Chapter-7 She Is The One

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A/N: Sorry for the late update, I am updating two chapters today. The next update will also be a little late since my son has his exams in the coming week. Happy reading and do like and share.

Sagar's POV

I told Sagarika to tell mom that I won't be home for dinner as I am going out with a friend. I reached the diner which Abdul told me and I called him to ask where he was sitting. As I entered I saw him stand up and wave his hand from one of the tables at the back. What I was not expecting was Ayaan to be here, I wonder if he is also joining us for dinner. I don't know why but this guy seems a bit weird. I noticed the way he was looking at Zuby today and then the way he showed concern for her. Is there a reason or maybe I am overthinking. Anyway I join the boys and give a bro hug to Abdul and shake hands with Ayaan. I decided to ask Abdul the reason for this sudden meet up....

"So Abdul...Wassup? Why did you call me all of a sudden for dinner tonight? You seemed worried on call. I hope everything is fine buddy"

"Yes everything is fine with me and thanks for coming on such a short notice. Actually Ayaan wanted to talk to you about something important or should I say he needs your help." I was confused... wonder what can I help Ayaan with?? Anyhow I turned to face Ayaan but before I could say anything the waiter interrupted...

"Sir are you all ready to place your order?" We all looked at each other and Ayaan was the first one to speak this fact this was the first time he spoke since I arrived...

"Let's order dinner first then we can continue with our talks" Abdul and I nodded in agreement and we placed our orders. I decided to have Chicken Tikka (a kind of roasted chicken) while Abdul asked for Chicken Fried Rice with Manchurian. Ayaan on the other hand settled with a Chicken Kathi Roll (a kind of Wrap). We also ordered soft drinks and with that the waiter left informing us that our food will be served in 15 minutes. We were sitting on a round table with me in the center and Abdul on my right while Ayaan on my left. I moved my chair a bit towards right so that I am facing Ayaan properly and then I asked him...

"How can I help you Ayaan?" He looked a little hesitant but answered me anyhow...

"I need to talk to you about your friend Zuby" I was taken aback on his reply and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. His answer meant that I was not wrong when I noticed his behavior towards Zuby.

"What about her? Has this got to do with her boutique?" Though I was sure this is not about business and he has to discuss something personal but I took a chance.

"This is not about business Sagar. I want to know something about her, about her background." I narrowed my eyes at him as I was not actually sure where this was leading to, he did understand I might not like what he is about to say but he continued...

"Don't take me wrong Sagar, actually I have been looking for a girl with the same name and I just want to be sure if your friend is the same Zuby I have been searching for nearly two decades now" I was shocked at 'two decades'

"Two decades??" I almost screamed "How old are you man that you have been looking for a girl for two decades?

"I am 25 and I know all this sounds weird but I have been in love with a girl named Zuby and I am having this feeling that your friend is the same girl." I really didn't understand this man sitting in front of me... I am sure he is a nut case; anyhow I questioned him further...

"What exactly are you trying to ask me Ayaan? To be honest I am not understanding your motives" I said whatever came in my mind. And why does he think that I will give him information about my best friend? For god's sake he is just a stranger to us.

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