Chapter-1 Thinking Of Her

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Ayaan's POV

Getting up early in the morning is one of the most difficult tasks for the day on top of it when I am finally awake I get to hear the same lecture from both my parents especially mum.

"Ayaan you are not a kid, you should wake up for the morning prayer. Look at Arhaan he wakes up even before us and goes to the masjid for Fajr prayer with your father. And then you give me these looks as if I am just talking non sense, start being responsible for God's sake"

This is the same record my mum plays almost every morning after I go down to have breakfast. Though there are slight variations at times, and no the variations are never better in fact they are so disgusting that I have to leave without breakfast. Well that's just how my day starts in this house every morning, by the way I am Ayaan, Ayaan Siddique and my life is not the smooth one with a happy family of loving parents and supportive big brother it's quite the opposite if you trust me. Anyway why have I started thinking about all the same drama which happens every day, it's already 10 in the morning and I need to be in my office by 11.30. It's good to be in my favorite line of work but also tiring, I am a contractor and I am actually quite proud of the fact that in the last 5 years I have become the best and most famous contractor in my city. Though my parents don't feel very proud of my achievements as they have their elder son to be proud of who is a neurosurgeon. I was never actually much into studies; I just completed my graduation somehow under my parent's pressure. In fact during my graduation days I started working with one of the famous contractors in our city, Mr. Walia. He is a nice man and has always had more confidence in me than my own family. Technically now I am his competitor but we have a healthy professional relationship, I really respect him a lot. Ok now I better have a bath and get ready, the weather is getting pleasant now a days so I think I will wear my blue jeans with my favorite black shirt.

Now that I am ready to leave I will go down and see if there is any breakfast for me or I have to get myself something on my way. I was about to switch off the lights of my room when my mobile started ringing. It was Abdul calling, he works in my office and usually attends clients and gets a brief up before arranging meetings with me. I wonder why he is calling me right now as he knows I will be in office within the next 15-20 minutes. I take the call and straight away come to the point

"What is it Abdul?"

"Sir, this guy Nihal is creating confusion at the site." One thing I like about Abdul is that he knows very well that I like to talk to the point and don't waste time in exchanging pleasantries. I then wait for him to continue.

"He is asking the owner to pay him separate and confusing the former with the contract details." Now this is something I hate, double cross. I am glad we came to know about this bul*shi* and I think Nihal needs some fixing.

"Ok, I will take it from here. I think I will be late to office because I will first go to the site and have a nice chat with Nihal"

I hate it when people spoil my mornings but then I have to deal with such situations every now and then. By the way I am no gentleman; I am actually a cold and short tempered guy. And with my 6'2 height and a well-built body people find me intimidating at times. Nihal needs to be taught a lesson, this is the first time I am working with him. I have given him the plumbing contract for one of my sites, it's a residential building and the owner is a simple man. Hell even I am a simple man if people don't mess with me. The contract with the owner Mr. Khan is simple he has paid me for everything and now I will deal with others. That's how I work; I take full contract of the site and then distribute tasks among my trusted people. And this guy Nihal has been paying me visits since the last couple of months and literally begging me to give him work, and this is what he does in the first contract I give him. I don't know what was he thinking before messing with my client but I surely know that this is his first and last time working with me, which also he will regret soon. Finally getting from my room I greet my parents who were sitting in the living room. My father is a retired government officer and mother is a house maker. They were busy talking about something when I wished them good morning and just like someone said 'ACTION' they both started with their sarcastic comments brightening up my morning even more. The same records being played again and right now I was in no mood to listen to it all over again. I got my cue that home cooked breakfast is not for me today and I just left before they could finish their rant.

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