Tris P.O.V.
I wake to the sound of giggles. I don't open my eyes, afraid of what I might see. I try to roll over and notice, for the first time, that I'm wrapped in someone's arms. I moan and try to move it but they won't budge. I open my eyes and see all of my friends standing there watching me.
"Good, morning sleeping beauty," Christina says.
"What is so funny?" I ask, not bothering to get up.
"Tris, stop talking," I hear someone mumble behind me. Everyone erupts into laughter again. I turn around to see who it is. When I turn my head, I'm right in Four's face. I squeal and his eyes fly open. He hops up and is alert.
"Tris and Four! Sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g. First, came love. Next, came marriage. Then, comes Four-" Uriah begins to sing, dancing around like a lunatic. I look down and blush but Four takes this as a chance to attack.
"Shut it, Uriah! What just happened?" Four asks.
"You and Tris were sleeping with each other," Zeke says. Four looks down and blushes.
"Just because we woke up like that doesn't mean anything," I say, trying to act like it was nothing. Everyone looks at us with their eyebrows raised. Four and I just look at the floor blushing.
"If it was nothing then why are you wearing his shirt?" Shauna asks. I notice, for the first time this morning, that I am wearing his shirt. This causes more blushes.
"You know what? Who's hungry? I'm hungry. I'm going to go out and get breakfast? Who wants to come?" I ask. I walk into the bathroom and change back into my clothes. When I walk out I see who my so called "friends" picked.
Four. They must really want to set us up. I feel heat rush into my cheeks and I hope nobody notices. I tell them that I'm leaving and I go out on the fire escape. I really like this way better. I don't hear anyone come after me so Four must be going out the other way. I hurry down the ladders and jump in my car, mentally challenging Four to a race. He stumbles out the door to the building minutes later.
"What were you doing? It took you forever in there," I say.
"I'm sorry. I can't control how fast the elevators travel," he says, getting into the passenger's side seat. We ride down the road in silence. Four is looking at his phone and he yells "What the?" I jump and almost run out of the road. It's early Sunday morning so everyone is either at Church or at home so I didn't almost cause an accident.
"What's wrong?" I ask. Four is staring at his phone like he is trying to kill it with his eyes.
"Zeke has no Facebook filter! He put up at least a dozen pictures of us sleeping together. And for once, his mom isn't the only one of commented on it! Almost everyone from school, including your brother, has seen it! It's more popular than the video of you on the first day of school!" He exclaims. I shoot him a dirty look that he doesn't notice because he's busy scrolling through comments.
"What do they all say?" I ask. I'm very curious about this. Everyone saw what happened Friday night so there is no doubt something about that.
"They are all saying how they are so glad that we've hooked up and are dating and stuff," he says. I just not and don't say anything.
"I wish it was true that we're dating, though. It would be so nice to get to hold her hand walking through the halls and-" he starts. I begin laughing. He tends to say very embarrassing things out loud, One day, he started talking in class about how dinosaurs zombies should come and take over our class so we could go home. The whole class started laughing at him and the teacher had no clue how to respond.
"Um, Tris. What are you laughing at?" he asks.
"You were thinking out loud, again," I say. Out of the corner of his eyes I see him blushing. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing again.
"Oh, um. Well, it doesn't mean I was talking about you," he says.
"But it was pretty obvious you were," I say. I pull into the McDonald's parking lot and order 9 coffees and 9 sausage biscuits in the drive through. I pull through and pay for our meals. I hand them to Four and begin to drive back to his house.
"You still don't know that I was talking about you," he says, acting stubborn. He is kind of cute when he acts like that.
"Thank you," he says.
"What are you talking about?" I ask.
"I'm not the only one is talks out loud," he says. I roll my eyes. I refuse to say anything else so we drive to house in silence. I pull into the parking lot and I'm about to get out. Four stops me and I look over at him. Then, he crashes his lips to mine. I kiss back but I'm confused about what brought this kiss on.
We pull back when we hear eggs cracking. I look out the windshield to see a half dozen eggs cracked and egg yolks everywhere. I blush knowing that my friends saw us. I stick my head out the window expecting to see them on the fire escape but instead I see the little girls from yesterday on it. I stick my head back in the window and laugh. We sit there for several more minutes until the laughter fades.
"So does this mean that we're a thing now?" I ask. I don't look at him. I just bite my lip and look out the window at the brick building.
"I mean, we could be if you would like to be my girlfriend," he says.
"Well, I guess we're a thing now," I say.
Good or no? Please tell me! Fourtris has finally been officially reunited! Yay! Please tell me what you think. I plan on updating again soon so... yeah.
Off topic of the story but... I need a name to sign off with. Any ideas? Because I need some! Comment below if you have one!
Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent. Ms. Veronica Roth does.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanficIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...