Chapter-31 I Love You Too

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Zuby's POV

It's been a month to our marriage and I don't remember being so happy from a long time. Mom and dad have been showering me with their unconditional love. And Bhai has turned out to be the protective elder brother I never had. Due to his shifting duty we don't get to spend a lot of time together but whenever we get he makes sure to treat me like a little girl. Not that I am complaining but I found it really funny when Bhai said for the first time that he always wished to have a little sister to spoil. Well I am not little anymore but he does spoil me, within a month I already have almost 3 new books and yesterday Bhai even ordered a new book shelf for my room. He often gets me my favorite chocolate while coming back from hospital. Sagu laughed like a crazy girl when I told her what Bhai said and she replied...

"This is so ironic the guy you were going to get married to says that you are like his little sister." Thinking about this even I couldn't stop my laughter.

I almost forgot the joy of being part of a loving family since years. Mom finally came to know that I hardly know cooking. I was scared that she might get upset about this but she hugged me and said...

"So what if your aunt is a crazy woman, I will teach you the basics. And then if you find it interesting you can keep on learning more and more dishes." She gave me warm hug and kissed my forehead affectionately. I am in love with my mom in law. I even started going to my boutique two days after our reception.

Right now sitting in my boutique I know it's already time for me to go home but I still don't know how to face Ayaan. Well it's been like this since the last two days, we made love for the first time two nights back. Since then I am feeling so shy in front of Ayaan that I just can't even look in his eyes. Thinking of that night I can't stop blushing. Ayaan has been so good with me; I know I have somewhere fallen in love with my dear husband. He had been spooning me since quite a few days and two days back I just gave in. It's not that I regret it; at that moment I was sure that I was ready. Ayaan was so gentle with me, I felt loved and valued. I guess it's true when two people are in love then everything they do together feels amazing. But the next morning when Ayaan kissed me again I couldn't even look in his eyes.

I wonder if every girl feels like this once she has consummated her marriage. I have been avoiding Ayaan from two days. I mean I don't know what to say or do anymore. I never thought I would feel so shy after doing the deed. Yesterday I went to meet Sagu and once I was home I immediately went to bed after dinner. The day before I stayed up late and talked to mom in her room. What should I do now? I know this is not the right behavior but I can't help it.

I finally decide to go home and go with the flow; just then Ayaan calls me on my mobile. I hesitate but take his call...

Z-As salaam alaikum (Muslim greetings)

A-walekum as salaam

I don't know what to say so I wait for Ayaan to say something...I hear him take in a sharp breath...

A-What's wrong Zuby? Why are you not talking to me since the last two days?

I felt bad to hear him sound upset and also worried may be.

Z-It's nothing like that.

A-I don't know if I am right but I think I know the reason behind all this.

I am not sure what he thinks is the reason, so I stay quiet and let him speak.

A-I will be home in the next fifteen minutes and I want to talk to you. Please don't ignore me and let's just talk it out.

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