Chapter-22 The Wedding(part-1)

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A/N: I have really enjoyed myself while writing these two chapters and I hope my readers will enjoy them too. It was getting quite lengthy so I decided to divide the wedding day into two chapters. Have fun reading it and don't forget to share and commentJ

Zuby's POV

Waking up on the day of your wedding is something which excites almost every bride. Or I guess they are lucky to be happy on their wedding day. A day which changes one's life; a day which adds a new family in one's life. The day when a girl completes a man. And the day she probably meets and unites with her soul mate. Even with all the mess in my life I had hopes for this day of my wedding. My uncle made sure that even this happiness is taken away from me. But here I am tightly holding on the delicate shreds of the hope left in me. It's all due to my faith in Almighty, I am sure he has planned the best for me and I am somewhat eagerly waiting to enter this new phase of my life. But again I am just an ordinary human being who gets lost and distracted on her way, that's the only reason for my anxiety today.

Till I was getting married to Sahil at least I had a face to imagine whenever thoughts of how my husband will be came in my mind. But now I don't even have a face, feeling a little more anxious I just close my eyes and think about what's up for me today. I don't know from where but Ayaan's face comes in front of my eyes and I instantly open my eyes. I wonder why did his face flash, it can't be him. So what if Adila said that she is the groom's sister, she didn't say cousin. And why will she hide it from me if it was Ayaan. And why of all the people in this world will Ayaan want to marry me? It seems my mind is just playing games with me. I hardly know any boys/men personally that's why I am getting images of Ayaan cross my mind.

I take a deep breath and get out of bed before I am late and miss my morning prayer. I freshen up, make wudu (ablution) and then offer my prayers. I sat on the prayer mat for a little longer today, remembering my parents. They would have been so happy if they were alive, in fact I would have been happy as well. I still wonder why I was not with them on that fateful night. But I guess there is something left in my life, I still have to witness many more things. I cannot deny the little ray of hope that I still feel. Yes, I can't actually see anything good happening to me anytime soon but I still feel the ray of hope. I am brought out of my trance with the ringer of my mobile, I see Sagu's name on my mobile screen. I accept her call and she tells me that she will be starting for my place in the next half an hour. Sulekha Aunty is also accompanying her. Both of them will be getting ready for the wedding here itself. I hang up the call with a hope of not being alone anymore. I look at the time and realize that I have been sitting on the prayer mat for almost an hour now. It is already 7 in the morning, I get up and take a bath and change into a simple pink checkered shirt and white pants. While drying my hair with hair dryer I wonder if my husband will like my hair. I have these wavy dark brown hairs which almost reach my waist. What if he prefers short hair?? I won't actually mind getting a haircut for him; I smile at the fact that how easily I am able to distract myself from the gloomy thoughts today. Though I am still in pain because of the bruises all over my body but this pain has still not shattered my soul. I am grateful to Allah that the finger marks on my cheeks have faded a little and can be easily covered with some make up. On makeup I remember Sagu telling me that she has already taken appointment from a beautician to do my bridal make up plus a henna artist to apply henna on my palms and feet. I just smile thinking about all this, so what if there are so many things in my life to be worried about I still have my best friend who is trying her best to make my special day really SPECIAL for me. I lie down on my bed with my feet hanging on the floor and hear Sagar's car horn after around 20 more minutes. I sit up and wait for my darling friends to come up to me, I guess Sagar is here to drop Sagarika and Aunt Sulekha so I put on my headscarf and wait for them.

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