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"No one knows you better than I do."

​Why did she chose to be with him and not took all the risk to be with her?

Why was she still in a relationship when her heart doesnt fully belong to him?

Why was she not with Taeyeon and instead with Nichkhun?

Why was she torn in between her not-just bestfriend and her boyfriend?

She loves him and at the same time she loves her too. She loves them both yet its different. They say one can love two people at the same time but never in the same intensity. And its true. Cause Tiffany knew that she loves Taeyeon more than she loves Nichkhun, but she loves him nonetheless, just that her feelings towards Taeyeon is somehow greater than what she feels about her boyfriend.

Although it was still vague to her, she's sure that she loves him and that she's in love with Taeyeon too. She always have been since day one, just that she was too scared to admit it to anyone, even to herself. So she end up being with him.

They started as friends first and she knew they were heading to something more. She wanted to stop it at first but thinking that Taeyeon was too straight of a leader that would think of the group first before anything else, she let it happen. They dated and had told everyone about it. Taeyeon never really said anything which contradictory to what she was hoping. She wants Taeyeon to stop her and to admit that she has feelings for her too, but it didnt happened. It never happened.

And so she continued dating him and she was dating her publicly. On-cam Tiffany can show her real feelings towards Taeyeon, she didnt care even if their fans got annoyed with their overly sweetness, it was only in front of the cameras that she can do that cause once the light was turned off and cameras was safely hidden, Taeyeon avoided being with her. So she could only took advantage of all the chances she could get just to have her moment with her beloved bestfriend.

And despite the older girl's avoidance, Tiffany's undying love for Taeyeon continued and had only grew stronger along side her blossoming feelings for Nichkhun. There were times that she felt like she was cheating on her, although she knew there's nothing to be guilty of, Nichkhun was the one she's dating with and not her. She tried to fend off the guilt and had focused on him, being with him and being his, and there she thought she had somehow forgotten how she loves Taeyeon so much, but she was wrong..

She was so wrong.

Cause as she took the bottle of vodka her and the rest of SNSD member's she's currently with inside a VIP room of a club, she felt like she's on the edge of exploding as Jessica and Hyoyeon kept on praising Taeyeon's girlfriend in front of her.

"I dont know who's luckier, Taeyeon or Jan.I mean come on. Taeyeon is Taeyeon and Jan is such a charming and sweet girl that she really followed Taeyeon here. I didnt even believed Tae at first when she said Jan's coming here till earlier." Hyoyeon said as she played her shot glass in her hand.

"Not to mention Jan knows a lot about Taeyeon. Did she researched about her or something? But got to admit, thats sweet of Jan to bring 9 gallons of ice cream the last time not to mention its all our favorite flavor. She wasnt only tryng to woo Taeyeon but all of us."

"Yeah, and i think Jan was perfect for Tae, although the age gap seems bothersome but heck, as long as Jan can swoon Taeyeon off her feet. I coudnt even care less." Hyoyeon blurted out.

"What do you think about her Seobang?" Yuri gulped. She was hoping that she wont be asked anything about Taeyeon's relationship considering they were at Tiffany's presence but it was Jessica who asked and when she asked something she needs to get an answer.

"Well..Uhh.." She cant believe she was stuttering as she looked over tiffany who she knows was pretending not to care at the topic. "Well she does seem she knows a lot about Taeyeon, since all those information can easily be searched on the internet, but yes, she's sweet and caring. I saw how she was the one taking care of Taeyeon despite her being the younger one." Yuri said, hoping that it came out neutral.

"Taeyeon acts like a kid sometimes. Did you see how Jan needs to wipe her mouth of that ice cream smudges? Jesus, watching those two so sweet with each other makes me want to puke." Hyoyeon admitted.

"And did you guys see how Jan was able to calm Taeyeon down when our manager said that we needed to do another revision on the new song? No one was able to do that. When Tae is angry. she's angry." Jessica added.

"Well, except for Tiffany." Yuri butted in.

"Thats because I know Taeyeon better." Was what all Tiffany had said and Yuri was sure it was out of annoyance that Jessica and Hyoyeon hasnt stopped talking about Taeyeon and her girlfriend.

"True. But Jan is her girlfriend and not you." Jessica simply said before drinking her shot. Yuri saw how Tiffany raised her head and glared at her girlfriend. "What? Im just pointing out that Jan is being a good girlfriend that she is. We're talking about Taeyeon here, she deserves the best, and Jan is her first girlfriend.I repeat, first girlfriend. And its not everyday that you find a perfect girlfriend like that. Well ofcourse no one is more perfect than my Yul Seobang." Yuri smiled back as Jessica smiled at her.

"Hey Tiff, where are you going?" Hyoyeon asked when Tiffany stood up.

"Out, I need some air to breathe."

"Whats wrong with her?" Came Jessica's question.

"You know the usual bestfriend-jealousy-over-new-gf. Didnt you had one of those with Yoona?" Came Hyoyeon's reply.

"Thats different. Im the girlfriend."

"Well Tiff is Taeyeon's girlfriend too. They just dont know it yet." Jessica and Hyoyeon end up laughing together. Yuri followed their friend with an excuse that Tiffany had drunk a lot and needed to keep an eye on.

Yuri found her leaning on the railing just couple of feet away of their VIP room, staring at the bodies grinding onto the music just below them.

"I knew Taeyeon for ten years Yul. And that girl just knew her, what, two weeks? And they praise her like she was there for Taeyeon ever single day since they met. Im the one who had been always with Taeyeon. Ive been with her through her ups and downs. I know every smile she does, every move she made and every words she didnt say,. I know all of it. I know her more.. I knew Taeyeon better."

Yuri pulled her in her arms. Wanting to soothe all the pain she was feeling right now although she knew she cant do much about it but offer her shoulder for Tiffany to cry on. "No one's questioning that Tiff. We all know you knew Taeyeon better than her."



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