Chapter-12 Hanging Out

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Sagar's POV
I was late last night but I knew that Sagarika and Zuby are staying together tonight. I did hear the sound of the movie they were watching last night but I did not want to disturb them as I was sure these girls would have been in some silly PJs which they surely don't want to wear in front of anyone else. I went in my room and changed into a pair of sweatpants and t shirt then fell asleep. I woke up around 9 in the morning, I had plans to go and check on this Sahil guy today. I didn't discuss this with Sagarika or Zuby but I wanted to meet him. Zuby was not just a friend she was like a sister to me and no matter how much she didn't want to go against her uncle and aunt I wanted to be sure about this guy. I can't let her ruin her life like this; I had to do something to have a better idea of this guy. Luckily I was able to get the address of his diner yesterday and decided to go and have a look today. When I got out of my room I saw Zuby having breakfast in the kitchen. Mom really loved her a lot, she also prepared Zuby's favorite breakfast today. But as Zuby saw me she looked at me with a raised eye brow and when I asked her what happened she said...

"If you think you are having any of your alone plans today then you better cancel them because you are hanging out with us." I was a bit confused at why she said that but anyhow I spoke...

"You guys should have told me in advance I already have plans man!" I really don't understand my sisters, all the time the discussion was about their sleepover, their weekend together and all. But now Zuby is glaring at me as if I have dumped them at the last minute. My chain of thought was broken by Zuby's reply...

"First thing I am not a man and second thing you should have used your brain that if I am staying then you have to spend time with me as well. Because last time I checked you are my best friend as well."
Saying this she just huffed and turned to the other side, I had no choice but to say yes to her demand; she was so happy to know that I will cancel my other plan to spend time with my crazy girls that she offered me a bite from her pancake. And Zuby offering a bite from her favorite meal means she is too happy. Taking the bite I walked out of the kitchen and called up Abdul, yes I was going there with Abdul. He was the one to help me in getting the address of Sahil's diner. I had to inform him that I won't be able to go today and that we shall go tomorrow. Though I was the one to tell Ayaan to stay away from Zuby but still for some reason I couldn't stop myself from doing a comparison between Sahil and Ayaan. And for that I had to gain some more information about Sahil. I could see the honesty in Ayaan's eyes when he confessed his love for Zuby. Abdul was a good friend and I trusted him to not get biased. Anyway I called him and cancelled our plan for today, he told me that Ayaan wanted to meet Sahil as well but I asked him to stop Ayaan. This was a very delicate matter and I did not want anything to go wrong or create problems for Zuby. Once I was done with the call I went out and saw Sagarika and Zuby ready to leave, they told me that their plan was to do some shopping then watch a movie and finally we will have lunch together. But the only part that terrified me was 'SHOPPING' but I had no options. I am sure this was going to be a long day, we got out and settled in my car then I drove towards Sagarika's favorite mall.

Third Person POV

The three friends reached Sagarika's favorite mall in almost an hour and the whole way the girls kept irritating Sagar by asking him to find a girlfriend soon and get into a serious relationship. Zuby and Sagarika only left that topic when Sagar threatened them to take a U-turn and go back home. They very well knew Sagar can ACTUALLY do that so they stopped irritating him. Sagar on the other hand was not really glad today to be out with the girls, for him getting to know Sahil was more important. But again he loved his girls and never wanted to see them upset or mad because of him. He knew they would have given him the silent treatment for at least a month if he did not agree to go with them. This had happened once before and so Sagar was in no mood to make history repeat itself.

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