Chapter-4 Surprise

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Ayaan's POV

I was keeping the roses on the shelf behind my table when Abdul entered my office and spoke...

"Sir this is my friend Sagar and his friend Zuby"

On listening to her name I snapped my head back and looked at the girl standing in front of me, we looked straight into each other's eyes. I was once again trying to figure out if this is the same Zuby I have been looking for almost two decades. My heart was screaming that these are the same eyes but then I realized I am staring at her and she seems uncomfortable. The guy Sagar held his hand for me to shake, I shook his hand and we all seated. Zuby was looking around my office and I was still looking at her. So many Zubys I have seen in the past twenty years but my heart never behaved like this ever before. I cannot be mistaken and I am sure going to find out everything about this girl ASAP. Get a grip of yourself Ayaan...said my sub conscious...if you continue to behave like a jerk she might not do any business with you in fact she might not even stay here for long...i realized my stupidity and cleared my throat. Just then she looked in my direction and our gaze met once again but this time I spoke...

"I am really sorry to keep you both waiting, Abdul did you order some refreshments for them?"

"It's alright we are just fine, and we did not have to wait for too long anyway"

On hearing her voice I felt my heart skipped another beat. Oh God how am I going to complete this meeting, I noticed that she was not feeling comfortable here may be because of my staring. But what can I do? I have been waiting for this moment since a long time, but somehow I took a deep breath and decided to not bother her with my staring. May be she will be at ease once we start discussing her boutique.

"So tell me Miss Zuby how can I help you?" I asked her politely, I wanted to stick to my usual cold and professional tone but I just couldn't use it on her.

"Actually the thing is I bought a plot few months back and want to have my new boutique built over there. It's like my dream to be honest, then Sagar told me that you are the best contractor in the city and he can get me an appointment with you so I came to meet you." Her voice was like music to my ears I just wanted to keep on staring in those beautiful dark brown eyes. Again I reminded myself that she can get uncomfortable with my staring so I better discuss the deal.

"Well Miss Zuby I really hope I can make your dream come true, I would like to see the plot once, after that I can give you an exact idea of what can be done. Plus I will also appreciate if you show me the legal documents of your plot." She handed me over a file that she was holding and said...

"These are the papers of the plot and you can go through them, once you are satisfied with the papers we can schedule any day to visit the plot" I nodded my head in agreement and took the file from her hand. But as I opened it there was a picture of a guy and some bio data, I guess she brought the wrong file by mistake. So I gave it back and spoke....

"I think this is some other file as there are no property papers in it but some guy's picture and a bio data is in there." She immediately snatched that file from my hands and said...

"I'm so sorry I think I picked up the wrong file, I will just get the one with the plot papers" she was about to get up when Sagar held her arm and was going to say something but the moment he touched her arm she flinched at his touch and I could see pain and tears in her eyes. Sagar also noticed her reaction as I did and he asked her....

"What happened Zuby?" I saw Zuby blink her eyes quickly few times in order to get rid of her tears and then she spoke...

"I just hurt my arm nothing to worry about Sagar, I will just get the file you wait here" saying that she got up and walked out of my office, I did notice her holding her arm painfully when she was going. Sagar sat but I could see the concern he had for her. Even I was feeling very restless, her tears pierced my heart. With every passing second I am surer that she is my Zuby, because I have never felt like this towards other girls of the same name. And just look at my fate I have been searching for her since years and today she has walked in my office herself. I remember the old lady in the morning said a small prayer for me, I guess her prayer is answered and so I get to see the love of my life. But she seems to be in pain and I need to find out everything about her and that too quickly.

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