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"Too much of anything is not healthy."

"Hey baby did you see my.." Nichkhun trailed off as soon as he saw his girlfriend holding his phone. With wide eyes and shocked face he ran towards Tiffany and grabbed his phone. "You shouldnt be reading this. "He exclaimed. But he knew he was too late, Tiffany's teary eyes gave it away. He knew she already read all the mentions some of their fans sent him. He cant do much about it but block the sender but the mentions still remains. Its not all hate tweets, some were congratulatory messages but still the amount of hate tweets their fans who doesnt accept their relationship was just too much. Too much that he even post a tweet that says "Too much hate in your life is unhealthy." but he knew he'll only gather more hate after this.

"Im sorry." Tiffany said as she hugged her knees to her chest and burying her face onto her hands.

"I should be the one saying sorry. Your fans wont be this harsh if I wasnt your boyfriend." Nichkhun put is phone back to his back pack and sat next to his girlfriend thats obviously crying now with soft sobs coming from her. "Its okay Tiff, its just words. They could hate me all their lives, I wouldnt even care as long as youre mine. Although Im a bit hurt that their all so into Taeny. Just Imagine, my girlfriend being shipped with her bestfriend more than me." Nichkhun laughed at his own lame joke. Tiffany raised her head and looked at him, tears still falling down her eyes.

"And youre still fine with this?"

"Its me youre with right now and not someone else. Im youre boyfriend right now and not someone else. And Im the one you love and not someone else. So how can I not be fine with it? Some bashing wont waver my feelings for you Tiff. Our fans will have to accept that eventually."

Tiffany threw herself to her boyfriend who immediately wrapped his arms around her slim body. "Hey, stop crying now, you'll get ugly."

"Im just.. Sorry.. Im sorry." Tiffany is genuinely sorry for him, partly because of the hate the poor guy was receiving from her fans and mostly because no matter how sweet and caring Nichkhun is, it still cant erase the fact that she is still in love with someone else and that she cannot love him more than that person.. more than Taeyeon.

And that's actually what she's really saying sorry for.


"You two should stop MIA-ing." Taeyeon was in the middle of her lyrics writing when suddenly Sunny sat on the chair next to her in the dining table.

"What? Who?"

"You and Tiffany. You think the management wont know that you two are having your own rendezvous?" Taeyeon's throat got dry at that. "Did the management know who I'm with?"

"No. Good thing your family is always there backing you up. Just make sure not to miss out on some of the practices, Manager Oppa's getting fried everytime and I personally think his patience isnt that long anymore."

"Jan went back to Thailand yesterday, so there's no reason for me to skip anymore meetings." Taeyeon tapped her pen on her paper where she already written two three lines for her new composition.

"Youre missing her already." It wasnt a question but Taeyeon froze for a second then thinks for an answer. "Your face says it all. Well, I gotta go to my radio show. Everyone went home for the weekends, youre not going?"

Taeyeon shook her head, she was just with her parents days ago so she decided to spend the weekend at the dorm and also to get some help for the song she wanted to make with the company's producers.

"Good then, someone can take care of our patient."

"Patient?" She repeated.

"Tiffany's sick. Didnt you know? You sure did spent a lot of time out with Jan that you already forgot about your bestfriend huh?" Sunny shook her head at her while she was feeling guilty that she didnt even know whats happening inside their door and with her members. "Well, I have to go now, just take good care of Tiff, she's asleep right now and i think Seohyun already left her some dinner before she went home. Its in the fridge. Just reheat it."

As soon as Taeyeon was alone, she found herself inside Tiffany and Yuri's room. Her feet dragged her there without her permission and without her knowing. Her heart sunk as she saw Tiffany curled up like a baby on top of the bed, with only her feet covered with the blanket. "You shouldve atleast turned the AC off babo-yah." 

She walked towards the bed right after turning the AC off and lay Tiffany on her back and covered her with the blanket properly. "Only stupid people get sick on summer, didnt you know?" She said in a low voice so she wont wake Tiffany up, but the latter stirred to her right and Taeyeon moved away so slowly that Tiffany had grasped her hand at the process.

"Dont go." Tiffany mumbled. Taeyeon wondered if her bestfriend was still asleep and when nothing came out of Tiffany again, she tried to pull her hand but the grip on it was so tight and so comfortably warm. She then remembered to check on Tiffany's temperature by placing her free hand on her forehead. "Youre hot Tiff." She chuckled as she realized what she just said and rephrased, "I mean youre boiling hot, ofcourse youve got a fever." Taeyeon shook her head to shoo her slight embarrassment away. "Although I do mean youre hot." She laughed again. "Aissh Too much byunness is really bad for my health." And Taeyeon knew it wasnt the only thing that's unhealthy for her, but also for wanting this moment to last forever, her holding Tiffany's hand.

"I guess I wont be going anywhere till later." She squeezed Tiffany's hand lightly and decided to seat on the floor and watched Tiffany sleep, not knowing that her phone outside the kitchen was ringing and her girlfriend's name was flashing on its screen.


Tiffany opened her eyes slowly, adjusting to the dark room, she then felt something in her hands and it didnt took her long enough to realize that it was a hand, a smile was slowly making its way on her still sleepy face as soon as she saw whose hand it was she was holding.

"Tae.." She muttered, brushing off some hair strands that was covering the older girl's face that she missed so much. Tiffany looked at the clock that says its now 7 in the evening so she's been asleep for more than 5 hours now. Taeyeon scrunched up her nose and opened her eyes, "Ohh youre awake already? How are you feeling? Are you hungry?" She asked, rubbing her eyes off of sleep. "Let me just reheat your food.."

"No, dont go. Stay." Tiffany's grip on Taeyeon's hands becoming tighter, making it known that she doesnt want the older girl to leave. "Come here." She tugged Taeyeon's hand, telling her to hop on the bed. "Sleep more, we can eat later." Oddly, Taeyeon didnt refuse and hopped over Tiffany who snuggled close to her once they were properly lying on the bed.

"How are you feeling now?" Taeyeon asked, her voice still drowsy. She didnt hear the answer cause she already fell back to sleep.

"Better, now that youre here with me." Tiffany knows she's being greedy, she knows she's being too much but if this is what it takes for her to get the happiness she really wanted, then so be it. Even if it meant waiting for this rare moments to happen.



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