Chapter- 11 Friends Forever

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Zuby's POV

I was attending my new customers and as I realized that someone has entered my boutique I turned to see and was quite surprised that it was Mr. Ayaan. Both of us were surprised to see each other as we both just froze. I wonder why he is here. He did message me this morning but I don't think he was aware that this is my boutique otherwise he won't have been so surprised. Anyway he was at my place so I guess instead of standing quietly and staring at him in a surprised manner I should behave properly. So I smiled at him and spoke....

"What are you doing here Mr. Ayaan?" he was still smiling and staring at me, I don't know why but he looked actually cute. Just then I noticed that the lady who just came in walked towards Mr. Ayaan and greeted him. After meeting her Mr. Ayaan told me that she is his cousin and he came to meet her. He also told me that he was not aware that this is my boutique, well that part I already figured out looking at his surprised expression. I couldn't stop myself from teasing him a bit when he said it was a pleasant surprise to know that this is my boutique so I spoke...

"Well you seemed more shocked than surprised Mr. Ayaan." But I wasn't expecting the reply he gave me...

"You can call me Ayaan; Mr. Ayaan seems too formal and long." I just looked at him for a few seconds and nodded in agreement. After that Ayaan settled on one of the sofas and I got busy with the bride to be, Zoya. She was a nice girl and seemed younger than me. I showed her the best designs I had and she bought quite a lot of stuff. After sometime I ordered snacks for everyone and we all settled on the sofas in my boutique. Somehow I ended up sitting beside Ayaan as all other places were taken. I did feel slightly hesitant but he proved to be a gentleman and maintained proper distance between us. He seems to be a nice guy. There is something in his eyes which I just can't decipher, I don't know why but today whenever I caught him looking at me I saw a longing look in his eyes. I try to remember if we have ever met before or if I know him somehow. But I can't recall, in fact I don't think I have ever known any guy of the same name. It's not that I didn't know any guys, of course I did. I studied with boys in a co Ed school till grade 12. Though not many boys were my friends, but still I can't remember any Ayaan. Or maybe I resemble someone he knows that's why he looks at me like that. After the snack break Zoya continued with selecting some more dresses, she also ordered a few dresses which we can deliver her in almost 15 days. I also loved the way Ayaan was being patient for the sake of his elder sister. Otherwise a guy sitting in a ladies boutique for almost three hours without fussing about it is praise worthy. And the way he spoke to his sister, they seemed to be sharing a special bond. Oh how I wish even I had a sibling or a cousin to be friends with. May be that's why I have Sagarika and Sagar as my best friends. They look after me, love me and understand me. Mrs. Adila settled the bill and then we all said our goodbyes, they were gone and I was happy because I had some good sale and I am sure Zoya will turn into one of my regular customers. Looking at the time I realized it was almost 4 in the evening, we had two more hours before we close for the day. A few more customers came in and all in all it was a good day for my business. I guess I should check with Sagarika if she can pick me in the evening, I just can't wait to start with all the fun we are going to have over the weekend. I guess we will also have a horror movie marathon. I dialed Sagarika but she told me she will be a little late, so I decided to take a cab to the supermarket near her house and buy our junk and munch stock for tonight. She will pick me from there and then we will buy some DVDs on our way home.

As decided once I closed the boutique I booked a cab and it was there within 10 minutes. I reached the supermarket in almost half an hour and messaged Sagarika. She replied me back that she will join me in the next 20-25 minutes max. I did my shopping and bought our favorite stuff, the two of us can get really crazy sometimes and a sugar rush adds up to our craziness. To help us with the madness I bought quite lot chocolates. I don't know why but I was in a very good mood, well usually whenever I am with Sagarika I am in my best mood but today I can feel something more. Whatever it is I am loving it, by the time I was done with the billing Sagarika called me and told me that she was in the parking lot. I walked out and found her close to the exit point. Dumping all the packets in the back seat I settled in the passenger seat and Sagarika started towards the DVD shop. We bought around 5 DVDs; two were Bollywood movies and three Hollywood. And for a change today I told Sagarika to buy two of the recent romantic movies. Sagarika made fun of me saying that I am already falling for my would-be husband that's why I am behaving like this. I laughed along with her as I know I am nowhere even thinking about Sahil. But I didn't disagree that I was in a different mood today. I tried to think about my whole day, the people I met then one face flashed before my eyes 'Ayaan'. No...he can't be the reason for this change in my mood. I hardly know the guy, but I guess it was because of Zoya as I love to make brides happy with my designs. And Zoya was definitely happy and satisfied with her shopping spree at my boutique. 'Whatever lets you sleep at night' mocked my inner voice but I totally ignored it. We finally reached Sagarika's home around 9 at night, aunty was happy to see me again today. Sagarika and I went straight to her bedroom and placed all our stuff there then changed in our PJs. I had to say my last prayers for the day so I picked up my prayer mat and said my prayers at the usual spot. Yes one of my prayer mats is always in Sagarika's room for me to use whenever I am here. This was something very special in our relationship, we might have different faith and follow different religions but we respected each other's' belief. We never questioned each other regarding our prayer methods, we are friends because we like each other as people and following different religions never became a hindrance. So once I was done with my prayers I folded the prayer mat and my long prayer stole and kept it back on the same place. Aunty had ordered pizza for us and it had already arrived, me and Sagarika jumped on her bed and had our dinner. We forgot getting cold drink but thankfully Aunty had ordered a meal so the cold drink came along with the pizza. Once we were done Sagarika played the first movie and both of us settled on the floor with all the pillows around us. We were really sleepy as both of us had a really busy day so instead of watching all the movies we just watched one. We got up and lied on the bed and decided to talk till we fall asleep.

