Chapter-10 And We Meet Again

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Ayaan's POV

I reached the location which Adila appi had sent me; I parked my car and got out. I was about to call and ask her whether she has reached or not but then I saw her car and her driver Raju was standing outside the car. I waved at him and he did the same with a smile, Raju has been Adila appi's driver since years now. He is a trustworthy fellow in his late forties. Though Bilal bhai (Adila appi's husband) keeps on motivating her to learn driving but my dear sis is too scared to get behind the wheel. That's why Bilal bhai has put Raju exclusively at her duty. My sister is really lucky because Bilal bhai is a gem of a person and loves her more than anyone. But on a second thought I think Bilal bhai is even luckier to have my sis as his wife. She is an awesome human being, full of love and understanding. I really wish me and Zuby also end up with the same kind of trust, love, affection and understanding. Just a thought about her and I am again smiling like an idiot, to be honest I don't mind being an idiot if it's for her. How I wish I could be with her always? Anyway I better get in and catch up with my sister dear, I also need to tell her about Zuby. Yes, she knows everything and has always supported and motivated me. I walk towards the entrance of the boutique and push the door open. I see Adila appi and Zoya meeting the owner I guess but as my eyes land on the owner she also looked at me, our eyes met and both of us were surprised. I stood there like a statue for a moment; I could not believe that this was no one else's boutique but my Zuby's. For a second I also felt that I was hallucinating but she spoke and I was brought out of my trance.

"What are you doing here Mr. Ayaan?" I did hear her ask me but I still couldn't answer back, I was awestruck. Lost in her beautiful, big eyes and all I could do was smile. I knew I was looking like a creep but I just can't help it right now. I wanted to see her since I woke up this morning but now that she is standing in front of me I don't know what to do or what to say. I just want to run and take her in my arms and take in her sweet smell. 'Stop staring at her like that and answer her before she is sure that you are a creep' mocked my inner voice. And for once I think it is correct, I cleared my throat but till now Adila Appi had also turned around and she was walking towards me with her beautiful smile on her face and spoke...

" are here. I am so happy to see you after so many days." I smiled at my lovely sister and gave her a side hug then replied to both her and Zuby...

"I am equally happy Adila appi." I looked towards Zuby and continued...

"She is my cousin and told me that she is coming over for some shopping at a boutique. I wasn't aware it's your boutique she was referring to. It's a....pleasant surprise actually." Phew! Finally I opened my mouth and spoke something nice instead of just staring at Zuby. A chuckle escaped her lips and she spoke again...

"Well you seemed more shocked than surprised Mr. Ayaan." Her voice was like music to my ears but I didn't like her calling me Mr. Ayaan so I quickly said...

"You can call me Ayaan, Mr. Ayaan seems too formal and long." She held my gaze for a while and just nodded in agreement.

"You people know each other?" Adila appi asked me while we walked inside the boutique and I answered her....

"Yes, we have met once. She is my new client and she is planning to open a new branch of her boutique." Adila appi just hummed in response. Then I moved towards Zoya and met her, she was Adila appi's sister in law and a nice girl. They have come here to shop for her wedding which is in a couple of months I guess. Being Bilal bhai's youngest sister she was really pampered and the family's baby girl. Zuby led her to the sofa and we all sat comfortably, I liked her interiors and the furniture as well. It was all simple yet beautiful, just like my Zuby. Soon the ladies got up and started looking at the different variety of clothes that were hanging around. After sometime another lady came which I understood was one of Zuby's employees. Zuby was personally attending Zoya since she was the bride to be and her sales girls were attending the other few customers who were coming in occasionally. And I was sitting here for almost two hours now and doing nothing just steeling glances at my love. Not that I am complaining or something, I am sure if this would have been someone else's boutique and I had to sit here waiting for Adila appi to finish then I would have been bored to hell. But I am just so glad that I am getting to look at the love of my life, sitting here in her boutique. I must say she is well aware of all her stuff and I am really impressed by my darling. Only I wish I could openly stare at her and not try to pretend that I am not looking at her. She is so concerned about everyone around, she did attend the other customers briefly as well and she also kept on asking me in between whether I am getting bored. Apart from that occasionally when she caught me looking at her she would just give me smile and say...

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