Tris P.O.V.
It's Friday! Which means everyone is going to hang out and play Truth or Dare! Yay!
"Chris, Can't I just wear what I wore to school?" I ask. I moan into my pillow. When I look up, I see Christina is going through my closet.
"No. You need to wear something that says 'yay! Let's party.' I know someone who would want that!" Christina coos.
"Fine. I'll wear what you had me model for Four on Monday," I say. I find it in my closet and also grab a jeans jacket. I go into the bathroom and change. Before I can come out Christina pushes me back into the bathroom and does my make up. When she finally allows me to look in the mirror, I see that she has done a smokey eye and clear but shiny lip gloss on me.
"As much as I don't want to admit this, I look amazing Christina. Thank you," I say.
"Hey. It's my pleasure. I just want to know what Four thinks," she replies.
Christina and I hang out at her house until everyone arrives. When everyone does get there we sit in a circle. Christina is to my right and Four is to my left.
"Okay, people! We all know how to play truth or dare so I'm not going to explain it! I get to go first because this is my house. So, Will. Truth or dare?" Christina asks.
"Uh, truth," Will says.
"Okay. Are you and Caleb in a two person book club?" she asks.
"Um, yes. We are welcome to new members if anyone would like to join," he says.
"Um, we're all good," Christina says.
"Okay. Marlene, you know the question," Will says.
"Dare!" she exclaims.
"Okay. I dare you to let Uriah make you an accessory or piece of clothing out of anything he can find in the house," Will says.
"Fine. Just nothing too bad, Uri," she says. She and Uriah walk out. 15 minutes later they walk back in and Marlene is wearing a bra made out of plastic forks, spoons, and paper plates over her shirt.
"Okay. Shauna. Turth or dare?" Marlene asks.
"I will take a dare," she says.
"Okay. Go outside and start talking to the mailbox until someone comes by and asks if you're okay," Marlene says. She gets up and heads out the door. We watch her for 10 minutes through the windows. The entire time Zeke is taking a video of her. Finally, a man who looks like he is in his 50's comes up to her. She gasps and says something. Than he says something and she runs back to the house and starts laughing the second the door closes.
"He walked up and asked if I was okay. And I was like 'Um, I'm fine. I'm just hanging out with my mail box' and then he asked if I wanted the number for his specialist," she says right before the knock on the door. Christina and I go to answer it. When we answer the door we see the man standing at the door.
"Um, hello girls. I just saw a girl out here talking to the mail box and I believe I made her cry. Is she alright?" he asks. I start laughing and he looks at me like I'm the crazy one.
"Um, sir. She's fine. She has a few social problems but we're working on it," Christina says.
"Are you sure you don't need my specialist's number?" he asks.
"Oh, um. No sir. We're okay. Thank you, though," I say.
"Okay, well, good night ladies," he says, then walks away.
"Who was that?" Zeke asks when we walk back in.
"It was the old man. He came back to check on Shauna," Christina says. We both sit down and everyone laughs at what just happened for at least 10 minutes. Somehow I fall over into Four's lap in that time. Everyone stops when they notice.
"Um, are you okay, Tris?" Uriah asks.
"Oh, um yeah. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing and fell over," I explain. I look down and blush. Out of the corner of my eye I see Four doing the same.
"Okay. Let's continue. Zeke, truth or dare?" Shauna asks.
"Dare," Zeke says.
"Okay. I dare you to call a hotel and ask if they serve dinosaur. Also ask if they serve mammoth brains, sloth nuggets, and ant eater," she says.
"Okay, here is it goes," he says. He dials the number and puts on speaker phone.
"Hello. Hotel Chicago. How may I help you?" the lady says.
"Hi ma'am. I am having a wedding in a few weeks and I wanted to check to make sure you have the correct menu," he says.
"Okay, sir. What did you want for the wedding?" she asks.
"Well, we wanted a prehistoric theme so wanted dinosaur to eat," he says.
"Um, sir. Dinosaurs have been dead for millions of years. It's impossible to get dinosaur meat," she says.
"Oh, well, we had a couple other things we wanted. Do you serve mammoth brains?" he asks.
"Um, sir. Mammoths are also extinct," she says.
"Oh, wow. I saw a great movie the other day about a mammoth that saved a baby with the help of tiger and a sloth. Speaking of sloths, do you serve sloth nuggets? It would be great if you did. I mean, you don't have any of the other foods we wanted," he says.
"Um, we don't serve sloth nuggets either," she says.
"Oh, wow. Well, do you have ant eater?" he asks.
"Sir, we don't serve ant eaters. Um, you can come by the hotel to pick up a menu to see what we can cater," she says.
"Um, do you have any prehistoric foods?" Zeke asks.
"Um, we have dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets on the children's menu at our restaraunt," she says.
"Ma'am is this some kind of joke? I demand to speak to your manager!" Zeke says.
"Hello?" The manager says.
"Hi, ma'am. I was wondering why your hotel doesn't serve any prehistoric foods. My fiance is going to be very mad if we don't have dinosaur patties on the menu at our wedding!" Zeke declares.
"Wait, Zeke. Is that you?" the manager says. All of a sudden, there is a panicked look on his face.
"Um, aunt Susan? Is that you?" he asks.
"Zeke! You know better than to prank--" she starts.
"Gotta go! Bye!" he says and quickly hangs up. "Okay. So, if it isn't clear we're not eating dinosaur patties any time soon," he says.
"Okay. That poor receptionist! She didn't know what to say!" Shauna says.
"Okay, Shauna. I hope your happy. Now, Four. Truth or dare?"
"Dare," he says.
"Okay, Four. I dare you to kiss your crush," Zeke says. Four gives him a look that says 'I'm going to kill you' but doesn't take off his shirt.
Instead, he leans over and kisses me.
Enjoy a little truth or dare? I hope you did because I enjoyed reading the lists of dares on the websites I found on google! Please point out any spelling mistakes!
(P.S. Did anyone notice the ice age refrence?)
Disclaimer: I don't own the amazing Divergent series. Ms. Veronica Roth does.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...