingers. I can't help but desperately want to stay with David forever, completely and wholly with him. The two of us spend the entire day like this, wrapped up on the couch as we gaze at the television, switching back and forth between making out and actually paying attention to the TV. 

Natalie steals David away from me, as she usually does, when she gets home after the sun has set, the two of them heading back into the study and leaving me alone on the couch. I know that they're editing, I know that they're just friends, but my stomach ties in knots and jealousy crowds my emotions. I stare down at Astley, running my fingers through his fur as I release a quiet sigh. I wish I had someone I could talk to about it. I can't tell Corinna, can't tell her that I'm jealous of Natalie, someone who has known David for years and is nothing more than a friend and assistant.

Corinna won't understand. She'll tell me that it's going to be okay, that David has eyes for me and only me. While this may be true, I don't want to hear it right now. Not from Corinna, who can get anyone she wants with just a simple flutter of her eyelashes or flash of a smile. I curl up on the couch and tuck my arms around Astley, petting him as I let my mind wander.

David wouldn't cheat. He wouldn't. He's not that type. He loves me. I repeat this in my mind several times until the words make no sense, until the words hold no meaning anymore. I stand up and pick up my phone, letting my feet carry me out into the foyer as I scroll through my contacts for a familiar number. 

The line rings twice before it picks up. "Lorelei?" Liza's voice is soft as she speaks, coming through the speaker kindly. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," I say, leaning against the wall. "I just..I don't know. I'm scared," I tell her, swallowing the lump in my throat. "I'm not good enough for him, am I? I can't be. He's perfect, you know? No one is good enough for him." A tear treks down my cheek. I'd shoved away all my insecurities and now they're coming out, I suppose. "I'm sorry, this isn't your problem. You're probably really busy." 

Liza clears her throat. "No, no, I'm not busy. You're right about no one being good enough for David. No one can be good enough for him. He's the best person I've ever met, Lorelei. If anyone is good enough for him, it's you. He loves you. You have to know that," She pauses to put something down, the sound of glass clinking against a surface in the background. "Look, Lorelei," She says. "David loves you. He loves you more than anything else. I don't know what he'd do without you. Just don't let your doubts get in the way." 

I wipe the tears from my cheeks and nod my head, although she can't see me. "Yeah," I say, clearing my throat. "Yeah. Thanks, Liza. You're great, you know that?" Liza laughs softly. 

"So I've been told," She replies. We talk for a few more minutes before we end the call, my mind feeling significantly lighter and my mood brighter. I find myself in the bath a few minutes later, submerged in hot water with soft music playing from my phone. 

When David walks into the bathroom, his eyes falling to my chest and then lifting to meet my eyes, a sheepish smile on his lips, I know that Liza is right. When he climbs into the bath behind me, his clothes discarded in a pile on the tile floor, I know that there's certainly no one I'd rather be with than him. When his lips catch mine in a soft, loving kiss, I know that at least for now, David doesn't want anyone but me. 


the next few chapters are gonna be fillers while i try to prewrite a whole load of ~drama~. no promises but chapter 43-ish might be p epic ;) also i haven't been rereading chapters so if there's any grammatical or spelling errors im really sorry im just fucking lazy lol

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