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"Are you still crying?" David's voice drifts in from down the hall and I curl further into the couch, covering my face with the throw blanket. I don't answer, instead just shaking my head as his footsteps get closer. "Lor, babe, it was two hours ago. It's okay."

"You scared me, you asshole," I say, from my position under the blanket. "I'll decide when it's been long enough to stop crying." 

David is silent for a moment before he lets out a quiet laugh. I hear shuffling around, and then something being set down on the coffee table before David's cold hand slips under the blanket to grab mine. "It was just a cricket, doll," David says, voice soft. 

"Yeah and," I take a moment to wipe my nose on my sleeve, sniffling. "You know how fucking scared I am of crickets." I swat his hand away from mine and pull the blanket tighter around my body. 

He sighs heavily, sitting down beside the couch. "I'm sorry, love. How many times do I have to apologize?" 

I don't answer. "Fuck off," I mumble, after a moment. "I don't want to talk to you right now." David doesn't speak for a moment, and I almost think that he walked away until I hear him stand up and then actually hear his footsteps pad down the hall. I lower the blanket from my face and let out a quiet sigh, running my hands over my face.

I know that I'm probably being dramatic, that I should forgive him and know that it was all just in good fun, a simple joke, but right now as my skin crawls with uncertainty, I'm not sure I could forgive him at this moment even if I wanted to. I reach down to scratch between Astley's ears, closing my eyes. 

I'm not sure how long I stay on the couch before I finally get up, but when I do, the sun has already set. I take a moment to wander throughout the house, running my fingers through my hair before I set out in search of David. When I can't find him, I glance out of the window to check if his Tesla was parked in the driveway, and of course it isn't.

With a heavy sigh I walk into the bedroom, changing into one of David's sweatshirts and a pair of leggings, sitting down on the bottom of our bed. I'm not too worried until my phone buzzes at nine, telling me to take my vitamins. David is almost always home by now and if he isn't, he sends a text letting me know that he's okay. 

He's probably mad at me. Mad that I told him to leave me alone, mad that I can't take a joke. Liza always let him do this kind of stuff, I think. He's probably with her, complaining about me. I try to shake the thought from my head as I walk into the kitchen, popping two vitamin gummies into my mouth. 

My thoughts wander as I walk back into our bedroom, slipping into bed by myself. The mattress is cold beside me as I lay down, my lips falling open in a yawn as I let my head fall against the pillows. I want David beside me, want him to tell me that everything is okay, that he's not mad at me. 

I stare up at the dark ceiling, my thoughts racing while my stomach twisted in knots until David got home a few hours later. I can hear him fumbling around in the kitchen before he finally comes into the bedroom, not bothering to flicker on the lights as he got undressed. "Are you awake?" He asks, voice soft as to not wake me up if I was asleep. 

I don't answer at first, instead just pushing my body up into a sitting position to let him know that I was, in fact, awake. It takes my eyes a moment to adjust to the darkness, landing on David as he tugs his jeans off, replacing them with a pair of sweatpants. "The silent treatment is a little childish, don't you think, peach?" David asks, his eyes meeting mine even in the dark. 

My eyes fall to my lap as I cross my arms over my chest. "You could've at least texted me and told me where you were. I was worried about you." My voice is quiet as it cuts through the silence of the night, meeting his eyes. 

"You said you didn't want to talk to me," David counters. I roll my eyes and release a sigh, looking away from him. 

I can't think up a witty response, so I don't bother. Instead I just rub my hands over my face and run my fingers through my hair, swallowing the thick lump in my throat. "Whatever," I say, turning my gaze back to look at David. He's leaning against the wall, arms crossed loosely over his bare chest as he watches me. "I'm not letting you put anything on me again, okay?" 

"Okay," David replies, waiting for me to continue.

I don't say anything, looking away for a moment and then back to David. "I love you," I mutter, watching as his lips tilt up in a small smile. 

"I love you, too," David answers, stepping towards the bed. "You gonna give me a goodnight kiss or not, peach?"


hey ladies and gents and nonbinary friends <333 this is probably the last chapter for tonight bc im making muffins and then binge watching all the vlogs all over again, but if u want here's a link to a vlog squad book https://www.wattpad.com/673708312-the-epic-brown-the-vlog-squad-%E2%9C%A7-%F0%9D%91%87%E2%84%8E%F0%9D%91%92-%F0%9D%90%B8%F0%9D%91%9D%F0%9D%91%96%F0%9D%91%90-%F0%9D%90%B5%F0%9D%91%9F%F0%9D%91%9C%F0%9D%91%A4%F0%9D%91%9B%E2%9C%A7

i didn't write it but i know how hard it is to get reads when you first start out so i'm sure it'd mean a lot to her if you could give it a read and maybe a like <3 anyways hope u enjoyed!!! 

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