Chapter-9 Siblings Love

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A/N: Another set of two chapters, sorry for the late update. My kid's exams will be over by Wednesday then I will be back with quick updates.  

Ayaan's POV

I woke up late as usual and the first person to cross my mind is my Zuby, though she has been my first thought every morning since a long time but now I have a face that flashes as well. I can't stop smiling while just thinking about her. Her big beautiful eyes are still as beautiful as before. I wonder how her hair is now. Is it still as curly as before? Did she get her hair colored? Does she have short hair or long hair? Oh I just can't stop thinking about her. She is not the most beautiful girl around but she has this charm which attracts me. The innocence I saw in her eyes made my heart skip a beat. She didn't grow very tall but I guess that's good in a way; she will perfectly fit in my embrace. And she will always hold her head high when she will talk to me. I would love to bow my head and look into her beautiful eyes. I wish I could be with her right now. I looked at my long fingers and wondered how would it feel to intertwine our fingers? Will her touch send shivers down my spine? Will I also feel butterflies in my tummy at her mere touch or will I feel some sparks? I wonder how it would be to kiss her or to make love to her...'Just cut it out need to make her yours first only then you will get answers to all your Romeo questions' said my inner voice. I realized I was fantasizing a little too much and I should first think of how to stop her marriage with that Sahil guy and marry her myself. I will need a full proof idea to make her mine. Though it will be great if I can win her heart first but what I understood from Sagar about her was that she is not the kind of girl who will fall for another guy since her marriage is fixed. I don't actually mind marrying her first then making her fall in love with me. Till then my love will be enough for both of us.
The question is where to start from?
'Why don't you start by sending her a message right now?' Said my inner voice... I guess I can do that...but what should I text? I don't want her to get any wrong impression about me. 'You really think once she comes to know about your anger issues she will be happy to even know you?' My inner voice taunted again. I know I have anger issues but the fact is it is only because of the years of frustration that got piled up in me since I couldn't find my one and only love. Anyway the first thing I need to do is only think positive when it comes about me and Zuby. So I decided to message her...

A: Good Morning! I hope you are doing well. Just wanted to inform you that next week I don't have a busy schedule so we can have the meeting regarding your new boutique.

Z: Good Morning to you too, I am fine. I'll definitely let you know when I can come and will get an appointment from your office accordingly.

A: You don't need to take an appointment, just text or call me whenever you are coming.

Z: Ok, thanks.

I am so happy she replied to my messages and that too immediately. Oh how I wish I could just give her a surprise visit. Anyway I better get out of bed now, I want to talk to Arhan and ask for his suggestion. Though it has been years since I spoke to him as a brother but I guess now is the time to mend this relationship as well. Especially after what Arhan told me about his feelings towards mom and dad comparing us.
I went in my bathroom and had a quick shower. I wore a pair of black jeans with a dark blue t shirt, along with my black snickers. I walked out of my room and went down to have breakfast before talking to Arhan. As I reached the table I grabbed a plate and had breakfast. For a change today none of my parents were around the dining table to start with their daily routine of lecturing me. Once I finished I got up and placed my plate in the kitchen sink and then walked towards Arhan's room and knocked the door.

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