Chapter-36 Unexpected Events

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Zuby's POV

It's been three days since we came back from Zoya's wedding. I really enjoyed myself; it was fun being with so many girls. Zoya and all her friends are amazing people. In fact everyone in Adila Appi's family is just awesome. The only person who bothered me was Sheza but she also stopped once Yaanu gave her a bitter dose the other day. But right now even after so many good things happening around me I am anxious. The only reason is that I have skipped my cycle for this month. I didn't know who I should talk to about this, so I called up Adila Appi an hour back. She asked me to tell Ayaan and that I should buy a kit so that I can test at home. Though I told her I won't be able to talk to Ayaan about this, we have not actually talked anything about planning a family right now. I know it's been almost two months now since we are having a full-fledged married relationship. There are chances that I am expecting our first child but I don't know why I am so scared. I don't even know if Ayaan likes kids or not. We have literally not even touched this topic. I try to calm myself and then decide that I will first do the test, if it's positive obviously I will tell Ayaan and if it's negative then I will leave this topic for now.

It's almost five in the evening and I will start for home within the next thirty minutes. It was a nice day at work; we had a groom's family shopping for dresses for the new bride. I love it when people come to my boutique to shop for a wedding in their family. Taking a deep breath I remind myself that I have to do my packing and also some shopping. Finally we will be going on our honeymoon next week. Ayaan will hand over his work to Abdul for two weeks while I will hand over mine to Neetu and Shifa.

I wind up my work and leave for home around half past five. Just then I get a call from none other than my dearest hubby darling. I pick up immediately...

A-Hey beautiful
Z-Hey handsome
A-Are you back home already?
Z-Nope, just about to start. What about you?
A-I will be leaving within an hour.
Z-Ok, see you soon.
A-Actually I called you for a reason, ummm...just be ready when I come. I will take you out for dinner and then I have a surprise for you.
Z-Dinner? Surprise?? Is this a date Yaanu?
A-Well... you can definitely say that.
Z-I will be ready. Love you
A-Love you too. Drive safely and message me once you reach.

With that I hung up the call, the little things Ayaan says melt my heart. Every day he asks me to inform him once I reach home safely. In fact he has been a little more protective since that man was stalking me. But now I think of it and feel it was just a weird coincidence. I didn't see him around again. But I must admit that the guards make me feel comfortable.

I was half way home when my mobile started ringing once again; I checked the caller ID and saw Adila Appi was calling me. I parked my car at a side and received her call...

Ad-Did you talk to Ayaan?
Z-No Adila Appi, I have decided not to tell him till I do the test.
Ad-I will still say you should let him know.
Z-It's not like I want to hide it from him but I think I will check first if it's negative then I will get time to mentally prepare myself to discuss this topic with Ayaan.
Ad-I think you right. Try to check as soon as possible. And Zuby...don't forget what I told you. It is a blessing to become parents. I can understand your anxiety but sweety this is something people crave for. Don't go far; look at me it's been so many years to my marriage but still I couldn't conceive till now. I and Bilal both have got our checkups done and each time the doctor says that all the reports are normal. It's just Allah's will, but I have not lost hope. I am sure Almighty will bless us soon.
Z-I totally get your point Adila Appi.
Ad-Now just don't stress yourself everything will be fine. Take care
Z-You too

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