Chapter-8 Busy Day

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Zuby's POV

I woke up for my morning prayer around 5 in the morning. Once I was done with my prayer I decided to pack for the weekend since I was going to stay with Sagarika's family. The only good thing about my uncle and aunt was that they allowed me to hang out with my friends and also let me have a sleepover. Though I was very well aware for the reasons behind this kindness, one that they were too bothered about their reputation as good people/ saints etc. and two that I hardly had any friends. It is not like I don't mingle with people or I am an introvert. I talk and laugh with everyone but I just don't make anyone and everyone my friend. For me friendship is a very special bond. I am lucky to have two best friends; even their parents admire me like their own daughter. I have been friends with them since we moved to India. My parents also met them and appreciated my choice of friends. I just wish they were still here with me and appreciated the other decisions I have taken in life. Thinking about them I always wonder what could be Almighty's plans for me. Taking a deep breath I finish my packing and then take out my clothes for today. Sagarika will be picking me early morning so I guess we will first drop my stuff at her place then have breakfast with her and I might ask her to drop me to my boutique as well. I am just not in a mood to drive today so I guess I will book a cab in the evening or ask Sagarika to pick me if she is free.
I took a bath and then blow dried my hair. I changed into a comfortable black palazzo pants with red kurti (long shirt) and black head scarf. I wore one of my favorite red Sandals and sent a text to Sagarika telling her that I am ready. I picked up my laptop, mobile and wallet and placed everything in my hand bag. After about 10 minutes Sagarika replied to my message...

'On my way...will be there in 10 minutes'

I sent her a thumbs up in reply and just lay on my bed reading the new romance novel I bought 4 days back. I just love reading and romance is my favorite genre. But if someone asks me what kind of movies I prefer then it is definitely horror. My train of thoughts was interrupted by a knock on my door. I wonder who it could be as it's just 6.45 in the morning. I raised my voice and asked anyhow...

"Who is it??"

"Zuby please open the door, it's me Ashfaq...I want to talk to you" not him again, I really don't understand this prick. He is just disgusting, though I am not the kind of girl to be scared of scumbags but I am not a fool to willingly let him enter my room when I am alone. And especially after the stunt he tried on his last visit.

"C'mon Zuby it's not like I will eat you. I know you are upset because of what happened last time but believe me when I say I love you and that was just a mistake. I swear I won't repeat it" I was really getting irritated with this man now, I think I better face him and ask him to bug off otherwise he might have the impression that I am scared of him.
Taking a deep breath I closed my novel and kept it on the bed then walked towards the door. I sent a prayer to Allah to make me strong enough to face him and I opened the door. There he was shamelessly standing in just a pair of blue shorts and absolutely nothing covering the upper part of his body. There was a smirk on his face and I decided to look straight in his eyes and stop his non sense once and for all.
" Look Ashfaq I am saying this for the last time, STAY AWAY FROM ME. Once more you bother me I will go to the police now and file a harassment case." He seemed surprised to hear me and see me stand in front of him confidently. He was about to say something but just then the doorbell rang. I was sure it was Sagarika so I pushed him aside and walked down to get the door. I was correct and it was Sagarika...

"Hey good morning sweetheart" she said...

"Good morning Sagu...come with me upstairs and help me carry my stuff" she nodded and both of us walked upstairs to my room. Ashfaq was still standing at my door and Sagarika glared at him as she saw him. Seeing me pick my stuff Ashfaq asked...

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