Chapter-30 Out Of Love

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Zuby's POV

While on our way back from the reception, Zoya had been continuously teasing Ayaan and asking him to be ready for some torture once we are home. But I am still trying to figure out what happened between Ashfaq and Ayaan some time back. I couldn't hear what Ashfaq said but I didn't miss his expressions plus how furious Ayaan became on hearing him. I think if it was not for Abdul then Ayaan would have punched Ashfaq right there in front of everyone. I am glad Abdul stopped him, but I still want to know what exactly happened. I think I will ask Ayaan later tonight once we are alone.

As we reach home I am not taken to my room instead I sit in the living room with Ayaan beside me on the sofa. Ayaan leans towards me and whispers...

"Did I tell you how beautiful you are looking today? I just don't want to take my eyes off you..." I couldn't help the blush on my cheeks, I felt like my face has become hot and red. Then I noticed that Zoya and Sagu brought a bowl full of some colorful water. They dropped a coin and a ring in it and asked me and Ayaan to find it. Well I know this game, it is the typical and very old game usually played by the bride and groom on their wedding day. Since our wedding day was full of chaos Zoya insisted that we will have some fun after our reception.

This game is simple and I have seen it in many Indian movies and have also read about it in some romantic novels. They say whoever wins this game will be the boss forever. I always found it silly but playing it today with my own husband is somehow giving me a house full of butterflies in my belly. We started and I was trying to locate the ring first, just then Ayaan caught my hand and I froze. I looked at him and he totally ignored my stare on him, with a smirk on his face he continued to pretend that he is looking for the ring and coin. I couldn't help but smile and managed to release my hand from his grip. We both took our hands out of the water together with me holding the ring and Ayaan holding the coin. Everyone cheered and started giving their version of what the result meant. Someone said I will be showered with jewels by my husband while someone said my husband will have an increase in his income because of my good luck. Whatever they said I just know that I had fun.

Ayaan was ready to get up when Adila Appi stopped him and he was told about the next game tonight. Ayaan has to answer three questions about me and if he answers at least two correctly only then can he sleep in our room tonight. I try to stifle my laughter, these girls are so mean, I mean they know we hardly know each other on top of it the circumstances we got married in were not at all normal. Hence we don't know much about each other, I am sure Ayaan won't be able to answer even one answer correct. Ayaan noticed that I am amused with this quiz and whispers once more near my ear...

"I guess now everyone will know how much I know you..." I couldn't help but smile. Zoya clears her throat and shoots the first question...

"What is Zuby's favorite pastime?" Aww... I feel sorry for Ayaan; I have actually not got engrossed in my favorite pastime since I got married last week.

"Reading romance novels" came Ayaan's reply and I am stunned. Sagu claps her hands like a five year old and confirms for everyone that Ayaan gave the right answer. Zoya gives him a raised eyebrow then asks the second question...

"What is Zuby's idea of a comfy night dress? A silk nighty or a baggy, long t shirt?" Now this is something he can't know...

"Baggy, long t shirt" Ayaan answered with a smug smile and I can't help but stare at him with wide eyes. He chuckles at my reaction. Sagu seems really excited and somehow I have a feeling that she leaked Zoya's questions. My thoughts are interrupted by Ayaan's voice...

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