Tris P.O.V.
I pull back. Eveyone is staring at us. Lauren throws the guy who she was dancing with's arms off of her. She begins weaving her way through the people staring at us. Our friends just look at us. I look at Four who is staring at the floor. Then I look at Eric. He is staring at me, a sad look in his eyes.
It's Eric who causes it. The look on Eric's face is the thing that makes tears stream down my face as I run towards the door. I run out of the gym and I begin to run towards where I normally park my car at school but then I remember that I rode here with Eric. So I just run. I don't know where I'm going but I run. I begin to slow when I know that nobody is following me but I continue going. And I don't stop until I know that no one will find me.
Tobias P.O.V.
I just kissed Tris. And she ran away. I don't know why I did it or what caused it but it just happened. And it was stupid. She was fine before I kissed her. I was the only one that was miserable. Now, I've cause her to be miserable. I've caused Eric to hate me even more. And there's Lauren. She strides over to me furious.
"Why did she kiss you?" she asks me. I'm shocked. I realized that she noticed I still kind of like Tris but she didn't think it was me.
"She didn't kiss me. I kissed her," I tell Lauren, completely ignoring her. I don't look at Lauren. I just run after Tris. But she's already gone. When I make it out to the road, I don't see her. I knew she was a fast runner but not this fast. I just need to find her.
"Dude, you need to calm down," I hear a voice say behind me. I turn around. Zeke stands behind me. He was dancing with Christina right beside me and Tris. They both saw what happened. I simply nod, not knowing what to say. We walk to my car and get in. When I open the driver's side door, I see that Uriah is already sitting in the back seat. I start the car and begin to drive down the road.
Then I remember, how are all of their dates going to get home? I think Shauna actually drove but what are they going to do when the guys don't show up? But then I go back to my other thoughts. I need to tell everyone. I need everyone to know my secrets. Maybe it will take some of the pressure of today away if they all know my secret.
I pull into my apartment's parking lot. Sure enough, all of the girls, except Tris, are waiting in Shauna's car. Will and Christina stand at the driver side window. Will's car is beside Shauna's. I pull in next to Will.
"Have any of you heard from Tris?" Christina asks, as we walk over.
"No, she isn't going to resond this quickly," I say.
"You're right, but still. She's been missing for two hours," Shauna says. I look at my watch. I hadn't even noticed how much time had passed. They must have thought we were serching for her.
"Well, everyone get out your phones. We have some calls to make," Uriah says.
Tris P.O.V.
I ended up in a fire escape of a building. I didn't know what building until I saw people pull up in the parking lot. They're all huddled around a car making phone calls.
Phone calls to me. I cut off my phone so I couldn't get any calls or messages two hours ago when I ended up here. The problem is, I'm stuck. I could crawl up higher and wake up the people living here and also making noice. They'll end up seeing me if I do that. Or I could crawl down. And then they'll see me for sure. The escape ladder ends up right in front of Will's car. But I need to move, they'll notice me sooner or later.
So I climb. I climb up higher, quietly and quickly. They never seem to notice me. If they do, they pay no attention. I reach the roof. They still haven't noticed me. I crawl over to the door of the roof. I'm stuck up here. I can't go down into the building because there is nowhere in the building that I can go. So I just sit and wait.
While waiting, I think. What just happened? I knew Four still had feeling for me but I didn't see that coming. And even though I've enjoyed my time with Eric, I enjoyed that kiss. That kiss was better than all the ones I had with Eric. I like Eric, I really do. But I like Four. But I also know that things between us are going to be very awkward for a while. These thoughts just continue to flow through my head.
After an hour of waiting, I crawl over to the edge of the roof and look down. I see nothing down there. But everyones cars are still out there. They must have gone inside. This is my chance. I know I can escape. And if they're as distracted as they were earlier they won't notice me. They would have noticed me earlier if they were paying attention.
So I begin to climb down. There are five floors between the apartment and the roof. I should have enough warning if there is something wrong. I climb. Four floors. Three floors. Two floors. One floor. One floor is left between me and my friends. I can make it. I know I can.
I make my way down the thin steps. I'm right in front of the window when I realize that there is a couple sitting on the fire escape, busy in a dance between their lips. I could turn around but I have to make my move. They could seee me. All of my friends could see me. I inch my way back to the steps. The couple hasn't seen me yet. I might could make it. Just a few inches. Then, crunch. A sound comes out from under my foot. A jump and the couple looks up.
I squeaze my eyes shut. I took a deep breathe and then I release it. I open my eyes and Marlene and Uriah are staring right at me.
Two long chapters in a row! (Plus two cliff hangers in a row) And two days in a row! Yay! I've gotten more reads! Thank you all so much! Please comment what you think. If you have any suggestions on how to make this story better please tell me.
If I Stay comes out tomorrow and I'm going to go see it! I'm so excited! Who else is seeing it?
Disclaimer: I do not own Divergent. Ms. Veronica Roth does.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...