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"Waiting is never an option but a virtue."

"10 seconds girls." The staff called out as the rest of the Girl's Generation members try to get to their position faster for their last performance of the concert. As soon as the spot light hit them, Taeyeon and the rest of the girls put on their best performance with their hyped up moves and to-die for looks and it made an all-kill through with their audiences whose been screaming for them throughout the 2-hour concert which is also their last stage performance in their Japan Tour.

It was Tiffany who made the closing speech,"Thank you all Sones for the support and hope you had fun with us. We love you guys." And ofcourse the whole stadium roared with screams that can literally shake the whole stadium down.

The nine girls was about to leave the stage as the lights went out but suddenly a familiar song played in the background, too familiar for Tiffany. Balloons started to fall from the sky along with confettis, it looked like it was raining of pink. Everything was in all shades of pink, even the lights.

"What's going on?" Taeyeon and Jessica asked at the same time to the stage manager who only smiled and pointed at the big screen behind them.

It was a compilation of Tiffany's videos and pictures since she was a baby till today that was played like a flashback and it stopped at a certain picture which Tiffany knew so well.

Its a picture of her with a pink roses tucked beautifully behind her ear. She looks like an angel with her eyes smiling like the moon amidst the darkness. It was bright, radiant and blindingly captivating.

Taeyeon felt like she lost her breath for a moment that she needed to hold Jessica for support. She had seen that photo only once, only a glimpse of it on Tiffany's phone four years ago and seeing it on the wide big screen was something she wasnt ready for.

It was a masterpiece. Taeyeon voiced out in her head. And she was brought back to reality as the girl in the screen spoke, "Its not my birthday yet. Whats with all these?"

Thousands of pink roses' petals fell from above them, joining the pieces of papers and balloons on the ground. Everyone was in an awe, all were feeling appreciative of the scenario playing in front of their eyes.

The stage rose, carrying a man that everyone knew so well wearing a white tuxedo and a bouquet of roses in his hand. He started to sing the song as he walked towards the girls who looked so surprise yet knowing.

As the song came to an end, Nichkhun knelt down in front of Tiffany and the bouquet of flower was offered and right n the middle of it was the same ring that he presented to her at the dinner few weeks ago.

"Its been four years since we started dating. And since then, my feelings for you seems to only grow deeper and stronger. I wake up every morning with the idea that youre mine and its enough to get me through the busy day I had without having to see you or be with you. But thats not enough for me anymore Tiff. I..I need you in my life and I cant imagine to live another day without you by my side. I love you Tiffany Hwang, will you take this silly boyfriend of yours as your future husband?" He ended with his speech by taking the ring from the flower and sliding it in Tiffany's ring finger.

She was speechless. She doesnt know what to say. She doesnt know what to react. She doesnt even know what to think. Everything became silent for her, as if her brain was shutting everything out and she can only see him, in front of her holding her hand and smiling at her. Everything went blurred after that as she was pulled in his arms and wet trails of tears fell from her eyes. Tiffany was crying, if its of happiness or of something else, she doesnt know. She just had the urge to spill all those tears out, so she cried even more as the hug became tighter. "Sorry, I know you told me to wait for more days but I cant do that anymore Tiff. I cant wait for you to be mine completely."

Meanwhile, Taeyeon seemed like being the breath she had just regained had left her chest again as Jessica supported her to walk out of the stage.

"Taeyeon.." Jessica started as soon as they reached their lounging room, her voice was full of concern and worry.

"Im okay Sica..Im okay." Jessica knew Taeyeon was trying to comfort herself, to make herself believe that she's okay and so Jessica didnt say anything, patted Taeyeon's head and went back on the stage while their leader went inside the room, locked the door and cried. Taeyeon cried all those tears that was threatening to fall as soon as she saw Nichkhun walked over Tiffany and presented her the flowers, right there and then she knew what was about to happen. She knew Nichkhun would propose and Tiffany will accept it. She knew this will happen eventually but her heart cant still seem to wrap around the idea that Tiffany will end up with him. Its only a matter of time for that too happen. But it was too soon. Too soon. Taeyeon almost heard her heart said. She let the room be filled with her silent sobs but at the same time its so loud that Taeyeonfeels like she cant hear anymore. It was so loud, louder than the cheers outside of the room and Taeyeon could only wish for everything to just end.

"Will you please listen to me first? Let me explain." Tiffany was running for Taeyeon who just made an obvious U-turn at the sight of the girl in the lift. The older girl had been trying to ignore Tiffany's presence since that act her now-fiance had pulled off back at the concert hall and of course Tiffany was trying to clear things between them. It was a cycle they had grown used to and its becoming their habit now. A very bad habit. Theyre currently back at the hotel where they stay and Taeyeon was just about to head out for a nice drink and was about to drunk her pain away if only she hadnt seen the girl who'd been giving her nothing but pain for years.

"What is there to explain Tiff? He proposed and you accepted. Is there any more clearer explanation than that? And besides why would you need to explain anything? Its not like Im your lover." Taeyeon opens her room door and before she could close it Tiffany forced herself inside, pushing the door wide open.


"Look,Im happy for you Tiff.." And the girl cut her off. "Youre not. Youre not happy Taeyeon, admit it."

She laughed, as to what she doesnt know exactly. Its probably the way Tiffany was forcing her to admit that she isnt happy about everything. "I am, okay? So stop.." And again, Tiffany cut her off, pulling her by her wrist so they're face to face. "No you stop. Stop pretending that you are cause youre obviously not. Stop pretending that youre okay that someone else had proposed to me. Just stop. I..I didnt said yes, okay? I didnt. I never did."

"Stop.. Stop.. Stop.." Stop making me hope.. Stop making me think that there's something more to this kind of relationship we have. Just stop. That was what Taeyeon wanted to say but her tongue didnt let her. "I dont even know why youre telling me all this.." And again, Taeyeon got cut off but this time it was with Tiffany's own pair of lips pressed against hers, preventing her to speak further more.

"Because I love you." Taeyeon thought she heard it wrong, like her brain is playing some games on her and that she's just only dreaming but it was all real.. And she had her proof when Tiffany repeated those three words again, "I love you." and it was enough for Taeyeon to forget about everything as Tiffany's soft lips captured hers again.



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