Tris P.O.V.
"So, have you been to the doctor, yet?" Tobias asks. I shake my head, realizing that there is so much I don't know about being a parent.
"No, I don't know anything about that. I don't know any doctors, how to get an appointment. I'm so confused," I state as I throw myself on the couch. I stare at the ceiling as things race through my mind. Tobias lifts my feet up and sits at the other end.
"Tris, we can figure that out. We are going to make perfect parents. Let's just search for it on the internet," he says. I agree and he gets his laptop from his room. When he returns, he opens it up and clicks a few buttons.
"How am I going to tell my parents?" I ask.
"I don't know. Your dad is going to be furious, though," he says. I nod.
"He is. He will kill me," I say.
"Don't worry. We will figure this out together. Come on. I find a couple of doctors," he says. I sigh and sit up.
We ended up pick a doctor Jackson. She had a lot of good reviews on her site and had an appointment open the next Thursday so we pounced. So, here I am sitting in my car with Tobias trying to get me out.
"Come on, Tris. You have to go sooner or later," he says.
"I say later. Let's just say a family thing came up and we couldn't come," I say. He rolled his eyes and got out of the car. I rolled down my window as he walked around it. He crouched down right in front of my face and gave me the puppy eyes.
"If you don't get out I will make you," he says.
"No. I don't want to go in," I informed him. He opened the car door and pulled me out. He held me bridal style and grabbed my purse and the paperwork we need. He began to carry me towards the door but he stopped in the middle of the parking lot when I began kicking around.
"Can you walk the rest of the way?" he asks. I nod and he puts me down. I take my stuff from him and walked to the door with our hands latched together.
When we walk in, we are greeted with rude faces. Women in their late 20's to early 40's refuse to look at us and lean over whispering to each other. Tobias squeezes my hand as we navigate our way to the receptionist desk.
"Hi. How can I help you?" the woman says. She offers us a warm smile.
"I have an appointment for Beatrice Prior," I reply.
"Okay. One of our nurses will be right out to see you. Take a seat and fill out this information please," she says. I take it and walk over to two chairs hidden in the back of the room. I fill out the forms that she just gave me. When I finish, I add them to the papers I was told to bring.
After 15 minutes of waiting, a nurse calls my name. I walk to the door with Tobias behind me. She leads us to a room with a bed and several different machines. She tells us a few things and then leaves. I sit on the bed in silence as I wait for the doctor come in.
I hear a knock on the door before a tall, brunette walks in. She washes her hands at the sink and then shakes both of our hands. "Hello, Beatrice. I am Doctor Jackson. Is this the father?" she asks.
"Yes, ma'am. My name is Tobias Eaton but you can call me Four," he says. I am momentarily shocked that he told her his real name but I guess he wants Doctor Jackson to the real him.
"Great. Well, I need you to change into a hospital gown so we can do an ultrasound," she says. I nod and she opens up a drawer. She pulls out a laundry bag and hands me a gown. I go behind a curtain in the room and change.
When I return, I lay down on the table. A blanket is put on my body and the gown is raised up enough to see my stomach. Doctor Jackson applies a cold gel on my stomach and rubs a camera through it. Tobias squeezes my hand as we watch the image on the screen.
When she stops, she smiles. "You are pregnant. It appears that you're about a month and a half so a raw estimate what be that the child should be born in December," she says. A smile fights its way to my face.
"When can we know the gender?" Tobias asks.
"You should know between three to four months. The children hasn't grown enough to know yet. In that time I suggest you begin to think about your future with the mother and that you find some parenting books," she explains. I nod and take the list of books she suggests. We thank her and we leave after I change. I ignore the whispers and ugly looks as air I weave myself through the other soon to be mothers.
Another update! Yay! I keep updating this story and no one reads it. If you really want another chapter I want two votes and comments by two different people. So, votes and comments please!
Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent, not me.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
Fiksi PenggemarIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...