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A few hours ago, I was feeling absolutely fine. Though I was dead tired and irritated from not being able to see Lorelei all day, I knew that after this vlog was uploaded, I could go home and see her. I'd be home soon, stretched out on the couch with my girl and our dog, and I could spend as long as I wanted to nap with her. 

I end up home later than I expected, of course. Three hours later, to be my luck, because we ended up making a last minute trip to Vegas, per Corinna's request as she decided to gamble away a thousand dollars, which of course ended up badly. My phone died on the flight over and I'd left my charger back home, so I'm really the only one to blame, and as Jason urges me to calm down and just breathe while I drive the Tesla on our way home, I'm really considering socking him in the jaw. 

I just want to be home with Lorelei, lying down and getting the rest that she says I deserve, that she says I need. I know that she'll be asleep by the time I get home and the thought alone makes me sigh in a mixture of annoyance and frustration, my grip on the steering wheel tightening. I wanted to stay up for at least a little bit and let Lorelei entertain me with her endless questions and conversations of everything and nothing. 

By the time I make it home, I'm beyond exhausted. I'm tired of Corinna talking on the phone to Todd, asking him if he wants to come over when she gets home. I'm tired of Jason shouting on the phone to Trisha, telling her that he's going to be home soon and to stop freaking out. I'm tired of absolutely everything and when I pull open the front door, kicking off my shoes there, there's nothing I want to do more than curl up on the bed with Lorelei. 

As I expected, every light is shut off except for the one she'd purposely left on for me in the foyer. Astley is likely curled up on his favorite dog bed in the living room, his head hidden between his paws as he snoozes while Lorelei is probably sleeping in the bed that I always share with her. 

I'm tempted to drop my camera bag and filming equipment down right here and head to see Lorelei, but I know that she'll likely trip over them in the morning on her way out to walk Astley, so I trudge down the hall with the bags in my arms. 

I drop the bags off at the closet without sparing a glance to Lorelei, knowing that if I look at her for too long I'll be far too convinced to come to sleep. I unpack my bags silently, setting my camera and various filming equipment down on the dresser before I move to undress. I pull my jeans off, tossing them into the clothes hamper as I remove my shirt. 

I take a moment to breathe, take a moment to revel in the silence of the bedroom, before I step out of the closet, pulling a pair of sweatpants up my legs. The longing feeling in my stomach returns as my eyes fall upon Lorelei, her sleeping body curled up in the middle of the bed. Her hair falls over the pillows in messy waves, her eyes shut as her lips, stained red from a late-night glass of wine, likely, fall apart every time she exhales. I can see, as the covers bunch at her hips, that she's wearing one of my hoodies and likely nothing else under that, her body twisting as she stirs in her sleep. I know she doesn't sleep well when I'm not here with her so I don't want to wake her, especially not for my own benefit when it's no one's fault but my own that I wasn't here earlier. 

I set my phone on the nightstand and plug it in, slowly lowering myself down on the mattress. I slip my legs under the covers and reach out to run my fingers through Lorelei's soft hair, the scent of her shampoo wafting up to greet me. My hands run down her sides, fingertips tracing over her flawless, unmarked skin. I want to lean down and kiss every inch of her skin, but I don't. 

With a quiet exhale, I let my arms wind around her middle, pulling her body gently into mine. She stirs softly, a quiet noise leaving her lip as my fingers brush over her stomach. "Davey?" She mumbles, voice thick with sleep.

"It's just me, love," I say, brushing her hair out of her face. "Just me. I missed you, petal." Lorelei makes a quiet noise, nodding her head. Her eyes remain shut but briefly flicker open to meet mine, a relieved look on her face. 

"I missed you, too," She whispers, leaning in to rest her head on my shoulder. Her lips are feather-soft against my skin and all-too enticing, but I don't mention it. "You scared me." He voice is coated in sleep as she murmurs into my skin, her breath warm as it fans over my neck. 

"I'm sorry, baby," I say, kissing the top of her head, my hand absentmindedly rubbing her back gently. "My phone died on the way over. I'm sorry for being so late." She nods her head, kissing my neck again. 

"It's okay," She mumbles, her dainty arms curling around my waist. "I'm happy you're home. Love you," She's tired, and I don't want to disturb her sleep more than I already have, so I press a gentle kiss to the top of her head again.

"I love you, too, baby."


im soft asf right now,,, big tingz happening next chap :O probably gonna upload it at like 7 pm just bc i dont wanna spam u guys toooo much :))) ily

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