Sagarika asked me about my feelings towards getting married and I honestly told her that I have no feelings at all...

"To be honest Sagarika I don't know how to react, should I be happy? I actually don't feel any different; I have agreed to marry a man I don't even know. In fact I have not even seen him in person and I wonder if I will get to see him before my marriage. If anything I am more scared now, what if he is worse than my Uncle and Aunt? What if he has any bad habits? I wonder if I will be ever loved..." I take a deep breath and continue...

"I don't know why Sagu but I can't be happy even if I want to be, or should I admit I am scared to be happy. In such situations I really wish my parents were still alive. I am pretty sure my life would have been different and I might have been in love with the guy they would have selected for me, just because I know my parents would have selected the best guy for me. But I know Uncle Jawwad and Aunt Sara; they won't try to get me the best guy. If possible they would marry me off to the worst man alive. Why aren't you saying anything Sagu?" I turned to look at Sagarika and she was already asleep. I smiled at her innocent face, she was definitely tired. She was a beautiful girl with dark skin and sharp features, her hair were silky soft and black in color. I loved her smile the most and about her personality I loved the fact that she is an optimistic person, so full of life. She is also a great swimmer, and me her best friend is scared of even hanging my legs in the pool. She really tried many times to motivate me to swim but I just couldn't do it. I really wonder why I am so scared of swimming, or going near a pool or sea for that matter. Taking a deep breath I decided to stop thinking about everything and sleep, since I was already tired I quickly fell in deep slumber.

My alarm for the Morning Prayer woke me up but today I decided to sleep after saying my prayers. After that when I woke up it was quite late. I checked the time and it was already 11 in the morning and my dear bestie was still asleep. I woke her up and went to the bathroom; I finished with my morning routines and had a bath. We had not yet decided what to do for today but I wore a simple orange color churidar and kurta (traditional Indian dress). It had cream color embroidery so I wore a cream color headscarf. Once I was ready I tried to wake Sagarika again and this time she finally woke, she went to the bathroom and I went out to check on her mom. As I stepped in the kitchen I could smell her tasty pancakes, she was the only woman in my life nearest to a mother figure. I wished her good morning and saw that she had prepared one of my favorite breakfast, pancakes and cheese omelets. I hugged her and thanked her, I couldn't resist so I started eating in the kitchen itself. While having my breakfast I saw Sagar coming from his room, he was ready for the day and I raised an eye brow at him..."What?" he asked me and I replied...

"If you think you are having any of your alone plans today then you better cancel them because you are hanging out with us." He gave me a confused look and spoke...

"You guys should have told me in advance I already have plans man!"

"First thing I am not a man and second thing you should have used your brain that if I am staying then you have to spend time with me as well. Because last time I checked you are my best friend as well." I huffed and turned away from him. I heard him take a deep breath and then he came and stood beside me and said...

"Alright now don't give me that silenttreatment, I will call up the guy I was going to meet and tell him that I can'tcome today. Make whatever plan you both want to I will tag along." I turned andsaw him having a soft smile; he was more of a brother to me than just my bestfriend. I gave him my 100 watt smile and offered him a bite of pancake. He tookthe bite and then walked out of the kitchen I guess to make a call and changehis plans. Just then Sagarika was out and she had already taken a bath andjoined me for breakfast. Once both of us finished our breakfast we decided togo for some shopping and then watch a movie in the multiplex then have lunch together.Poor Sagar was fine with the rest of the plan but shopping with me and Sagarikawas like a death sentence for him. Well we will try to go easy on him. Full ofexcitement we all headed out to Sagarika's favorite mall, it was going to be along day but I was not complaining.    

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