Tobias P.O.V.
Tris and I have been dating in secret for just over two weeks. We have agreed on telling our friends but we haven't figured out how. But I have an idea. I'm going to ask her to be my date to Zeke's Halloween party. Halloween is in a week and a half. I really want to walk into the party with Tris on my arm.
I walk over to the table and sit next to Tris. She and Christina are talking about going shopping for costumes this afternoon. Just in time for us to plan our couples costume. Zeke and Shauna always have a contest for the best costumes. Like scariest costume, most realistic, and cutest couple. I plan on taking that award with Tris on my side.
We all sit and talk about random stuff and then I ask for everyone at our tables attention. I turn to Tris and grab her hands. She squeezes them and I squeeze back as I look into her eyes.
"Tris Prior, will you go to Zeke's Halloween dance with me?" I ask.
"I would love to!" she says. Then, she kisses me in front of all of our friends. We pull back and all of our friends are staring at us. Tris blushes and looks down in her lap. I put my arm around her.
"So, how long has this been going on?" Zeke asks, with an eyebrow raised.
"Um, a little over two weeks," Tris says. All of the girls jump up and run over to Tris and hug her. They're acting like we're engaged or something. I look across the table and I only see Will sitting there with me. I turn around and see Zeke and Uriah in the huddle.
"Tris! Why didn't you tell me?" Christina asks when all the girls, and Zeke and Uriah, who happen to be the last ones who sit back down, calm down.
"I don't know. We just kind of wanted it to be secret so if it didn't work out there wouldn't be as much drama," she says. The talk about us continues until we are allowed to leave lunch. Then we all go our separate ways.
Tris P.O.V.
"So, are you cheer leading again this year?" I ask Christina. She was the captain of the 11th grade team. We are in gym running around the track. We do that for the first 30 minutes of class and that is when some very important conversations take place.
"Of course! And you should try out, too! Think about it. Four quarterback and you being one of the most popular girls in school. You two would no doubt be prom king and queen," she says.
"First of all, Prom isn't for another seven and a half months. We may not even be together then! And second, I'm going to be busy with the yearbook staff and the school news paper! I can't be part of another team!" I explain. She already knows about my clubs.
"But, Tris! It's not as much fun without you!" Christina complains.
"I'm sorry! I've got other commitments. Marlene and Shauna are on the cheer team, though!" I reply. "Plus, there aren't as many scholarships available for cheerleaders! Colleges are looking for things like yearbook staff and the school newspaper!"
"Tris, you are such a nerd! You need to loosen up. You already keep all A's in school! You don't need nerd clubs!" She says.
"They aren't nerd clubs. I just enjoy those clubs because I want to be an author," I say. It's true. I really do want to be an author but I still need to get into a good college so I can have a good future in case being an author doesn't work.
"Tris, your future is in the future. You need to live in the now," she says. (I did not mean to make a reference of the Spectacular Now. It just kind happened :]) That is easy for Christina to say, though. Her family has already agreed to paying for her to go to Chicago University. She is going to be part of their arts program and study Fashion. My family needs me and Caleb to get scholarships because we don't have enough money for us both to go to college. He has already qualified for at least half a dozen. I'm still searching, though.
"Christina, we're not going to be in high school forever. We leave in less than a year. We have to get ready for the future," I reply.
"I guess your right. But, I still wish you would try out. You would be great," she says.
"But I'm not one of those girls. The only reason I have fashionable clothing is because you force me to shop with you," I explain.
"Yes, well. I have a feeling you want to dress in couples costumes. I can't help you there. Will and I already have our costume planned," she says.
I look through the costumes for couples and all I find are a bunch of cheesy costumes. Tobias could only think of scary costumes for us. He really wants to win but we won't with those ideas. Christina has already found theirs. She is going to dress up and cookie monster and Will is going to be a cookie. That is good but I know we can do better. I continue to search through racks until I find something that no one would ever think of. I text Tobias and he says that he thinks it is really smart. I grab it in our size and check out before Christina can see it.
So, I know this is kind of short but I was looking at Halloween costumes for couples and I found one I really like and now I'm super excited about sharing it with you! But it's a secret. You won't find out until the party. I think you'll be surprised. :) And I know it isn't the exact quote from The Spectacular now but it is close... so... yeah. Please comment and vote. I'll try to update again tonight but I really don't know if I'll be able to because of terrible internet.
Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent. Veronica Roth does.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
أدب الهواةIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...