Tris P.O.V.
I pull into the spot in the school parking lot where I park everyday. I look around finding it strange that Tobias isn't waiting here. I walk closer to the front of the school where I'm greeted with happy couple who are exchanging presents and kisses. I forgot that it was Valentine's Day.
I hurry into the school to find Christina or Tobias, whichever I can find first. I walk to my locker and throw my stuff in. I take my books for my first class to that room and begin my search. I walk down halls and take peaks in random classrooms.
When I reach the final classroom of the hall, I begin to think he might not be here. I just find it strange because he has always remembered Valentine's Day. I have numerous stuffed animals that my friends also have.
I look in the small window of the classroom. I see a tall figure pinned up against the wall by a shorter one. There is Valentine's Day balloons tied to a weight sitting on the floor next to the them. The girl keeps the boy pinned up against the wall as they continue to kiss.
I begin to walk away but something tells me that I need to get a closer look. I push the door open just a little so I can see the figures. It's Tobias and Lauren. Lots of emotions flood me at once. I slowly close the door and they don't seem to notice. I take off the promise ring that I have worn every second of everyday for the last two months and slide it under the door. I bang loudly on the door and run back down the hall.
I run into a janitors closet and sit down, leaning on the wall farthest from the door. I pull my knees into my chest. I sob into my lap and barely even notice that Christina had come into my little closet. She doesn't speak as she comes to sit next to me. She puts her arm me, just letting me cry.
I break the silence after about 15 minutes by saying "Thank you."
"Tris, I'm always here for you. Do you wanna talk about what's going on?" she asks me. I nod. I explain to her what I say in a creaking voice.
"We never should have started dating in the first place. We just ruined a perfect friendship," I say.
"Well, it could have been worse," she says.
"And how exactly is that?" I ask.
"He could have given you microscope slides with rare microscopic organisms living on it," she says. I laugh.
"Will?" I ask. She nods. "Well, just don't mess these sea monkeys like the blast ones," I tell her. We both break out into laughter.
"Want to skip school and go home and eat ice cream and watch random things on t.v?" Christina asks. I agree and we walk out of the supply closet and get our stuff from our homeroom. I grab my stuff without making contact with anyone. Even Tobias. We walk out to my car and go to my house where we spend the whole day doing nothing.
I'm sorry that it's been a while since I've updated. I've been working on my other story because I've been getting much more feedback on it. I really do want some comments from you all.
Disclaimer: Veronica Roth owns Divergent. I'm not Veronica Roth so I don't.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...