Chapter-20 The Positive Side

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Zuby's POV

Waking up with unbearable pain realization hits me and I accept all that happened was true and no nightmare. The marks on my hands were blood red and if I am not wrong my whole body has similar bruises. I couldn't even apply any anti septic lotion on the bruises on my back. I stayed in my bed trying to gather some strength to pick my bruised body and walk into the washroom. Silent tears rolled down my eyes as the brutal sights from last night came in my mind. I wonder how much time it will take for me to get over all this. I feel ashamed of myself for being so weak, I just couldn't do anything to defend myself. I was stunned at Ashfaq's action; I never thought he could stoop so low. But what can I expect from Uncle Jawwad's only son. I want to laugh at Ashfaq's face right now, he wanted me to believe that he loves me and cares for me and this is what he does to the one he claims to love. I am grateful to Almighty that I used my brain and not fall for his fake love.

Trying once more I was able to get out of my bed and walk into the bathroom to freshen up. I just did not want to change my clothes right now as I knew it will be very painful but anyhow I did just because I could see some blood stains. Some of the bruises didn't stop bleeding last night. I put on another large size t shirt so that I can be as comfortable as possible. I offered my morning prayers and prayed for my well-being and safety. Sitting on my prayer mat I couldn't stop thinking about my wedding which will be held tomorrow. I wonder who the guy is now. What does he do? Will he take care of me and give me the love and respect a wife deserves or will he be as mean as my uncle and his family? I take in a deep breath and decide to completely leave everything in Allah's hands. I trust my Creator and I am sure something very good is waiting for me. I was brought out of my thoughts at the ringing of my mobile. I checked the caller ID and it was Sagarika calling. I took her call....

S: Hey Sweetheart how are you feeling now?
Z: I won't lie that it's not paining Sagu....the bruises are really harsh and still hurting a lot. I was not able to aid those on my back and that's why they are feeling worst.
S: Oh Zuby I wish I had not sprained my foot and I was with you last night. May be they would have not been so cruel with me around.
Z: It's not your fault Sagu, if not last night then they would have done it later.
S: I will try to come over today after getting my bandage changed, but Sagar and mom said that it's more important for me to be there for you tomorrow so I should take proper rest today.
Z: They are absolutely correct, I can manage today but tomorrow will be very difficult for me and with my best friend by my side I won't feel lonely.
S: Hmmm...Stay strong Zuby everything will be fine. And by the way if I don't come today mom and Sagar will come.
S: And I just forgot telling you the joke of the century...your sick uncle called up mom almost half an hour back. He told her that last night a wild cat came and when you tried to pet it the cat attacked and you are hurt badly. I can't really understand how disgusting these people are.
Z: I guess we can never actually understand their level. Anyway I am sure this lie will be spread by them so that tomorrow no one will ask why the bride seems beaten up.
S: Anyway let's focus on tomorrow's wedding and try to see the bright side. You won't be living with these pathetic people anymore.
Z: I guess you are right, let's focus on the little bit hope that is left in my life....I will see you soon....bye.
S: Bye Zuby.

After talking to Sagu I realize the best thing to do right now is focus on the positive side of things. And there is one thing I know, if we try then we can see a positive side of any and every situation. So this is just what I am going to do. Looking at the time I realize Shifa and Neetu will head for the boutique soon. I need to give them a break for a couple of days since I don't think I can deal with anything else right now. I don't want to call them and answer their questions so I drop a text to both of them saying that I will be busy with something personal and so will keep the boutique closed. I assured them that it is a paid leave for them and I will let them know whenever we are re-opening. Taking a deep breath I walk back to my bed, it's just 9 in the morning but I am feeling too exhausted. May because of my injuries, I better get some more rest. I lie on my bed just staring at the ceiling and don't know when I fell asleep once more.

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