Tris P.O.V.
Last night, Tobias and I told each other that we loved each other. (Sorry! I couldn't think of any other way to phrase it) And I do love him. I just didn't know it until we said it. He left as soon as we said it, though. I spent all night thinking about him. I didn't sleep at all. I spent the whole weekend at home. My dad ignored me. Caleb did what nerds do and read and studied all weekend. (I'm not making that sound bad. That is what I do normally.) And my mom cooked and cleaned and did things that moms do.
So, today is Monday. We only two days this week, though. Thursday is Thanksgiving. We don't have school Wednesday so everyone can travel. The same goes for Friday, as well. Plus, why go to school for one day after having a break like this?
I hit my alarm clock to turn it off and climb out of bed. I walk into my bathroom and to get dressed. I put on the very little make up I need, brush my teeth, and brush my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and into my room to pick out my clothes in my short bath robe. I jump when I see a grinning Caleb sitting on my bed.
"What do you want Caleb?" I ask.
"First of all, a picture," He says. He pulls his phone out of his pocket and snaps a quick picture of me. I don't bother to object. He already has pictures of me like that, anyways. He doesn't do anything with it anyways. He must just show it to my friends and his geek friends.
"And, second. Mother told me to inform you of who is coming over for dinner Friday night," he says. I look over at him, confused. We never have anyone special over on Thanksgiving. I lost all of my grandparents when I was little and my father doesn't get along with his sister. My mother is an only child so that is really the only family who would come.
"Who is it" I ask.
"Um, people dad works with. It's going to be a large potlock dinner where everyone brings a diffrent dish and we all eat each other's food," he explains.
"Why don't those people have Thanksgiving with their families?" I ask while flipping through the clothes in my closet.
"Beatrice, be nice. It doesn't really matter does it?" he asks.
"I guess not. I just like Thanksgiving the way we always have it," I say. I pull out red jeans and a white shirt. I pull out a red scarf with white polka dots on it.
"Yeah, me too. Mom said you can invite Four or one of your friends," he says.
"Um, okay. Hold on a minute," I say. I walk back into my bathroom and put on the appropriate under garmants. Then, I put on my jeans and tee shirt. Finally, I loop the infinity scarf around my neck and walk back out.
"So, does dad know about mom letting me invite my friends?" I ask.
"No. Mom is thinking that if you introduce him to one and they make a good impression on him then he might forgive you and such," he says, acting bored. I put in some red stud ear rings and go back into my closet to dig around for some shoes.
"I don't get why dad dislikes my friends so much," I say. I pull out a ppair of red vans. I sit next to Caleb on the bed and put on my shoes.
"Actually, I don't blame him on your choice of boyfriends," Caleb says. I look over at him, shocked.
"What do you mean?" I ask. I can't believe that Caleb would say something like that. I knew that he was kind of tough on Tobias the night that he brought me home but I didn't think that he dislikes Tobias.
"I was okay with you and Four being friends. I knew that you all were in a big group and such so he couldn't hurt you. But, he has a reputation, Beatrice. He can have a temper at times and there are rumors that he has had a lot of one night stands," he explains. I roll my eyes. It is true that Tobias can have a temper but I've never heard of these one night stands.
"Caleb, rumors are just rumors," I say, throwing away his remark.
"Beatrice, I can understand you not knowing about it. You and your friends have probably heard nothing of it. I would try to hide it from my friends, too," Caleb says with a shrug. Something about this strike me as odd, though. I can't help but feel as if Caleb is right.
I walk over to where Christina is sitting on a bench in the school yard. She is holding up a fashion magazine, reading about—or really just looking at pictures—of the latest styles. I sit next to her and she looks over at me.
"Hey, Tris. Ready for a short week?" she asks.
"Yeah, I need to ask you something," I say. She looks over at me, worried.
"You and Four didn't, did you? Do we need pregnancy tests?" she asks, conerned.
"No! OH MY GOSH! NO! Gross! I was going to ask you something around that area, though," I say.
"No! You can't even think about doing it!" she exclaims.
"Christina, I don't plan on it until I'm married so calm down," I explain. She looks over at me and nods.
"So, what is it?" she asks.
"Do you know if Four has had any, um, one night stands?" I whisper, not exactly sure how to ask this question.
"I doubt it. I mean he doesn't seem like that type of guy, you know. Why do you ask?" she asks me.
"Well, this morning, I was talking to Caleb about my friends and he said that he like you all. But, he wasn't completely sure about Four. He said that he has heard about Four having a lot of one night stands and he was keeping it a secret from us all," I say. I get the feeling that it isn't true but part of me does.
"Tris, you know not to believe everything you hear," Christina says.
"I know but I just feel like this is real. I mean, how many times does your brother tell you that your boyfriend has had a ton of one night stands," I say.
"I get where your coming from but I could never see Four with those girls that are like Lauren," she says. I know that she is probably right but part of me doesn't believe myself. I should just go along with it. This will all just blow over soon.
"Yeah. I guess you're right," I agree.
This will all blow over.
I'm sorry there was only an update for The Addition, my Selection Fanfiction, but I was very busy. I went to this Civil War thing yesterday because of my brother... So, yeah. I had actually started to write something else for this chapter but then I changed my mind and wrote this. So, please. Don't be mad. Maybe another update today?
Disclaimer: I am not Veronica Roth. I don't own Divergent.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...