Chapter-13 Not So Impressive

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Zuby's POV

I woke up and checked the time; it was almost 10 at night. I can't believe I was so tired that I slept instantly after coming back from the mall around 7 in the evening. I turned and saw Sagarika was still asleep so without disturbing her I got out of bed and headed to her washroom to freshen up and change into my PJs. I still had to offer my night prayers so after I changed I picked up my prayer mat and prayer scarf and finished my prayers. It was now 11 and I was not feeling sleepy anymore so I decided to go out in the garden for a walk. I was sure Sulekha aunty would also be asleep by now so I directly went outside. The weather tonight was pleasant and I started walking thinking about life in general. I was aware that sometime soon there is going to be another twist in my life. Now I just wonder if it will be a nice twist or my already messed up situation will become worst. After all marrying a guy you have not even seen in person forget about meeting him is something to worry about. I am sure if this guy was selected by my own parents then I would not be worried as I am sure they would have selected the best boy as my husband. But now the situation is different, this boy is actually my uncle and aunt's choice. And as a matter of fact I don't trust them to look for the best boy as my husband, then again I know I have agreed to this wedding solely because of my faith in my Almighty Allah. I am sure whatever happens will be the best for me.

I try to distract myself from this complicated topic and think about the Alumni Meet in my college which is to be held next week on Thursday. I am really excited about it like every year; the color code is black/red/navy blue or pink. Today at the food court Sagu and I have decided to wear black, I will wear my black anarkali (Traditional Indian costume) and Sagu said she will wear Sulekha Aunty's black saree (Traditional Indian costume). Though I have not seen that saree but Sagu is really hyper at the fact that her mum will give that saree to Sagu for a day. Probably it is one of her favorite and also very special as she recently got that one as a gift from Uncle on their 25th wedding anniversary. I on the other hand love my black anarkali, it has got very fine silver embroidery and a net dupatta (stole). I bought it few months back from Biba. And the fact that I also have matching silver and black heels is making me all giddy. I just can't wait till Thursday. I remember last year also we had a blast; the best part about the parties in our college is that it's a girls college and for every party the best DJ of the city is invited. Both me and Sagarika love to dance and what could be a better platform than an ONLY girls party. Each time both of us choose a corner in the College Auditorium where the parties are usually held and we dance our heart out. I can't stop the smile from gracing my lips by just thinking about all the parties we had attended at our college. Thinking about the Alumni Meet and walking around I did not notice the time, I have been walking for more than an hour now. It's almost 12.15 midnight and I get a little scared on hearing a car stop outside and the main gate being opened. I am not sure who could it be as I thought everyone is home and sleeping already but then Sagar enters. I was taken aback seeing him come back home so late at night, I don't know why but his expressions are not really good. The moment he noticed me in the garden he paused for a second then smiled. I could easily make out it was not his actual smile rather was a forced one. I wonder where was he and why does he seem so pissed off. I smile back at him and walk to him, once we are close enough I ask him...

"Where are you coming from so late at night?" he looked here and there then answered back...

"I was out to meet a friend." I don't know why but I am having a feeling he was hiding something and is really tensed so I ask him again as we start walking inside the house...

"But when did you go? I thought you are also asleep by now. Are you fine Sagar? Why does it look like something is bothering you?" he looked at me with sadness and concern in his eyes and simply ditched my question by questioning me instead...

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