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"I told Liza," Are the first words out of David's mouth when he walks into the living room half past ten, his hair a mess atop his head, a vanilla milkshake in his hand. He sets the milkshake down on the coffee table and hesitantly sits down on the couch beside me, leaving a foot of space between us.

My first thought is to be upset. We'd agreed that not telling anyone would be best for now, and I'd stuck to that. No matter how guilty I felt about not telling Kristen, I kept my mouth shut, and now David spills his guts to the first person he sees? I swallow and nod my head, reaching out to pick up the milkshake. I take the cherry off the whipped cream and pop it between my lips, plucking the stem off. "Okay," I answer when I swallow the fruit, looking back down to the book in my lap.

"Okay?" David asks, sounding a bit surprised. "You're not mad?" I don't answer for a moment, instead flipping the page I'm on as I take a slow sip of the milkshake. I'd texted him and asked for one and he was more than happy to comply. He's been the absolute sweetest, doing everything in his ability to make me as comfortable as possible throughout this whole thing. "Lor?" He asks, after another beat of silence.

My eyes slowly drag away from the page and up to meet David's gaze. I hike my shoulders in a small shrug, setting the milkshake down. "I'm not mad," I say, after a second. "I get it. She's your best friend." Best friend that also happens to be your incredibly famous and attractive ex girlfriend, the bitter part of my mind jibes.

David nods his head, a small smile spreading across his lips. "Okay," He says, clearing his throat. "Good. I didn't mean to, really, it just came out."

"Okay," I say, returning my gaze to the book in my lap. "Are you going to shower before bed?" I ask, glancing over at David. He's watching me with a perplexed expression, his brows knit and lips slightly parted.

He nods his head again. "Yeah," David murmurs, eyes remaining on mine for a moment longer before he looks away. "Yeah. Will you be in the bedroom when I get out?"

I hum out a noise as I take another sip from my milkshake, nodding my head. David waits a moment and then stands up, his feet making a quiet noise against the floor as he walks out.

I don't know how exactly I should feel about this entire situation. It's not that I think Liza is going to tell everyone, or that I blame David for confiding in her. To be fair, I'd told Corinna before I even found out I was pregnant, so I suppose now we're even. I don't think I should be thinking of it that way, but my brain won't let the thought go.

I push the thoughts from my mind as I stand up, finishing off my milkshake as my feet carry me to the kitchen. I discard the empty drink in the garbage bin and make a beeline for the bedroom, changing into more comfortable clothes before I settle down on the bed. I haven't been doing that much of anything lately, which has left me with a restless mind and overactive imagination.

My hands brush over my thighs, a quiet sigh whistling past my lips. I brush my fingers through my hair, leaning back against the pillows as I tug the blankets over my legs. It's supposed to rain tomorrow and as far as I know, David doesn't have to film, which means we have the entire day to spend together.

As if on cue, David comes out of the bathroom with a light blue towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes follow him as he shuffles towards the closet, closing the door behind him. I don't know why he doesn't just bring a change of clothes into the bathroom, but he hasn't ever since we started dating and I doubt he'll ever start. A small smile grows on my lips when he exits the closet, his brown eyes meeting mine. "I love you," He says, voice quiet.

"I know," I say, sitting up slightly. I pat the space on the bed beside me, my smile growing as David instantly lies down next to me, resting his head in my lap. I card my fingers through his hair, sighing softly as I look down at him. "I love you, too," I murmur, brushing the pad of my thumb over his forehead. "More than you'll ever know."

David closes his eyes, his lips parting in a yawn. He's tired, that much is obvious by the bags that outline his eyes and the slump of his broad shoulders. "You're allowed to take a break," I say, as I stare down at him. He works himself to death, and it's terrifying to think that he's going to still be working this hard when the baby comes. "Your fans love you. They'd support you even if you only uploaded once or twice a week. You know that, right?"

He doesn't answer and for a moment I think he's ignoring me, but then his lips part and a quiet snore whistles from his mouth. I can't help but smile, reaching for my phone and snapping a picture before I attempt to adjust my position without waking him. My abdomen aches with cramps, my lips parting in a quiet sigh as I place my hands on my stomach, closing my eyes. "At least I haven't been feeling nauseous," I mutter to myself as I reach over to turn off the light on the nightstand, sending a silent prayer to whatever Gods might be listening to make these cramps go away.


i feel bad for what i'm about to do to them omg

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