Chapter-38 Reasons

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Zuby's POV

The last few days have been emotionally very exhausting for me. Ayaan and especially mom are very concerned about my health. I am trying my best to stay calm but today I was really restless since I woke up. What I didn't know was that by the end of the day I will be relieved from all the burdens and sorrows I have been carrying with myself since my parents' fatal accident.

My uncle and aunt have just walked out of our living room and I have not felt so good in years. Forgiving them for all that they did to me for years and asking Almighty to forgive my parents' sins really does feel good. I don't remember my parents much; I mean I don't know what kind of people they were with others. They were just ordinary people as far as I can remember and definitely not saints. It is quite possible that some of their actions in the past might have hurt someone, now those actions were intentional or unintentional is something only they could have told or the All Knower Almighty Allah knows. I am no one to judge them or anyone else for that matter. What I came to know today first hit me like a hard slap across my face. Something which shook me to the core, my heart dropped and I had a sinking feeling. I am pretty sure if Ayaan was not with me at that time I might have had a breakdown. I remember Ayaan saying in the morning...

"You don't have to do this Jaan. I can still tell them that you don't want to talk to them. We will settle everything the other way, and you don't have to get involved in any more mess." I knew he was just looking out for me and so I assured him that this is something I am sure that I want to do. I have never got an answer to why my uncle and aunt were so cruel to me. Actually I never had enough courage to ask them all this while looking straight into their eyes. But now my situation is different, I have a loving and supportive husband who has my back. Plus I have an equally supportive family, I can finally look into their eyes and question them the reason behind their behavior.

Mom, dad and Ayaan all were with me when Uncle Jawwad and Aunt Sara came to our home. Ashfaq was in police custody since the attacker man had confessed Ashfaq being the one to plan the attack. He also paid the guy, I still can't believe how low that good for nothing cousin of mine can stoop. Anyhow Ayaan was in no mood to go easy on Ashfaq, and Sagar helped him in that. In fact they were also pushing me to press charges against my uncle and aunt for all those years of torture. It was then I decided that I want to meet them once and ask them why they did all that to me.

They reached here around 5 in the evening but asked to talk to me alone. Mom and dad agreed but Ayaan made it very clear to them that he will not leave me alone with them in the same room as he does not trust them. I was really glad he stood there for me; anyway I was not letting him leave but listening him say all that made me love him more. I really wonder at times what I did to deserve Ayaan as my husband, or I guess he is the reward Allah Almighty has given me for my patience throughout my time without my parents. As soon as mom and dad left I looked up to see my aunt giving me a disgusted look and my uncle had the same cold look as always. Ayaan sat beside me and held my hand, he was quietly telling me that I don't need to be afraid and that he was here with me.

We had a conversation of almost two hours. After absorbing everything in I finally said something which shocked both my uncle and aunt...

"Today I forgive you both with all my heart for all the injustices, pain and sorrows you have caused me in all those past years till today. I no longer hold any grudge against you people." There was complete silence in the room once I said that, Jawwad uncle and Sara Aunty looked at me wide eyes, I smiled at them and continued...

"I will talk to my friend and get the papers ready. I don't need any other property other than my boutique. My husband has enough for both of us. I want to name all the other property whichever is under my name to both of you. Once the formalities are done we will contact you. Thank you for coming and please try to forgive my parents. They are long gone; Allah Almighty adores those who forgive. Please think about my request." With that they walked out and once they were gone I hugged Ayaan with all my might. His hold on me was firm while he kissed my head. I mumbled into in his chest...

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