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"The worst bitter taste is deceit."

"Youre three days early." Taeyeon's asked, not making it obvious that her mind was somewhere else at the moment. Since Tiffany left Taeyeon found herself zoning out and thinking of the things she and Tiffany had talked about. Not that theyve talked a lot already but the question lingered inside her head and she was thinking why did the girl had suddenly asked her about it. And the fact that she had dismissed her date with her boyfriend when she was with her, not to mention Tiffany also referred to their talk asvery important, had made Taeyeon's head go in circles.

Why does she suddenly want to know? What couldve I answered? Those were some of the question she was asking herself but she cant figure it out. She cant put the pieces together. And she remembered the time when Tiffany had asked her if she's happy with Jan and if she's going steady with her. Tiffany had been asking her a lot of questions that she had never gave any answers to. She never gave any answers, partly because she doesnt want to or rather she doesnt know the answer, and something always comes up, preventing her to answer just like now, Jan came out of nowhere. A part of Taeyeon was disappointed and half of her was relieved. Disappointed because she never get to know why Tiffany was asking those things and that the talk had ended even before it started.  And relieved because she get to avoid answering. 

"Is that bad?" Jan tilted her head with her brows furrowed, thinking it was a bad timing and she'll only going to be a nuisance to her girlfriend. 

"No, ofcourse not. Just that, you didnt tell me and my schedule wont be free till then." Taeyeon reasoned out and its true, it just happened that today was their fee day after a week of excruciating dance practice and late night rearranging of music scores and the next three days wont be any difference. She was just hoping that Jan gave her a heads up first so she couldve made some arrangements for them to spend more time together.

"Its okay, Im not going to bother you anyway. I'll be just with a friend and we'll just go see some Suju-M's events till mom and dad arrive."

"So youre really not here because of me." Taeyeon's brows twitched realizing who in Suju-M Jan wants to see.

"You know youre really cute when youre jealous. You have this certain spark in your eyes. But no, who do you think I'll be here for if not for you?" Jan asked back, a wide smile on her face. If only theyre not in a public place, she wouldve had kissed her adorable girlfriend.

"Who knows? Maybe someone that comes with the name of Donghae?" Taeyeon muttered in a low voice, her mouth ended up in a pout that made her girlfriend burst into giggles.

"Youre really cute Taeyeon." Jan said pinching her girlfriend's cheek. They were now walking back to the dorm with a bag of their take outs in hand. "By the way, did  I interrupt something earlier? You and Tiffany seems like in a serious talk or something." Taeyeon froze but shrugged it off, she doesnt want for Jan to be suspicious with something she, herself, cant figure out just yet.

"She was just asking if.." Taeyeon paused and think for a while. She had this sudden urge to tell the younger girl what Tiffany asked. "If I have time to go shopping with her this coming weekend." But she chose not to. She's sure Jan will only ask her more things and she's not quite ready to explain herself.

"Ohh okay." 

"But I already told her Im going to be busy with you that time so she said she'll just go with her boyfriend." Lies tastes so bitter for Taeyeon. This was the first time she ever did it with Jan and god, she felt like she's the most horrible person on earth. She's not a liar. She'd rather keep it all inside than tell things she knew will backfired at her in the future.

"Tae?" A hum was Jan's answer. Taeyeon was busy opening the gate of the dorm for her girlfriend. "Did you ever had feelings for Tiffany?" The gate closed in a loud bang. Taeyeon had lost her grip on it as she heard the question. Wasnt it the same question Tiffany had threw her earlier? Why suddenly Jan asked her about it? Why are they asking the same thing to her? Why?

"I mean not just Tiffany, but to any of your members, did you.. Do you like any of them?" Jan rephrased and Taeyeon gave out a nervous laugh. "Its hard not to like them, really. Theyre adorable and the most down to earth people I know and yes I do like them.. All of them." Taeyeon hoped its enough to convince Jan and stop her from asking more.

"Tae.." Jan whined. " You know thats not what I meant."

"Why are you even asking me this?" Taeyeon felt a bit annoyed.

"I just want to know if there's someone I should be careful around with. Thats all." Jan said held her free hand and squeezed it tight. "Im sorry if I asked." The sound of Jan's voice easily washed away her annoyance. Its really a wonder for her how her girlfriend's voice could soothe her without any efforts.

"Jan.." She squeezed back. "There's no one else okay?" And there she was again, lying. She felt like she's hammering her own heart and she's choking herself with her own deceitful words. "Just you." She leaned in and pulled Jan closer. Taeyeon needed to erase the bitter taste of her own lies and the only thing to do that was to drown herself into Jan's sweet lips, so she kissed her girlfriend, hoping it would be enough to cover her lies. But she knew otherwise.



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