Tris P.O.V.
I walk to my locker alone, today. When I got out of my car I noticed Four staring at me. I didn't stop to talk to him like I normally would. I just walked past him. When I get to my destination, I see Christina waiting for me.
"So, how did the date go?" she asks, wiggling her eyesbrows.
"The date went great. He didn't kiss me, though. He came to my house later that afternoon and Marcus Eaton came over with his family for dinner. When Four showed up, Marcus was walking by the door and came out there and they got into a fight. While saying bye to Marcus and his family, Four went back to his apartment. So, I drove over there and we got into a fight about how he never really told any of us who he really is," I say.
"Oh, wow. You should have told me sooner," Christina says.
"Yeah, well. I knew you had plans so I didn't want to ruin them for you," I say.
"Oh, thanks. I have to go find Shauna. I'll see you later," she says. I continue looking through my books at my locker. After a few minutes, I hear someone walk up. I have a feeling I know who it is.
"Go away, Four. I don't want to talk to you," I say.
"I'm not Four," a familiar voice says. I turn around and see Eric standing there.
"Oh, um, hi. I thought you were Four," I say.
"Oh, well, I'm not. So, I take it your date didn't go very well," he says.
"Nope, it didn't," I say.
"So, do you want to go out Friday night?" he asks.
Tobias P.O.V.
"Wait, you told Eric you would go out with him?" Christina asks Tris as Zeke and I walk by.
"Yeah. He was super sweet about it, too," Tris says. Zeke sits down next to Christina and I sit down next to him.
Tris and Eric? She has to be kidding. On Saturday, Tris couldn't stand Eric. She has to be doing this to get back at me. She doesn't know that Eric and I are brothers but if she did, she would use that to get back at me.
I sit there pondering over what this means. Tris and Christina continue their girl talk and eventually Zeke joins in. When the teacher walks in, all the crazieness of the classroom stops. She begins class and I can't help but peek at Tris a couple of times. Zeke must of notcied because he slides a piece of paper over. It reads:
It's not nice to stare. Especially at girls who can't stand you.
I write back:
Shut up, Zeke. I was not staring at Tris!
Then, he quickly scribbles down:
You screwed up man! She is really excited about her date with Eric.
I look up and see my teacher watching me. She holds her hand out motioning for me to give her the note. She reads it and begins laughing.
"I think this is a note that the class would enjoy. It's about a special lady. Right, Four?" She asks. Tris looks over at me. She's already shooting daggers at me. The teacher reads it and everyone begins to laugh. I blush and so does Zeke. Tris, on the hand, has probably killed us in her head. Great! There goes my only other chance at getting her.
-Time Lapse to the next week-
Tris and Eric are sitting there in the cafeteria making googly eyes at each other. I just want this to stop. I sit here with all of our friends ignoring them.
I'm glad that their date went good. It just gives me more reasons to move on. I just can't, though. Tris is finally talking to me again but things are still a little awkward between us. I'm just hoping to get her back before homecoming. But I have the feeling I'm wrong. They're sitting down there whispering. Homecoming is in two weeks. Everyone already has dates. I need to start looking.
I look down at my tray. My hamburger doesn't look that appetizing anymore. I'm about to go dump my tray but then I hear a gasp.
"Tris, will you be my date to home coming?" Everyone Eric asks. I look over and he is down on one knee and her hands are in his.
"I would love to, Eric," Tris says. They stand up and kiss.
Why did I have to screw up so bad?
Sorry for such a short chapter! Thank you for reading this though! Please tell me what you think! I also need some ideas for couple's Halloween costumes! And I used the app for this so I'm very sorry because there is probably lots of mistakes.
Disclaimer: I don't own Divergent. Veronica Roth does.

City of Chicago High (Divergent)
FanfictionIt is Tris Prior's senior year. She has awesome friends and is really good writer. But what happens when her best friend, Four, asks her out? Will the rumors of the quarterback being very popular in the world of one night stands destroy them? Or whe...