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"Partings are sad and painful. It always does."

Days passed too quickly. It became weeks then weeks became months till it became a year and a lot of things had happened already. Tiffany and Nichkhun finally announced their relationship as engaged and that their planning to get married the next year, ofcourse some of their fans was enraged about it but they never cared. Sooyoung's boyfriend also proposed to her but still the plans for the wedding is still undecided. Hyoyeon and her boyfriend is still in an on-off relationship while Sunny is still single along with Seohyun but she's starting to date openly with Yonghwa. Yuri and Jessica remained single in the public eyes but theyre real relationship has always been strong and none of their group members thinks they'll ever break up. Yoona was still busy with her dramas but never got any problems with her boyfriend Seunggi who was also at his peak of his career. Everyone else had a great year, everyone except for Taeyeon who was faced through a rough time as her relationship with Jan shocked the whole nation.

Several photos and videos of them spread in the internet in lightning speed. They had been very careful but situation already called for it to happen when one time Taeyeon brought Jan somewhere in Han river and a fan recognized Taeyeon and almost died as the said fan witnessed the two kissed and had the opportunity to take a video of it and thats when the chaos started.

Tons of hatred messages were thrown at Taeyeon who had been very apologizing about the sudden news of her being gay. Although it was only in Korea and that her international fans were more likely welcoming and very enthusiastic of her lesbian relationship with Jan, it still led her to quit the group. The burden was heavy and Taeyeon saw the big impact it had to their group that she decided to leave but ofcourse the whole Girl's Generation tried to stop her but their efforts were all futile.

Taeyeon and Jan almost broke up too because of that but Taeyeon stayed strong for them and was the one who hold Jan as paparazzi swarmed them everytime they were seen together. It only enraged Sones more to see that Taeyeon chose the girl she's dating than the girls she had been with for half her life. Taeyeon never explained, but she apologized that the news broke a lot of their fans heart. She never asked for their understanding, she never did but she did say sorry, for dating and for leaving the music industry for good.

As the Girl's Generation's contract ended, Taeyeon and the rest of the girls didnt signed again and doesnt want to renew it with the reason that they cant be out there on a stage with just an 8 members. Taeyeon was ofcourse mad about it but just like what Sooyoung said, "We cant be idols forever, but we're still Soshi, on or off the stage." it donned to Taeyeon that each of them had been thinking the same since everyone has now new goals other than being just an idol. Theyre growing old and their life cant be stuck with them dancing along pop music, eventually they'll chose to try something new and do something bigger than just being an idol.

Once the disbandment was announced, each of them head their own ways and took different paths. Yuri and Jessica went to states for some modeling proposal by Trumpt. Yoona focused on being an actress. Sunny went back to her family in the US. Sooyoung went back to the province to be with her family as well. Hyoyeon had become a full time Choreographer in SM. And Seohyun pursued her dream of becoming a teacher. Tiffany was also planning to move back in the US with her now-fiance as he too will stop his journey as a kpop-idol and will focus on the upcoming wedding for the next year.

"What are your plans now?"  Tiffany asked as she sat on Taeyeon's bed, looking at how their short leader packing her things. It was only the two of them that stayed for more days and theyve watched the rest pack their things and leave and with all honesty, it broke their hearts. The parting had been full of tears, promises and reminders to not forget each other and still call whenever theyre free and that one day they'll reunite again as nine.

"I dont know. Im not sure. I guess I'll just go to Jan for the meantime. The media is still on the hunt for me here."

"Will there be any difference? For sure Thai media will hunt you down as well." Tiffany watched as Taeyeon tried to zip her luggage off.

"Atleast I know they wont bash me there. I mean our international fans was more happy to know Im gay." 

"Do you think will it be different if its me?"

"I doubt that. Korea is a homophobic country." Taeyeon stood up and brushed her butt of dust thats non-existent. "Im done, you?"

"Already in the trunk. Khun is waiting for me outside."

"Ohh.. Then you go ahead. Im waiting for Jiwoong Oppa. He said he'll be a little late since he's stuck in a traffic jam."

"So this is it huh?"

"Soshi isnt done if that's what youre thinking. We're just inactive as Soshi but we're still Soshi. No contract needs to prove that."

"Right. Well, take care of yourself Tae. And call me when you feel like talking to someone who knows you better than yourself." Tiffany chuckled before stepping forward to Taeyeon who offered her arms to nurse Tiffany's body in a tight hug. "Good luck to us." 

"Yeah.. I really need that one." And both of them started spilling tears over each other's clothes as the hug tightens.

"Im going to miss you Tiff."

"Then come visit me whenever you want."

They broke out of the hug but still holding each other's hands. "I still love you." Tiffany said and it surprised Taeyeon a bit since theyve never talked about it ever after that night they had theyre confrontation, but Taeyeon smiled and kissed Tiffany's hands. "I still love you too."

"If ever Tae, that one day we meet again and were both single and we still love each other, what are we going to do?"

"Ask me again when that day comes." Taeyeon smiled again and kissed Tiffany's cheeks. "Lets all live happily, okay?" Tiffany nodded and extended her hand out to Taeyeon.

"Taeny forever?" Taeyeon chuckled as she find the little gesture a bit funny but nonetheless took Tiffany's pinky in hers. "Taeny forever."

Tiffany was long gone and Taeyeon's brother had already arrived and took her luggage to the car. Taeyeon walked around the dorm for the last time, touching every empty cupboards and all the furniture inside the house where she spent half her life with the girls she treats as sisters, all except Tiffany ofcourse because she was her wife, her other half. And its heart breaking for Taeyeon to see that the house that was once filled with 9 girls and full of memories was now empty. It was just like yesterday that she had stepped inside the house and now she's stepping out of it. It was just like yesterday... and Taeyeon knew that tomorrow will be different but one thing is for sure, together or not, Soshi will always be Soshi.

"SoNyeoShiDae..." Taeyeon whispered as she slowly closed the door of their dorm with a small smile tugging along the corner of her lips. "Forever." 



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