Chapter-39 Honeymoon

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Ayaan's POV

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath while our fingers are intertwined tightly. The love of my life, my wife is sitting beside me on the window seat in Business Class and is staring outside in excitement. We have already boarded our flight to Dubai and will be there in a couple of hours. The last few days have been difficult, in fact when I think of it since the day I finally found Zuby my life has been not less than an adventurous roller coaster ride. First the confirmation process that she is My Zuby. Then her marriage proposal with Sahil, me messing things. Finally our chaotic marriage. Getting her forgiveness, making her fall in love with me, getting intimate in our relationship and now our pregnancy. We have gone through a lot, and I am not complaining. Her meeting with her uncle and aunt and the decision she took has done nothing but fill my heart with a lot more love and respect for this girl sitting by my side. She improved my relationship with my own parents; I love her with my whole being.

That night when I took her out after dinner for her surprise, she had no idea what it was. Even now I couldn't forget her expressions after seeing her boutique. She was absolutely quiet for around 10 seconds and when she turned to look at me all she did was cry. I won't lie if I say I wasn't scared, I thought may be my surprise has gone wrong. But then she hugged me and thanked me. How do I make her understand that whenever I say 'anything for you love' I mean it from the bottom of my heart? She laughed when I told her that this was the project I was working during Zoya's wedding celebrations. Out of giggles Zuby said...

"Oh my! I was jealous of MYSELF" we both laughed at that. I was on cloud nine to see her happy. I had not named her boutique and the name she decided made my heart swell...ZUYAAN CREATIONS. She included me in her dream boutique, I felt loved as well as honored.

Sagar was not happy with Zuby's decision of naming everything to her Uncle and Aunt but anyhow he agreed to get the papers ready. I guess once we are back from our honeymoon the paperwork will be ready. Mom was not very happy with us going on honeymoon now. According to her we should wait for Zuby to complete her first trimester, but I assured her that I will take care of Zuby. We also visited Zuby's doctor and took all precautions necessary for traveling. The emotional turmoil Zuby went through after the acid attack was too much for her to handle. I had to take her out of there for a while, so I figured out what is better than going on our honeymoon. Zuby was very happy and seeing her happy made me happier.

We landed in Dubai and after the various formalities we were now sitting in the car sent by the hotel we will be staying in. On our way to the hotel Zuby kept glancing out and after every few minutes she would turn to me and say...

"Everything has changed, I don't remember much of Dubai since I was too young when we moved to India but I am sure it was not like this at that time." I had my arm around her shoulder and pulled her to me. She smiled and placed a kiss on my chest while I kissed the top of her head. I wonder how my darling wife is going to react when I give her the next surprise. Smiling at just the thought of it I pull Zuby even closer to myself and kiss her temple.

The hotel was a four star with great service. Bhai has done a little too much I would say. We freshen up and relax; I order lunch in our suite. It was almost 1 in the afternoon when we reached our hotel. After lunch we decided to take a nap, though Zuby wanted to go out but I know she should not strain herself so I promised to take her out later. In fact I asked her out on a dinner date, she was really excited. We slept peacefully in each other's embrace.

I woke up before Zuby as I had to get some arrangements done. Leaving my beautiful wife asleep I went out to the reception. I asked them to make arrangements for a candle light dinner plus I asked them to send ladies from their spa to our suite. I wanted to pamper my girl and make her feel special. All this did cost me a little more than average but what I was about to do is going to be just for once in our lifetime. And by the grace of Almighty I can afford all this. Once I was back to our suite Zuby was already awake. We called back home and had a light chat with everyone. Mom was only concerned about Zuby's health and warned me or should I say threatened me to take care of her properly. After the call I couldn't resist my dear wife and we made out a little, but were interrupted by a knock on the door. It was the spa women, as they walked in Zuby was a little confused. I told her that this is a part of the main surprise and she happily hugged me. Once Zuby's beauty treatments were done I gave her the dress which I had bought with Sagarika for our special date tonight. It was a purple color full length gown with silver sequins. I got her matching headscarf and clutch and heels and what not. All thanks to Sagarika for she helped me otherwise I didn't even know where to find all the girly stuff from.

Dressed in my black tux with matching pants and purple shirt I patiently waited for my love. The moment she came out of the room all dressed up and ready I couldn't take my eyes off her. She was the most beautiful girl for me, all mine to love and cherish. I gave her my right arm and complimented...

"You look absolutely amazing, love" Zuby smiled and said...

"And you look even more handsome Yaanu" I pecked her lips and then we walked out towards the venue. All the arrangements were made according to my request; we got a private area at one of the terrace restaurants in the hotel. The view was beautiful and Zuby was left awestruck. I was glad she liked it, and then she looked at me once again and said...

"So this is the special surprise, thank you so much Ayaan. Everything is just amazing."
I shook my head and answered her...

"Well, this is just another part of the main surprise. You will get the main surprise after dinner." Zuby smiled and looked at me with wide eyes. I took out the chair for her and made her sit. I was actually trying my best to be the perfect gentleman. And by the way my wife was admiring my every move I am pretty sure I was doing good till now.

The dinner was tasty and we enjoyed it having light conversations. After dinner it was time and now I was nervous like anything. Zuby ordered her favorite brownies with ice cream and so did I. Once her ice cream was almost finished I got up, Zuby stared at me confused while I came beside her and got down on one knee. She gasped and looked at me with wide eyes and her mouth open. I took out the small velvet box from my pocket and opened it to reveal the beautiful diamond ring I chose for Zuby. By now Zuby was giggling like a cute teenager and I loved her reaction...

"Zuby I know we got married in a chaos. And somewhere I am responsible for all that, but if I have to go through all that chaos once again I will do it just to have you in my life. You are not just my wife, you are the love of my life and I will cherish you till my last breath. With faith in Almighty I promise to always be there for you" Zuby gave me her hand and I slipped the ring on her ring finger. She got up and pulled me with her then kissed me. It was a soft sensual kiss, and I kissed her back with the same emotions. After we broke the kids both of us said together...I love you...we laughed and I placed another kiss on her forehead. I couldn't take anymore so I picked her up bridal style and started walking towards the elevator. Zuby was not fond of PDA but I guess she understood my emotions and let me carry her. We entered our suite and kissed each other once again. After making love to my beautiful wife who was soon going to be the mother of our child we fell asleep in each other's arms. Our life has just begun and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life in the arms of my woman. Together we will make our happily ever after.

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