Chapter-26 You Are Safe

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Zuby's POV

It's been four days to my marriage and I don't remember being so content and happy since my parents passed away. I am so happy to be a part of this family; everyone has been so nice to me from the next day itself. I have noticed that dad is a man of few words, so is Bhai (Arhan) and even Ayaan. Well I guess it runs in the family...all three men don't talk much. But Ayaan and dad usually have that stern look on their face except when they talk to me or mom but Bhai seems more easy going. Yes I have started calling them the same names as Ayaan, dad and Bhai.

Mom has been nothing like the typical daily soap mother in law, and I realized quite soon that Ayaan was right when he said she will love me. I don't know if it's too early to say this but I see my mom in her. But then again she has given me no reason to doubt her emotions. I still remember the next morning after my came to me...


I woke up for my morning prayer and offered my prayer. Adila Appi had already left to check on Bilal Bhai and I was still on my prayer mat when someone knocked at the door. I hummed a little loudly since I was still reciting Quran and did not want to speak in between. The door opened and entered a lady who seemed to be in her late forties. I didn't recognize her as the only people I have seen since yesterday are Ayaan and Adila Appi. So basically I don't know anyone here by face or even name for that matter. Anyway I smiled at her and she returned my smile with a smile and a nod and walked in making herself comfortable on the bed. Once I was done I folded my prayer mat and kept my Quran and prayer mat on place, then I said my salaam (greetings) to her. She answered me and held her hand forward to call me near her. I walked towards her and she held my hand and made me sit beside her.

I did not take off my prayer stole and just sat beside her wondering who she is? Just then she said...

"I am Ayaan's mom..." I felt my heart stopped for a second as I was scared and nervous at the same time. She was so angry last evening and now she has come here to talk to me about what I wonder? What if she says that I should go back to my house and she does not accept this marriage...the mere thought of going back to those people made me become week once again and silent tears started flowing out of my eyes. I heard a gasp and then the next moment I was been hugged tightly...yes Ayaan's mom hugged me and now I was more shocked than a while before...

" dear...don't cry...please...everything is fine...don't worry...calm down..." her voice today was so soothing, she talked to me with so much love and affection in her voice that it made me sob even more. But she didn't let me go, in fact started rubbing her hand on my back and head in order to comfort me. Once she was sure I had stopped crying she pulled out of the hug and held me at arm's length then wiped my tears...

"I am so sorry for yesterday Zuby..." my eyes went wide, Why is she saying sorry to me?? I think she noticed the confusion in my eyes hence cleared it...

"I was angry with Ayaan, and in that anger I blamed you too. I realized that I should not have accused you without inquiring about the whole thing. I felt so helpless at that time...I wanted you to be married to my elder son, but I guess fate had decided something else. I just took time in understanding this truth that pairs are made in heaven. It seems you were meant to marry Ayaan and not Arhan." I kept listening to her quietly; frankly I didn't even know what to say right now. She took a deep breath and held my hand and continued...

"I will never again blame you for what my boys have done...I came to know about your uncle and his family...I mean to say about their true colors..." I was shocked to hear that...what is with this morning? I am getting to hear shocking stuff one after the other...

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