Chapter-21 All Sorted

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Third Person POV

Ayaan was confused to see a terrified look on his sister's face and she immediately got back in the car saying...

"How can we forget?? She knows I am your sister, we have already met." He bit his cheek as he realized that they totally forgot this part.

"What are we gonna do now??" Ayaan asked his sister who stayed quiet for the next 5 minutes. Ayaan could see that she was thinking about something and her facial expressions changed and she seemed calm and composed once again. She turned towards Ayaan and said...

"Don't worry I have got this one sorted, but I want you to park a little farther so that when I come out with Zuby she should not see you." Ayaan could trust his sister with his life and he knew that whatever she does will be in his favor only. He simply shook his head in agreement and Adila got out of the car.

Adila walked towards the main entrance of Zuby's house to ring the doorbell. Meanwhile Ayaan parked his car a little farther just as Adila asked him to. It was then he noticed Sagar's car already parked and he knew that Sagar and his mom were already in.

Ashfaq was the one to open the door for Adila, she introduced herself as Arhan's cousin and with a fake smile Ashfaq welcomed her inside. She followed Ashfaq to the living room where there were two other ladies sitting and a young boy almost of Ayaan's age and an elderly man too. Ashfaq introduced Adila to everyone and then Adila came to know that one of the two ladies was Zuby's Aunt Sara and the other was her best friends' mom, Aunt Sulekha. The young boy was Zuby's friend Sagar and the elderly man was Zuby's Uncle Jawwad. It was difficult for Adila to pretend how pleased she was to meet Jawwad and his family. She knew what kind of people they are but she had to keep herself in control only for Ayaan and Zuby.

She sat with the ladies and Sara started with the narration of the fake story of how last night Zuby was attacked by the wild cat. She also faked some tears 'what an actress' Adila thought to herself. Adila knew that Sulekha and her son Sagar are here to help and she was grateful for that. Adila made sure to cut short Sara's fake concerns and asked to meet Zuby. She said that she also needs to assist her brother in buying his wedding sherwani (groom's dress) that's why she is in a hurry. Sara got up, so did Sulekha and Adila. Both of them followed Sara towards Zuby's room. Before they left Sagar told his mom that he will be waiting outside.

Sara knocked on Zuby's door and in a couple of minutes Zuby unlocked her door and opened it. She knew Sulekha was going to visit her but she was surprised to see Adila and it was clear with the way her eyes grew wide. Adila did not give her time to react and immediately said...

"Don't be surprised to see a stranger dear, well I am actually not a stranger now. I am your would be husband's sister" Adila gave her a look which was enough for Zuby to understand that she should just agree with Adila. Zuby just smiled and walked inside her room letting everyone in. Sulekha was also aware that Adila knows everything. They all sat and Sara shows off her fake concern for Zuby. Zuby on the other hand was very quiet but kept on wondering why Adila is here. Sara asked Zuby to go get ready because Adila had come to take her shopping. Zuby took out a simple white color shalwar suit (a traditional Indian dress) with a white head scarf and walked in her bathroom to change. Sara went out saying that she will be waiting for them downstairs. As she went out Sulekha locked the door and turned to Adila and said...

"From what my son told me I guess you know everything." She was in no mood to beat around the bush and neither was Adila so she simply nodded. Sulekha was about to say something more but Zuby came out dressed up in her simple attire. Sulekha got up and hugged Zuby, she was careful not to hurt her. At that moment Zuby could not hold back her tears and wept in Sulekha's arms...

Proposed In KindergartenWhere stories live. Discover now