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"How are you feeling, petal?" David's voice is soft and sweet as he comes up behind me, hands slipping under the hem of my shirt as I chop a strawberry in half. I smile, leaning into his body, a soft sigh leaving my lips as his warm hands squeeze my stomach lightly, my heart fluttering in my chest. 

"Better," I answer, tilting my head to press a kiss under David's jaw, nipping his skin lightly when he pinches my side. I slice the strawberry once more, and then a final time, pushing the green bits into a pile on the other end of the cutting board. 

David hums out a quiet noise, his nose nudging my neck softly. "Want me to put these in the bathroom?" He gestures to the paper bag in his hand, containing two boxes of tampons and enough chocolate to last a century. 

I nod my head, guilt wracking my body as I look away. Waking up in a pool of your own blood is never fun, but especially not when it's in your boyfriend's bed. It was embarrassing to begin with, but David was more than understanding, even as he threw out his bloodied sheets and left to go to the store in search of tampons and candy. "Thank you," I say, my cheeks pink. "I'm sorry about your sheets."

"It's fine, Lorelei," David assures me for the millionth time, kissing my cheek. "I love you, okay? There's no need to be bashful, pet." He peppers a kiss on my lips, nose tickling against mine before he pulls away, his free hand resting on my belly, warm skin easing the cramps there. 

I smile as David walks off towards the bathroom, exhaling softly. David returns a few moments later just as I finish eating a slice of strawberry, the fruit staining my lips red as I lean back against the counter. "I'm letting Natalie edit today. Wanna spend the day with you, love." David leans in to kiss me once more, his mouth tasting like his favorite gum. 

We end up snuggled on the couch, my body nestled into his, my favorite sherpa blanket tossed over our legs. David's hands rest on my stomach, pressing gently against my lower abdomen to ease my cramps. "You're so good to me," I whisper, my head resting on his chest, his heartbeat steady in my ear. 

"You deserve it, butterfly," David murmurs in response, kissing the top of my head. We're watching old episodes of FRIENDS, although neither of us is paying all too much attention. Astley is running about the backyard having the time of his life, chasing squirrels. Every once and awhile his high-pitched bark will interrupt us. 

I reach up to tangle my fingers in his hair and pulling him down to plant my lips on his, my teeth nipping at his bottom lip. "You taste like strawberries," David murmurs as he pulls away, a small smile on his face. "Pretty girl." 

I giggle, my cold hands slipping under David's shirt to rest on his chest, a soft sigh escaping my lips as another round of cramps squeeze at my stomach. "How are you feeling, doll?" He asks, noticing the look of discomfort on my face. 

"Like my uterus is tearing itself apart," I answer, smiling weakly at the man. "God, I fucking hate this," I mumble, my fingers curling in the fabric of David's shirt. My lower back aches intensely and the cramps in my abdomen render it almost impossible for me to move. 

"Let me go get you some more painkillers," David says, squeezing my hand before he stands up, my eyes following his body as he walks out towards the bedroom. I sigh, slipping my own hands under my shirt and rubbing at my stomach, desperately wishing the pain away. 

David returns a moment later with two white pills and a bottle of water. I take a long sip and pop the pills  in my mouth, swallowing thickly and setting the bottle down on the coffee table. David eases his body down beside mine, his legs hidden by my sherpa blanket. "I wish I could make it stop," He murmurs, kissing my cheek. "Hate seeing you like this."

"Mm, only way to do that is to get me pregnant," I grimace, David's hands wandering under my shirt to rest on my stomach once more. His lips form a small smile, his body shifting up under mine. 

"Some day," David says, nipping at my neck. "Promise." 

I smile, letting out a content sigh. "How many kids do you want?" I ask, my hands resting on top of his, the slight pressure easing the pain of the cramps in my abdomen. David seems to ponder the question, his breath tickling my neck. 

"Two," He answers. "Maybe. I don't know. I want them to have a friend, you know?" I smile, nodding my head. 

"Two is a good number," I say, giggling when David's hands wander up to cup my tender breasts, his lips ghosting over my neck. "What do you think you're doing, Dobrik?" I tease, my eyes fluttering shut as he squeezes softly.

"Nothing," David says, smiling as he moves his hands to rest on my stomach once more. "I love you," He tells me, kissing my neck softly. I smile, repeating the words back to the man. "Do you need anything?" 

I shake my head. "Just you," I say, hooking a leg over his waist. "I want to cuddle." David smiles, his lips pressing against my shoulder as he adjusts his position, his front warm against my back. 

"Mm, perfect," David says, his legs tangling with mine. I nestle up against him, my head resting on his chest, the steady beating of his heart in my ear. "You're my entire world, Lorelei, you know that?" His fingers comb through my hair softly, his words gentle and quiet. 

I smile, allowing my eyes to flutter shut. There's nowhere I'd rather be than right here, wrapped up in this cocoon of blankets with the love of my life. 

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