Tobias P.O.V.
I walk out into the living room area of the apartment. Tris is fast asleep. We've been here about a week. We have almost everything unpacked. One of the boxes by the door has my clothes in it. I find the box and sit on the counter.
I pull the note I wrote for Tris earlier and lay it on top of the counter next to the still unfinished paperwork. I sit at the counter and look over the kitchen and living room area. A picture on the end table catches my eye.
I walk over and pick it up. The picture is of Tris and I at the park. At the cove in the park. It's just the two of us and the water fall and stream trickle behind us. You can only see part of our faces since Tris could only hold her phone so high up. Both of us have on our couple's necklaces and she has on her promise ring.
A tear falls down my face as I carry the frame over to the box and place it in. I take my apartment key out of my pocket and place it on the counter next to my note. Then, I walk out the door while more cold tears fall down my face.
This is the last chapter from Tobias's P.O.V. The rest of the story will probably be kind of emotional. I'm just warning you. Please comment and vote!Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent, not me.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...