Chapter-34 First Argument

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Zuby's POV

Tomorrow is Zoya's wedding and I can't believe that yesterday I had my first official argument with my husband dear, that too over the phone. Getting henna applied on my hands I can't stop thinking about him and our argument. He didn't stay with us the day he came to drop us saying that he has important work. He promised me to be here yesterday but couldn't make it. Why? Again because of this really important project. I was on a video call and mom was with me, even mom questioned him about this project. I told him I am missing him, mom got a little annoyed at his excuses and asked him to leave his work to Abdul as such occasions don't happen every day. But then he said something which almost broke my heart and for the first time in my life I tasted the bitter taste of jealousy. Yes I couldn't take in the fact that my husband gave more importance to someone else over me. When mom tried to convince him about leaving work on Abdul for two days, also because he has done this in the past as well Ayaan said...

"Mom please try to understand this project means a lot to me and I can't let her down" that 'her' rang in my ears and I felt hurt and jealous and angry all at the same time. I decided not to take his crap anymore and if he decides to give another woman more importance than us then I would not talk to him further. I almost snapped and said...

"Let it be mom, this woman Ayaan is talking about is way more important than his own wife and mother. Let us not make him let her down, not for us at least." I turned and didn't even hear his reply and went out of the room leaving my mobile with mom. Mom came behind me with my mobile in her hands saying it was Ayaan; I didn't want to talk to him but had to take the call since I didn't want anyone to witness our drama.

A-Zuby have you lost your mind, you are taking this as something absolutely wrong.

Ok so no greetings and directly starting with an irritated voice he thinks I will believe him.

Z-Do whatever you want to do, if you want to come fine if you don't want to come even better.

I was surprised at my bitter tone and words; I wonder what's wrong with me. I have never been such a person, in fact I am always the understanding one. Is this what love does to you?

A-Zuby it's not about me not wanting, of course I want to join you as soon as possible but I just can't right now.
Z-When you have already made up your mind then why are you wasting your time talking to me? Go bury yourself with your work and no need to call me. You have 'her' to not let down.
A-Zuby you are taking this to something that doesn't exist...there is no one more impor....

I hang up his call, I have had enough. I didn't want to listen to his words, words which were opposite to his actions. Telling me there is nothing or no one more important than me and then not coming to me because he can't let 'her' down. I didn't notice the tear that rolled down my eye. I quickly wiped it with the back of my hand and tried to divert my mind. My henna was dry and I started towards my room. As I entered my mobile started to ring, I checked the caller ID and it was Sagu...

S-Hey is it going on??
Z-How would it be without my husband?
S-What do you mean? Is he not there already?
Z-He is busy...busy not letting 'her' down. To hell with his wife.
S-What the hell does that even mean Zuby?
Z-That means my oh so loving husband does not have time for his wife only because he is working on some really important project of some really important woman whom he can't let down, to an extent that he is perfectly fine with breaking the promise he made to his wife.
S-Zuby I am pretty sure you are taking this wrong. I mean you know how much he loves yo....
Z-Whose friends are you Sagu? My or Ayaan's? Give me one good reason why he didn't come till now? To hell with this so called important project. Even I know that he can easily leave his work on Abdul for two days. Ok if he didn't make it yesterday but he could have come today. Even Bhai will be here tonight. On top of it that disgusting girl has been continuously throwing sick comments my way. I just can't...
S-Who is this girl you are talking about?
Z-Out if all that I said this was the only thing you heard Sagu?? I mean seriously???
S-Look Zuby, you know I am your friend but I also have come to know Ayaan in the past few months. That man is head over heels for you. I know you are very disheartened but I am also sure he has a valid reason. Why is my all so positive friend being so negative? This is so not you.

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