Chapter-6 How To Confirm?

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Ayaan's POV

It was almost 7 in the evening and my patience had totally died off so I called up Sagar...

"Hey Sagar it's me Ayaan"

"Yes Mr. Ayaan, is everything alright?"

"Oh yes! I hope I am not disturbing and please call me Ayaan"

"Ya sure and no you are not disturbing "

"Actually I just wanted to check about Miss Zuby, I hope her cut has been properly treated and she is fine now"

"Yes she is fine and thank god I took her to the doctor, she needed a tetanus injection and the Dr. assured that after the shot there was nothing to be worried about"

"Ok...that's good." I remained silent for a second then finally asked him...

"If you don't mind me asking but did someone purposely harm her? Because I was able to make out the spot where she had the cut and I am pretty sure she couldn't get a cut over there accidentally "

Sagar took a deep breath before answering me...

"I can only tell you that you are right" Hearing him say that I could not understand who on earth would hurt her that way...the need to know more about her life has gone to a whole new level now. I realized I was still on call so I spoke up...

"Take care Sagar I hope we will get to meet soon. By the way can you please send me Miss Zuby's number so that I can text her and ask about her injury."

"Sure Ayaan I will just send you her number and let's meet up someday soon" I hung up the call and started thinking of the fastest way to acquire every knowledge about Zuby. I was deep in thought when someone knocked at my door; I got up and opened the door to see Arhan standing there. It's been quite a while since he came to my room so I was a bit surprised to see him there.

"Can I come in?" He asked me with a serious face and I just opened the door wide so that he can get in and I walked in and sat on my bed. Arhan closed the door and sat on my recliner. He was wearing a black pant with a blue striped shirt and held his Dr. coat on his right arm along with his stethoscope. I could make out he was ready to go for his shift. He is my handsome brother I thought, he is as tall as me and everyone says we resemble a lot. We were very close at one point of our lives but then somehow now we have a huge gap between us. Arhan cleared his throat then spoke...

"Ayaan I am sure you heard today in the morning that mom and dad are trying to get me married" he looked at me as if checking whether he should continue or not and so I nodded my head in agreement and let him continue...

"Mom has sent a proposal for a girl whose family has said yes but they have said that the final decision will be of the girl" Arhan took a deep breath and asked me

"Ayaan what is the name of the girl you have been looking for?" I was shocked to hear Arhan ask me that but I managed to question him instead of answering his question

"Why are you asking me that?"

"Well I am asking because as far as I remember that girl's name was Zuby and I am telling you this whole story about my marriage proposal because this girl's name is also Zuby" he spoke a little irritated and my eyes could not get any wider and I couldn't speak...but Arhan spoke again...

"I know we have grown quite distant from each other from the past few years...believe me when I say this Ayaan I have never liked mom and dad compare us. And today when I heard this girl's name I just wanted you to be sure if she is the one you have been looking for. Though it is not sure if she will accept my proposal as her uncle said they have a few proposals in line and Zuby will take the final decision. But I want to tell you if she accepts my proposal then I will marry her only if you are sure that she is not the one you have been looking I have her picture you can see and do your own research" Arhan gave me an envelope which I took immediately and then he walked out of my room.

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