Tris P.O.V.
We all gather in Tobias's living room. We move his furniture so there is a circle large enough for us to sit. I sit between Tobias and Christina.
"My house so I go first. So, Uriah. Truth or dare?" Tobias asks.
"I'm no pansycake! I pick dare!" Uriah says.
"Okay, go out on the fire escape and sing your favorite song," Tobias says. Uriah gets up and goes out the still open window. I'm surprised a bird hasn't flown in here.
He stands ups up and walks outside. He faces the road next the building and begins to sing Do you Want to Build a Snowman from Frozen. We all get out our phones to record it. I'm surprised that Zeke has so little facebook friends considering the things he posts.
He finishes the song and we hear people clapping. I look outside and see a bunch of five-year-old girls standing on the escape. They're all standing in front of a window that has pink curtains hanging out. It must be one of their bedrooms. Uriah waves and climbs back in. He sits back down like nothing ever happened.
"Marlene, truth or dare," he says. He is the only one sitting in the floor. We're all hunched over laughing. We slowly make our way back over to the circle.
"Truth," She says.
"Pancy-" Uriah starts.
"You next word better be flower or else your family will be getting a bunch of pansies and cakes," she threats.
"Oh. Okay. Well, If you weren't so in love with me, who would you date?" Uriah asks.
"Hunter Mullins from school," she says. I laugh. He and Caleb are best friends. He is also one of those cute guys who is a secret nerd.
"Why are you laughing?" she asks.
"Hunter and Caleb are best friends. He and Caleb are both super nerds," I say. Everyone laughs and she blushes.
"Okay, Will truth or dare," she asks.
"Um, dare," Will says.
"I dare you to go downstairs and let those little girls give you a makeover," she says. He gets up and climbs out the window. We hear a bunch of giggles and then they move further. After about 15 minutes we hear the giggles again. Then, we hear someone climbing up the fire escape.
Will climbs through the window and we all start laughing. He has on a hot pink feather boa and a tiara with matching pink feather on it. The pink blush on his cheek is really dark. He has on blue eyeshadow and pink lip gloss.
"Okay, Tris. Truth or dare," he asks.
"Dare," I say.
"I dare you to go to taco bell and ask where the best tacos are made," Will says. He isn't the best when it comes to dares but he still tries. (Code for: I'm not good at making dares)
I stand up and walk out to my car. Four and Zeke are coming with me. Four gets in the front and Zeke is in the back. I drive down the road and walk in. I see a bored looking girl standing at the register. No one eats at this taco bell. I also wonder why.
"Hi, Welcome to taco bell. How can I help you?" she asks Four and Zeke who got in line in front of me. They both order two tacos and move over to wait. They pull out their phones and try to disguise it as looking at Facebook while they're really recording this. I step up to the register.
"Hi, Welcome to Taco Bell. How can I help you?" she asks.
"Hi. Um, I was wondering where the best tacos are made in Chicago," I ask, barely managing to keep a straight face. She gives me a really confused look.
"Um, ma'am, we're the only fast food place that makes tacos," she says.
"Um, that didn't answer my question. I still want to know who in the city has the best tacos," I say. She stands there for a minute looking very confused.
"Um, I'm going to have to say us. Um, Can I help you get something?" she asks, aggrivation hiding in her voice.
"You know what, go get your manager. I'll just asks them," I say. She slowly nods and walks back into the kitchen. I walk over to Four and Zeke and they have huge grins on their face. I stare into the cameras and say "You better be happy!" and then I walk back over to the and wait in front of the cash register. She comes back with the manager. I immediately reconize her as the girl who hates me the most out of anyone.
Lauren. My eyes get huge. I look over at Zeke and Four and their eyes are huge, too. They grab the tray with their tacos and leave me. Lauren looks at me and I immediately wonder how she got the job as a manager. But I have other things to worry about now.
"What do you want, Tris?" Lauren asks, clearly not in the mood for a joke.
"Um, I think I found my problem. I'll just be going," I say, inching my way back. I try to get a away but Lauren stops me by grabbing my shirt.
"So, Tris. Are you glad that you broke poor Eric's heart to be with my boyfriend?" she asks.
"Um, I don't think Four would consider you as an ex," I say.
"Well, why don't we just see?" she asks, pulling out her phone. I'm glad she let go of me but that means that she is going to find out that Zeke and Four are on the other side of the restaraunt. She begins to dial his number and run away. I grab the guys by their ears and drag them out the door. Lauren's eyes become huge circles. She comes around the counter just as we make it out the door. We run to my car and get in. I pull out just as she makes it to the hood of my car.
"Um, Tris. We have a problem," Zeke says.
"What?" I ask, looking at him through the mirror.
"We left our tacos there," Zeke says. Four looks over at me. He is nodding and has a pretend look of sadness on his face.
"I'm very sorry. I was just trying to get away from a girl that would have attacked you if she had known you were there," I say. They just laugh and I turn on the radio. We drive to Four's apartment and arrive within minutes of leaving the Taco Bell. We walk upstairs and show everyone the video. They all laugh at the video. Then, I explain what happened with Lauren.
We continue the game until about 10:00. We hang out for a little bit longer until I'm about ready to leave.
"Wait, you're not spending the night, Tris?" Christina asks.
"No. I didn't know it was a sleep over. I guess I need to go," I say.
"No! Trissy! You have to say!" Uriah squeals.
"Yeah. I'm sure I can find you something to sleep in," Four says. I blush and everyone must have noticed because they laugh at me. I agree and everyone goes to their car to get their overnight bags. I stay on my spot on the couch until Four comes out of his room with a large tee-shirt. I take it and go into the bathroom to change. I put it on and it stops right above my knee. I put my hair in a messy fishtail braid and walk out.
Everyone changes and then we set up Four's living room so we all can sleep in the floor. We have blanket and pillows everywhere. I don't even know where they all came from. We all pick our deisred locations and pick out our movie. I lay down between Christina and Four. Four cuts on Pitch Perfect and I fall asleep cuddled up in a black, fuzzie blanket.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I'm sorry about any confusion with Four/Tobias. I have worked on this chapter for a couple of days and I accidentaly switched a couple of times. If you have any ideas please tell me! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update. I've just been busy with school and I started watching Once Upon A time on Netflix so... I've been kind of busy. :)
Disclaimer: I still do not own the Divergent trilogy. It is by Veronica Roth.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...