Chapter-27 Another Beating

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Ayaan's POV

The moment I parked my car outside Zuby's home I could see that she was nervous or I guess scared. I hated to see my wife like this and so I held her hand and assured her...

"You are not alone, and by the grace of Almighty I am enough to keep my wife safe." I held Zuby's hand and walked towards the main door, I pressed the door bell and within 2-3 minutes Ashfaq opened the door. Zuby's hold on my hand tightened and I moved forward and stood in front of her, Ashfaq was glaring at both of us, so I was the one to break the silence...

"Zuby has to take some of her things." He opened his mouth to say something but then I heard his mother call...

"Who is it Ashfaq??" He took a step back and we entered while he answered back...

"Zuby has come with her husband to take her things" he spat the word husband forcefully with venom dripping from his tone. Zuby's Aunt appeared in front of us and I greeted her and so did Zuby. There was an awkward silence and it was not difficult to realize that Zuby was getting nervous so I said...

"Where is your room Zuby? Let's wind up this work quickly." She led me inside and I followed her quietly. I ignored her aunt and cousin's gaze on us. Zuby tried to fish out the keys from her bag. I could see her fingers were trembling so finally I grabbed her bag and looked for the keys myself... to my surprise there was hardly anything in her bag still she could not pick up her door key. It broke my heart to see how scared she was. I gave back her bag and unlocked the door. Both of us entered and I closed the door giving a quick glance to her room; it was a nice spacious room. There was a queen size bed in the middle with side tables and lamps on both sides. Zuby's room was not full of stuff, it was actually very simple. There at one side stood her study table and across it was her wardrobe and dressing table. She also had an attached bathroom.

I hardly took me ten seconds to check out Zuby's room and after that my eyes were back on my beautiful wife. But I noticed her facial expressions, it seemed she was about to cry. I knew she was not comfortable here, now I regret bringing her here. I should have asked her to buy everything new while somebody could have driven her car. I saw a tear slide down her cheek and she discreetly tried to wipe off then went in the washroom and I heard the door lock. I am sure by now that she went in just to cry. The thought of her crying made me furious and helpless at the same time. Only if Bilal Bhai would not have stopped me I would have taught Ashfaq a lesson for hitting my girl. I sat on her bed and after almost 5-7 minutes Zuby came out. Though she had tried her best to hide the fact that she was crying in the bathroom, I was still able to make out. She looked around her room and then picked up the chair from her study table and took it near her wardrobe. First I didn't understand what she was trying to do but then when she climbed up the chair I immediately got up from her bed and asked her...

"What are you trying to do love?" She turned to me with wide eyes and just then I realized what I called her. I kept my expressions neutral and raised both my eyebrows in a questioning manner. She pointed above her wardrobe and told me that she was trying to get her suitcase from up there. I asked her to get down and also...

"When I am sitting here you should have asked me Zuby. Now get down and let me grab that suitcase for you." When I came closer I could see the redness in Zuby's eyes, even the tip of her nose was red and I know all this was because of crying. That moment I couldn't hold myself any longer giving her the suitcase I walked towards the door and told Zuby...

"I have a call to make, I will be outside. So once you are done just leave me a message." I was about to move out but turned back and said...

"Lock the door and don't open it for anyone. Not your uncle, not your aunt and definitely not your cousin." Zuby came to the door and as I stepped out I heard her lock the door. I quickly sent a message to Bilal Bhai...

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