Tris P.O.V.
I put on a red sweater and a cute skirt that matches it with leggings underneath. I put on some make up and walk out to my messy room. I have wrapping paper and clothes all over the floor. I search through the presents and find the gifts that have my friend's names labeled on them. I pack them up in tote bags and carry them down to my car, after wrapping up in a long, heavy coat and a cute scarf. I carry Tobias's present in my purse, though.
I pull into the apartment's parking lot to find it almost completely full. I drive over to where two familiar cars are parked. I get out of the car and grab my purse and the tote bags from the backseat. I walk to the doors and go into the lobby since it is too cold to use the fire escape. The small lobby has a Christmas tree in the corner and the doorman is wearing a Santa costume. I nod at him and then walk over to the elevator where I gleefully hop on and ride up.
I arrive at Tobias's floor and walk to his door. I can hear the Christmas music blaring as I approach. I open the door to see only three people. I guess that's why I only saw Tobias's and Zeke's vehicles in the drive way. The guys don't notice me so I pull out my phone to record their act.
Uriah is running around the room with reindeer antlers on his head and is singing along with the music into a branch off of Tobias's plastic Christmas tree. Zeke dancing around the island and the small table in the kitchen. And Tobias dances on the counter top, singing into a pink, sparkly microphone that Christina stole from her little sister last week. What makes it all even better is that they are dancing to Santa Baby. I'm pretty sure they're going to end up doing a slow twerk soon.
I stand at the door for several minutes with my phone recording and my jaw dropped. The door is wide open and I can hear a familiar giggle coming down the hallway. Seconds later, Christina is at the door with Will following behind her. Christina gasps and drops the stuff in her arms, making the guys finally notice us. Will snickers behind Christina. The guys look at us as if we just heard their plans to take over the government and rule, not just the country, but the entire planet.
"How long have you all been watching us?" a panicked Tobias asks.
"Um, Christina and Will just got here but I've been watching you all for several minutes. And, the camera on my phone has been watching, too," I say as I carry, my stuff over to the Christmas tree with presents for the nine people labeled on them.
"Tris, Can I see your phone?" Uriah asks. I raise my eyebrows at him. Could he not be more obvious about wanting to delete the video?
"It's too late to delete it. It goes straight to the cloud. And I'm uploading it to Facebook as a Christmas gift to the world tomorrow," I explain. Uriah just shrugs and walks to the kitchen where Christina has set down a plate full of Chocolate chip cookies. Zeke notices what Uriah is doing and gets distracted from his mission. Tobias stares straight at me.
"Three. Two. One," he counts. We both start running as soon as he finishes saying the work One. We run around and around in circles, evenly spaced apart. In the amount of time we chase each other, Lynn, Shauna, and Marlene have all shown up. Everyone's presents are under the tree and all of our friends are scattered throughout the living room, watching us run around in circles.
"Okay, I give up," I say, panting after running for a good ten minutes. Tobias stops too. He leans down and places his hand on his knees, breathing heavily.
"Good. Now give me your phone," he says. He looks down and I get an idea.
"I have to pee first," I say, just now noticing that I'm standing next to the bathroom door. I run in quickly as he looks up and I lock the door. I take my phone out and open up Facebook. I hear more than two fists pounding on the door as I quickly upload the video. It loads and I log out. I walk out of the bathroom and hand the phone to the nearest of the three guys who happens to be Tobias.
"I told you, all I had to do was pee," I say. I walk over to the couch and steal the spot where Uriah was sitting. Tobias comes and sits next to me, stealing Zeke's seat.
"You did not! I just got a message saying that I was tagged in a video on Facebook. And, that was my seat," Uriah says. I laugh and remember the night of Home Coming and I get another brilliant idea.
"I'm very sorry, Uriah. You can come sit on my lap if you want to," I say. Tobias looks at me and then at Uriah and back at me. Uriah just shrugs and comes over and sits down on my lap.
"Very comfortable, Tris," Uriah says. Tobias gives Uriah a look that kills.
"Dude, you have 10 seconds to get away from my girlfriend," Tobias threats.
"He's fine, just a little heavy," I say. I look over at Marlene who isn't exactly giving me the nicest look. I wink at her then push Uriah off my lap. "Pay back, Sucker!" I yell at Uriah who is laying on the floor. He stands up and rubs his bottom.
"That isn't very nice, Tris," he says.
"You did it to me!" I complain. Every laughs at us. We all calm down after a few minutes. I lean into Tobias's side. He puts his arm around me.
"Okay, I guess we should start our gift exchange. Who wants to go first?" Tobias says.
"I will," Christina says. She hops up from her seat on the couch and Uriah quickly scrambles over to it. He looks over at me and sticks out his tongue. I reply by doing the same. Christina looks through and finds all of the presents with pink wrapping and little kittens in Santa hats. She hands them out and we all rip them open.
Everyone takes their turns and I have my gifts from everyone but Tobias. He wanted to give me mine in private. I wanted to do the same. I put my stuff in the tote bags. I received a sweatshirt with the boat scene from the Little Mermaid, a sweatshirt with Rapunzel and Flynn Rider from Tangled on it, a necklace with Cinderella's carriage on it, a black dress with the boat scene from Tangled on it, a gift card to American Eagle, a gift card to Hollister and Fitch, an iTunes gift card, and the same spa package that I got Christina from Christina.
We all talk and hang out until it gets really late. Everyone leaves and it's just Tobias and I. I get Tobias's present from my purse. He gets his from in his bedroom. Tobias comes out with a small box and grabs my hand. He leads me over to the couch and takes both of my hands in his.
"Tris, I know we've only been dating for several months but it has felt like a lifetime. I want you to know that I'll always be with you. No matter where we are. No matter if we're dating or if we're seeing other people. I will always be there for you. That is why I want you to have this promise ring," Tobias says. He open up the box that contains a gold band with a small amethyst on it. Amethyst is my birthstone. I can feel tears forming in my eyes. I look into Tobias's eyes who are also glassy.
"And I will accept this ring to symbolize that I will always be there for you," I say. He takes my hand and slips the ring on my finger. A tear runs down my cheek and I quickly brush it away.
"I love you, Tris," Tobias says.
"I love you, too. I know my gift isn't as romantic as yours but I just wanted something special to give you," I explain. I pull out the small box. I hand to Tobias and he open it up.
"I love this, Tris," he says as he picks up the dog tag necklace with a small heart cut out. It has 'Her One' wrote on it. Next, he pulls out the necklace that has a charm on it in the shape of the heart with 'His Only' on it.
"You probably think it's stupid but I thought they were kind of cute," I say. He puts the necklace around my neck and kisses me.
"I love it. But not as much as I love you," he says.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I didn't really have any ideas for Christmas. It is like three months away, so... I don't know if the description of their Christmas gifts made any sense so I'm going to try to put the picture over on the side. Please leave any ideas you have and comment.
Disclaimer: I don not own Divergent. Veronica Roth does.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...