Tobias P.O.V.
Wednesday at school
I'm standing at my locker, looking at pictures on my phone. After a bunch of selfies that Zeke took, I land on one of Tris. It's one of her over the summer when we were all at the fair. Tris is holding a huge stuffed dog that she won. It's at times like these when she looks the most adorable.
Wait, what? I need to stop thinking like this!!!
But, she just looks so cute. . .
While I'm looking at this picture, I don't notice that Will has walked up and started talking to me. He doesn't get me attention until he steals my phone and cuts it off.
"Okay, Four. Do you like Tris or not?" he asks.
"Um, Why are you asking?" I ask him.
"Because I was at Tris' house to see Caleb and I heard them talking about you," he says.
"Wait, Tris was talking about me?" I ask. I hope he doesn't hear the excitement in my voice.
"Four, don't get too excited. I didn't really hear much. It was mostly Christina telling Tris how you have a crush on Tris. But, I did hear Tris say she thought you were handsome. But then Tris said that she doesn't know if she would go out with you because she likes the relationship you two have now and doesn't want to ruin things," he says.
"So, what does that mean?" I ask.
"Heck if I know! Christina made the first move on me," he says.
"Yeah, sure. Do you know where Zeke is?" I ask.
"I think he was with the girls," he replies. Great, Now I have to get Zeke away from Tris so I can talk about Tris.
When I find Zeke he is trying to talk the girls into something. When Tris finally nods her head, Zeke bends down and does a duck face while Tris just smiles. I guess there's a picture I'll have to save on snapchat.
"Hey, Zeke. We need to talk," I say when I approach them.
"But Fooooour. I was taking selfies with Tris. She never lets me do that!" He says.
"I'm sorry but I have something I need to talk to you about. It's important!" I reply.
"Okay, Can we talk about it in front of them?" he asks, motioning to Tris, Shauna, and Christina.
"Because I can't talk abou this in front of them. So, Can we just go talk somewhere else?" I ask.
"Excuse me, ladies. I will be back, quickly," he tells them, while wiggling his eyebrows. I pull him away to the other side of the hall. "What's wrong, Four?"
"What does it mean when a girl says that your cute but doesn't want to date you because she doesn't want things to change?" I ask.
"What girl is this?" he asks.
"Tris, duh!" I say.
"Oh. So, You asked her out?" he asks.
"No. I was talking to Will earlier and he said that he was over at Tris' house to see Caleb and while he was there he heard Tris and Christina talking about me. And Tris said she doesn't want to date me because she likes the way things are now," I explain.
"Well, that's because she doesn't know any better. I mean, don't ask her out if you don't want to, but you need to. You never know until you try," he says, right before he walks away.
I'm sorry that isn't a very eventful chapter. I was just trying to find something that I could use as a filler chapter. I promise the next chapter will be more eventful! A little truth or dare, maybe? ;) Again, please tell me about any spelling or grammar mistakes! Please give me some ideas for truth or dare. (And leave other comments too)
Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent. (If I did Allegiant would be completely diffrent) Vernoica Roth owns the amazing trilogy. (And book about Four)

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...