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"Have I told you how good you look with that haircut, baby?" 

I raise a questioning eyebrow as I turn to face him, closing the fridge with the carton of orange juice in my hand. I pour out a generous amount into my glass and take a long sip, leaning back against the counter. I'm not exactly sure what's brought about this compliment but as David watches me from across the room, a smile forms on my lips. "You have," I answer, bringing a hand up to brush my bangs out of my eyes. He's been working out all morning, leaving his cheeks tinted pink and hair a mess stuck to his sweaty forehead. "Have I told you how good you look all the time, bub?" I ask as I lift myself up onto the island, letting my bare legs swing over the edge. 

"You have," David says with a smile as he takes a step towards me, running his fingers through his messy hair. "But feel free to continue stroking my ego, petal." He places his nearly empty water bottle on the counter beside me, his hands resting on my knees. 

"You set me up for a really good joke right there but I'm not gonna take the bait," I say with a quiet giggle, opening my legs to allow David to step between them, his hands moving up to cup my jaw, bringing his lips to mine in a soft kiss. 

"Is it so hard for me to believe that you want to stroke something other than my ego, doll?" David's lips twist up in a smile as he looks down at me, his eyes scanning mine. I bite my bottom lip and roll my eyes, poking my fingers into his side. 

"It is," I answer, looking up at David through my lashes. "But that's not what I want to be hard," I say as my legs wrap around his waist, my arms draping over his broad shoulders, fingers tangling in his post-workout hair. 

"Should I even ask if you want to shower with me or just go start the shower?" David asks, light smile on his lips as he gazes down at me. I release a light laugh and shake my head, my fingers combing through his hair. I let my hands brush over his broad shoulders, dip down to run along the muscles on his back, my bottom lip trapped between my teeth. 

"Should I be offended or honored that you're willing to drop everything and fuck me?" I question, grinning up at David. "I'm going to have to turn down your offer, baby, but I will blow you before your shower."

David chortles out a chuckle as I take a sip of orange juice, swallowing before I put the glass back down on the counter beside me. "Not that I'd ever turn down a blowjob from you, my love, but are you sure about the shower? You look like you're going to explode, princess."

"Fuck you, I'm not going to explode," I grumble, playfully glaring up at the man. "I'm just a little sore, D. I'm alright." David leans in to kiss me again, chapped lips brushing over my cheek as he moves to pull away.

"How about I start the bath and we'll relax together, doll? Let me shower first so I don't dirty up the bath water?" David suggests, squeezing my hips gently. "I'll watch you paint your nails when we get out, and you can pick out a movie to watch." 

My lips spread in a soft smile. "You're the best, Davey, you know that? I love you." 

"I try," David says, winking before he taps my thighs, my legs unlocking from around his waist and dropping to his sides. He steps out from between them, kissing my cheek a final time before setting off towards the bedroom. "Give me five minutes, love," He calls over his shoulder.

I use this time to clean up the kitchen, putting my glass in the dishwasher and checking to make sure Natalie is still asleep before I head down the hallway into the bedroom. I apply a layer of chapstick as I listen to the shower water, and then find clean clothes from the closet to bring to the bathroom. 

I toss the pile of clothes down on the bathroom floor as David climbs out of the shower, droplets of water traveling down his skin as he wraps a towel around his waist, small smile on his lips when he sees me. I watch as he starts up the bath and then moves to the linen closet, searching around for a minute before finding a purple bath bomb. "Why are you feeling sore, love?" David asks as I get undressed, his hands resting on my hips as he helps me inch out of my leggings, the fabric pooling up at my ankles. 

"PMS," I murmur, leaning into his touch as he hands rest on my stomach, his skin irrationally warm against mine. "God, you're like a giant heater," I murmur, turning around to wrap my arms around his middle, his bare chest pressed flush against mine. "Love you."

David chuckles, kissing the top of my head. "I love you, too, Lor. Do you need me to stop at the store tomorrow? Get you tampons or anything?"

I shake my head, running my fingertips along his arms. "No," I say, kissing his shoulder. "Thank you. I think there's still some under the sink." David bobs his head, gesturing to the bath. "We can probably get in," I say, looking down at the purple water. The smell of lavender has filled up the bathroom, the scent overwhelming my senses and filling my body with a soft, fluffy energy that makes me want to do nothing more than lay with David all day. 

David slips into the bath first, dropping his towel on the bathroom floor and spreading his legs out under the purple water. I take a moment to tie my hair up in a ponytail, brushing my bangs out of my eyes before I finish undressing and ease my body under the water, carefully slotting my body between David's long legs. I lean back into his chest, his arms slowly curling around my waist, lips brushing over my cheek. "I love you," David tells me, his hands resting on my stomach. 

"I love you, too," I say, closing my eyes. The bath water is warm against my skin and in this moment, everything feels absolutely perfect. I can't imagine spending my day any other way, especially not the day after David arrived back home. 


idk im feeling inspired to write but i have no ideas so? enjoy these filler chaps?

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