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I can practically sense the anger rolling off David in waves when he walks through the door, his brow knit and eyes narrowed and jaw clenched, his hand clasped in a fist at his side as he slams his camera down on the coffee table. I can't help but frown at the way his lips are pulled down at the corners, his hair mussed up as he storms over to the couch, sitting down beside me with his arms crossed haphazardly over his stomach.

He's angry, but he doesn't want to take it out on me, and I can tell because he doesn't say anything, just stares ahead at the wall. "Bad day?" I ask as he kicks off his shoes. I know I'm going to have to pick his shoes up later, move them out of the way so no one trips over them, but for now, I'm perfectly content with leaving them.

David scoffs, letting out a humorless laugh. "Bad doesn't even begin to cover it," He answers, looking over at me. His harsh gaze softens and he releases a sigh, rubbing his hands over his face. "I'm going to be editing for awhile," He says, raking his fingers through his hair. "You can go ahead to bed, princess."

I watch him for a moment, my eyes tracing over his features, accentuated by his angry mood, his jaw seemingly sharper and eyes more narrowed, his cheeks tinted an angry red. I decide not to test him, not to make his already bad day worse. "Do you want to talk about it?" I ask, chewing on the inside of my cheek.

"No," He sighs, standing up and searching for his laptop. I close my eyes for a second, inhale, and then open them again. I know he's just trying to avoid getting in a fight, trying to keep his cool because he knows how much it hurts me when he yells, but I can see just how on edge he is and that, too, is hurtful. "Just go to bed, okay? I'm not in the mood right now."

I nod my head, releasing a quiet sigh. "Okay," I say, standing up and brushing my hands off on my thighs. I turn to face David as I reach the archway of the living room that connects to the kitchen, my eyes meeting his. "Don't shut me out, D," I say, biting my bottom lip.

David doesn't answer, just remains on the couch, his arms crossed over his stomach. I release a sigh and turn back around, continuing into the kitchen and opening up a cupboard. I select a wine glass, setting it down on the counter and going in search of the already opened bottle of wine. I locate it almost instantly, filling my glass and setting the bottle aside, taking a slow sip.

I think that, perhaps, I shouldn't be drinking. Maybe I should confide in David, tell him that I'm scared, tell him why I'm scared. I think that that seems like a good idea, but after I've had a little more wine I decide against it and instead set off to baking cookies.

Baking is a lot more difficult, and consequently messier, after two glasses of wine, it turns out. The flour had gotten everywhere, chocolate chips melted on the countertop. I find myself with a mess of flour on my shirt and an even bigger mess on the counters, my lips parted in a giggle as I talk back and forth with Corinna on FaceTime, the girl seemingly amused by my antics. After hanging up, I shuffle through my playlists before selecting one and pulling my flour-covered shirt over my head, tossing it aside.

Despite this, the cookies smell beyond good as they bake and as I lean against the counter, my eyes closed and head bobbing along to the song, I can't find it in myself to care all too much about the mess.

"Topless baking, my love?" David asks, chuckling softly as he observes me. My eyes flutter open, a small smile pulling across my lips at his tone. "You've made quite the mess, haven't you?" He teases, gesturing to the mess on the counter. I shrug my shoulders, taking a step towards him to wind my arms around his middle, tilting my chin up so that my lips slot with his.

"'M sorry," David murmurs against my mouth, his nose pressed against mine. "For shutting you out." He tastes like his minty gum and I don't want to ever stop kissing him, so I lean back in and press my tongue against the seam of his lips until he finally opens his mouth and grants me entrance. "Won't happen again, love."

I let my hands rest on the small of his back under the fabric of his shirt, my fingers scraping lightly against his skin. David lets out a quiet hum, smirk on his lips as he drops his hands down to squeeze my ass, drawing a quiet yelp from my lips. The timer buzzes and I let out a quiet sigh, leaning into David. "Get the cookies out, doll," He whispers against my mouth.

And so I do, sliding a baking mitt over my hand and opening up the oven, taking out the baking tray and carefully setting it down on the counter. I turn off the oven, set the baking mitt aside, and turn to face David. "Help me clean up?" I ask, pouting out my bottom lip as I gaze over at the man.

"Anything for you, petal. Anything for you."


so my laptop is broken which sucks for a variety of reasons, the most important of which being my laptop was what i always used to write on. i have another chapter already ready to go so i'll wait a day or two and then post that, but i'm not sure how frequently i'll be updating until i get a new laptop (which could, for all i know, take months) but i suppose i can write from my phone until then.

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