Chapter-33 Waiting For You

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Zuby's POV

On my way to the boutique with Ayaan I can't help but think about the guy I noticed yesterday. I am sure that I have seen him with Ashfaq a couple of times. I try to distract myself from not worrying too much. I know Ayaan is here for me now, not just him I have my whole family standing by my side now. It's good that I left my car yesterday and so I am going with Ayaan. Mom didn't want me to go to work today but Ayaan assured her that things are under control. I trust my husband and I think it's because of that I am sitting here without having a panic attack or something. I really hate feeling so terrified and so weak. Though my husband has brought a lot of change in me, last night also the way he held me the whole night gave me the assurance that I am safe with this man. I thank Allah Almighty every day for blessing me with such a man for a husband.

As we reach my boutique I notice two guards standing at my entrance while two other men were fixing new cameras facing my parking space. As Ayaan parks the car I look at him and ask...

"You hired them..." it was more of a statement than a question and my darling husband just shrugged in response. I shook my head and held his hand. I kissed his palm and intertwined our fingers...

"I love you Yaanu...but I think you are going overboard by doing all these arrangements...I mean it could have been a co incidence." Ayaan took a deep breath and held my gaze...

"I cannot be around all the time; I just want to be satisfied. I will make sure nothing or no one can harm you....Zuby I will do everything in my hands to keep you safe. You are my wife; please don't argue about this matter. I can't let go such things." I smiled at him; I can totally understand his concern for myself. I gave him a small smile and nodded in agreement. We got down then Ayaan introduced me to the guards. Once I opened the locks the guys working on the cameras came in to install the software on my desktop. They also installed something on Ayaan's mobile; I came to know that he can also view from wherever he is.

Ayaan stayed with me till the installation was complete, after that he left with loud and clear instructions...

"If you find anything suspicious then the first thing you will do is call me, don't ignore just anything unusual." I agreed with him, he pecked my forehead before leaving.

The rest of the day went by fine and I left for home around 6 in the evening. I had to finish my packing as tomorrow early morning we will be leaving for Adila Appi's place. To be honest on one hand I am feeling sad to leave Ayaan for almost five days but on the other hand I am also excited for all the fun. I have never been to a family wedding before, and if I am to believe Adila Appi and Zoya then I will definitely enjoy my time there. Still I really wished if Ayaan could also join us...Let's not forget you are doing this for mom at the first place... my sub conscious reminds me and I totally agree. Once I am home mom is also busy with her and dad's packing. Bhai is also home as nowadays he has morning shift. I walk straight to my room as I know Ayaan will be late. He called me while I was on my way back and told me that he is still at the site and will take time. He even asked me to have dinner with everyone since he will be late. I didn't say anything but I will wait for him no matter what time he comes.

I finished my packing by 9 at night; I rush down to help mom in serving dinner. All three of them tried to convince me to have dinner with them but I insisted on waiting for Ayaan. I did sit with them; we had light conversations on common topics. My mind drifted to my darling husband, I wonder what this project which is keeping him so busy. I have not seen him so busy since our marriage in fact mom said that Ayaan was never the kind to work till late hours. I guess it's some really important project; I am worried because he will also drive us tomorrow. I will try to convince him to stay for tomorrow and drive back the day after.

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