Tris P.O.V.
I lay on the couch cuddled under a blanket, surrounded by tissues.I blow my nose in one and turn my face back to the television where I'm watching a show called Once Upon a Time on Netflix. I started watching it yesterday afternoon and now I'm over halfway through season 1. I glance over at the clock and look at the time. I realize that it's 3:15 and that my friends are almost out of school. I grab my phone and cut it off so they can't bother me. I start a new episode and I'm under the show's spell as well.
About halfway through the show, I hear the door bell go off. I moan to myself knowing it is my friends and slowly get up. I walk to the door in my oversized hoodie and loose sweatpants and open it. A grinning Tobias stands on the other side.
"What do you want?" I ask, making my head ache. He holds up a pile of papers and hands them to me.
"I brought you your school work. And that isn't how you should address your prince, beautiful," he says. I move out of the way and he walks into the living room where I have been camped all day.
"First of all, I can address you like that. You are the one that made me sick. And, second, you probably don't want to call me Beauty. That would make you the beast and the beast is Rumple Stiltskin," I explain. We sit down on the couch and he puts his arm around. I pull a blanket over us and cut Netflix back on.
"Um, I've only seen Beauty and the Beast when you made me watch it. But, I'm pretty sure that the Beast's name was Adam," he says, giving me a confused look.
"In the Disney movie. But not on Once Upon a Time. I'm becoming obsesses," I explain, tuning into the show. He laughs and we sit and watch the show in silence.
"Well, what should I call you?" Tobias asks. I look up into his beautiful, blue eyes that are staring passionately at me.
"I don't know. It's up to you," I say. I peck his lips and curl back up against the side. Slowly, I drift off into a deep sleep.
Tobias P.O.V.
Tris falls asleep next to me on the couch. I cut off the show that we were watching, which happened to catch my attention, and kiss her forehead. I stand up and lift her off the couch. Her head rests on my shoulder as I carry her bridal style. I carry her up the steps carefully. I arrive at the top and navigate to her bedroom door. I gently open it up, struggling to do so with Tris's body in my arms. I carry her over to the bed and put her down under the sheets. I tuck her in and kiss her forehead.
I walk over to her desk and I see a pile of papers. I also see a pile of ripped envelopes with papers placed inside of them. I ignore the papers and pick up the envelopes. I take the paper out of the own on top.
Dear Beatrice Prior,
We wish to inform you that you have not been accepted into our school. We would be honored to have you in our department but now is not the time. You have great qualities that we love to have in our students. We don't have room for you in our classes, though. Feel free to apply again when we are accepting students for the next semester of classes.
City of Chicago University
I look through the other letters and they all have similar messages. There are at least a dozen letters in the stack. I'm immediately stricken by the fact that Tris has hidden this from me. She should have told me about this. I could have helped her with this problem. All of our friends could have.
I take a look at the other stack of papers. All of them are for other local colleges and universities that are still accepting applications. They all are partially filled out. They miss some of Tris's information, though. I put the forms back on the desk. I look down at the carpet floors and realize that I dropped an application. I pick it up and my jaw drops.
The form is completed and I don't recognize the school's name. I do recognize the city, though. Tris is applying to a school in New York City. I can't believe that Tris could be going to New York for college. I look over the form and I realize something else. The form is for the seniors that work on the School Newspaper Staff. One of them will get selected for this. Tris is easily the most talented in there. Tris could be going to New York.
Why didn't she tell me about this? Did she tell anyone about it? I never knew anything about it. Could she have applied to any other schools that aren't local. I thought our friend's plans were for all of us to stay together. I told Tris about the college recruiter that was at the biggest game of the year. He had taken a large interest in me but I haven't heard anything back. Our coach told me that a couple of other colleges and Universities that were located in the state of Illinois were interested in me, too. He didn't tell me what the exact schools were, though.
I walk into my apartment building. I'm worried about Tris. I'm worried about her going to New York. I'm worried about our future together.
"Hey, Four. What can I do for ya?" Bill asks. Bill is the guy is runs the front desk in my building.
"Hey. I need to pick up my mail," I explain. Bill gets up off his stool and goes into the back room where the mail is kept. He returns a few minutes later with a newspaper and a couple of envelopes. A manila envelope with the Northern Illinois Huskies symbol on it. I walk over to the old couch and chairs scattered around the lobby and sit down on a love seat. I rip open the envelope and gasp.
Did you enjoy this chapter? I hope you did! Did Tobias get into college? Is he still without a school? How about Tris? Is she going to get into a school in New York? You'll find out about Tobias next chapter. :) And that probably won't be out until tomorrow.
I guess I should explain the obsession above about Once Upon a Time. I started watching it and I'm on season two now. I'm totally obsessed and I'm sorry if you planned on starting to watch it and I spoiled part of season one for you.
Disclaimer: Veronica Roth own Divergent. I am not Veronica Roth so I don't own Divergent.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...